Written in Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries,Beowulfis an epic poem that reflects the early medieval warrior culture of Europe. Although scholars still debate some of the particulars, essentiallyBeowulfis the oldest surviving significant piece of literature in English. However, it's not the very oldest surviving thing written in English – that, if you wondered, is probably "Caedmon's Hymn," although scholars like to argue about that, too.Beowulfis also not in any kind of English that the average, modern English-speaker could recognize or read, since Anglo-Saxon was the language spoken in Britain before theNorman Conquestin 1066 – that is, before the extensive influence of French on the language we speak today. Still,Beowulfhas come to be recognized as the foundational epic of English and British culture, in much the same way that theIliadand theOdysseyare the foundational epics for ancient Greece.
Although it was written and recited in Britain,Beowulfis about characters in Scandinavia – Danish and Swedish warriors who battle fabulous monsters as well as each other. Why? Because the early Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of Germanic and Scandinavian tribes that invaded Britain beginning in the 5th century. As a result, there was a lot of shared cultural background between the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons looked back to their relatives across the sea when they wanted to tell stories about their own past. SoBeowulfisn't just a story told in one place (Britain) about another place (Scandinavia) – it's also told in one time about an earlier time. We know this because the culture in which the poem was recited, 8th to 11th-century Britain, had already been Christianized, but the Scandinavian culture that the poem describes is still pagan. Thus the poem is a way for the Anglo-Saxons to describe their own past – their ancestors who came from over the sea centuries before.
There are several different theories about the composition ofBeowulf, but the "original" would probably have been part of the oral culture of Anglo-Saxon Britain, a long epic or a series of short tales recited by bards at feasts and other gatherings. At some point between the 8th and 11th centuries, the epic was written down in a manuscript called the Nowell Codex, but it remained unpublished until 1815. In modern publications, the poem has been given the titleBeowulf, although in the original manuscript it is untitled.
Since its publication and translation two centuries ago,Beowulfhas captured the attention of scholars and audiences alike, becoming a keystone of English literary studies as well as the basis of several popular film and TV adaptations.J.R.R. Tolkien, a professor of languages atOxfordin the early 20th century, was especially interested inBeowulf. In 1936 Tolkien gave a lecture entitled"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics,"which was highly influential in establishing the epic as an important part of literary history. Tolkien also used many elements fromBeowulfas inspiration for his famous"Lord of the Rings" trilogy. But whether it is interpreted by critics or enjoyed as an adventure story,Beowulfhas become one of the most important pieces of literature in English.

Why Should I Care?

Come on, do wereallyhave to tell you why you should care aboutBeowulf? Beowulf, a great and glorious hero arrives from over the sea, clad in a shirt of shining mail, ready to do barehanded battle with a demonic monster.
If that leaves you wanting more,Beowulfis ready to deliver. Once the demonic monster bites the dust, his bigger, badder, even more demonic mom arrives to avenge her son's death. But that's still not the climax. Just in case anyone doubted Beowulf's prowess at this point, a dragon shows up to test him to the limit. This isn't dry-as-dust literature that you fall asleep over; it's the kind of thing you pay ten bucks to see while eating popcorn! (Although the recentBeowulfmoviegoes just alittlebit off-script.)
OK, if you're still not hooked, try this:Beowulfis the oldest major work of literature in English. In fact, it's in such old English (technical name: "Old English") that it seems like a foreign language to us today, because our words have changed so much since it was written. It's a glimpse of an ancient Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian culture. But this history lesson isn't just names, dates, and agricultural innovations. Instead, it's gleaming golden armor, straining sinews, and wild drunken parties that go all night because everyone would rather tell stories about past glorious victories than think about the fact that they'll probably die horribly tomorrow. It's a brutal world, but one that offers the possibility of fame – and maybe even fortune, if you're lucky.
In short, it's dragons and demons and heroes,andit'll get you some street cred with your teacher for having read the first recorded epic poem written in some form of English.


Beowulf Summary

How It All Goes Down

King Hrothgar, the ruler of the Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. Every night, Grendel attacks King Hrothgar's wealthy mead-hall, Heorot, killing Danish warriors and sometimes even eating them. Hrothgar was a great warrior in his time, but now he's an old king and can't seem to protect his people. Fortunately, a young Geat warrior named Beowulf travels to Heorot Hall from his own lands overseas to lend a helping hand – literally.
After explaining that he owes Hrothgar a favor because Hrothgar helped out his father, Beowulf offers to fight Grendel himself. King Hrothgar gratefully accepts his offer. The next time Grendel attacks Heorot Hall, Beowulf is waiting for him. Choosing to fight Grendel in hand-to-hand combat, Beowulf wrestles the demon into submission and eventually tears off his arm at the shoulder. Mortally wounded, Grendel flees into the wilderness and dies. Beowulf, Hrothgar, and their followers throw a wild party to celebrate. Hrothgar also gives Beowulf many presents and treasures to reward him for his heroic defeat of the demon.
Unfortunately, Grendel has an overprotective mother who decides to avenge her son. While all the warriors are sleeping off the party, she attacks Heorot Hall. But when the warriors wake up, she panics and flees back to her lair, a cave underneath a nearby lake.
Beowulf, his Geatish warriors, and some of Hrothgar's Danish warriors track her there. Beowulf dives into the lake and finds the cave, where he takes on Grendel's mother in another one-on-one battle. Seizing a nearby sword from Grendel's mother's stash of treasure, he slays her, even though her poisonous demon blood melts the blade. When Beowulf returns to the surface, carrying the sword hilt and Grendel's severed head, the Danish warriors have given him up for dead, but his own Geatish followers are still waiting patiently. When everyone sees that Beowulf has survived this second challenge, there's even more partying and gift-giving.
Finally, the Geats take their leave of the Danes; Beowulf says goodbye to King Hrothgar and sails back to Geatland, where he is a lord in the court of King Hygelac. Eventually, Hygelac and all his relatives are killed in different blood-feuds, and Beowulf becomes the King of the Geats. Beowulf reigns as king for fifty years, protecting the Geats from all the other tribes around them, especially the Swedes. He is an honorable and heroic warrior-king, rewarding his loyal thanes (warrior lords) and taking care of his people.
But one day, Beowulf finally meets his match: a dragon, woken by a thief stealing a goblet, begins attacking the Geats, burning villages and slaughtering people. Beowulf takes a group of eleven trusty warriors, plus the thief who knows where the dragon's lair is, to the barrow for a final showdown with the monster. When they see the dragon, all but one of the warriors flee in terror. Only one man, Wiglaf, remains at Beowulf's side. With Wiglaf's help and encouragement, Beowulf is able to defeat the dragon, but he is mortally wounded in the process.
After Beowulf's death, the Geats build an enormous funeral pyre for him, heaped with treasures. Once the pyre has burned down, they spend ten days building an enormous barrow (a large mound of earth filled with treasure) as a monument to their lost king.