PPG Meeting Minutes
18/11/2013 18.30 Stennack Surgery
Fiona Vinnicombe/Dr Freegard/Win Cothey/David Miles/Chris Parker/Linda Petzing/Fred Richards/Marilyn Richards/Pam Stevens/Oonagh Wooton/Anita Howard/Jenna Oliver/Kathryn Floyd/Elizabeth Hoskins/Pat Sanger
1. Apologies
Chris Gendall, Dr Rupert Manley, Ann Buckley, Liz Mogridge, Jane Parker
Approval and adoption of pre-circulated minutes of 2nd September 2013
2. Minutes were agreed. No changes to be made
Introduction of Stennack Staff attending – Jenna Oliver (Reception Manager) and Anita Howard (Senior nurse) and Dr Will Webb (lead GP for prescribing)
Matters Arising
Flu Clinic Update
Initially the surgery held two Saturday clinics at the Stennack and three clinics at Carbis Bay. The surgery advertised the clinics in the Times and Echo, Cornishman and advertised around the surgery.
Following these clinics, letters were sent to patients who had missed these clinics and the surgery held an additional Saturday clinic as well as clinics being held throughout the week.
Dr Sam Freegard reported that the surgery had ordered more vaccines this year than any previous years. Letters were not sent out initially, but were later sent to patients if they had missed the first clinics. The first clinics were drop in sessions and the final clinic had booked appointments.
Feedback from group: To keep to the same format, but the use of more widespread and earlier advertising to target relevant patients. Putting messages on scripts and reminder slips with dispensed medication.
It was agreed to discuss it further at next Summer’s PPG meeting.
Waiting Room
Name Boards
Linda has chased up the company but they have not delivered the samples at present. As soon as they arrive, Linda will let all the members know, so that they can see them if they wish to. (to carry forward)
Design of waiting room
The Practice are organising a meeting with FOSS to discuss the plans. (to carry forward)
David asked if the clinicians are using the microphones as it has been noted that on a number of occasions when PPG members have been in the waiting room they have not been used. Fiona will continue to encourage all clinicians to use the microphones. Dr Sam Freegard said he would speak to his Partners.
Waiting Room Ambassadors
Linda asked if anyone would like to volunteer to spend some time in the waiting room talking to patients about the PPG. If interested then please let her know and she will arrange times and some training.
RMS Update
Re: Patients not receiving phone calls to book hospital appointments, just letters.
Linda asked for specific examples so these queries can be investigated.
DNA Update (Did Not Attend)
Letters are being sent to patients if they DNA three times in six months. October was the first month that Fiona had to send out a second letter. There were five patients who had DNA’d a further three appointments in the last six months. Patient’s notes are checked prior to sending these letters to ensure there is no valid reason for non attendance.
3. Membership figures/recruitment
Static membership at present. 20 in consultation group and 55 on ‘virtual’ group. Members were asked to promote the group. Please could you let Linda or Fiona if anyone is interested in joining.
4. Questionnaire 2014
Questionnaire was discussed and agreed. This can now be printed up ready for distribution locally, available on the website and through “Survey monkey”.
5. Christmas Meet and Greet day
It was decided that this would happen again on 11th December to meet and greet patients in the waiting room. Please let Linda know if you could spare an hour to attend this day.
6. Confidentiality/TOR amendment
The importance of confidentiality was discussed in light of the excellent involvement now being offered by the members. Linda asked all the consultation group members to sign the Practice confidentiality form. Please could all members sign their copy and return it to the surgery.
All members agreed. Forms were handed out – Please sign and return to Reception for the attention FV/LP by 31 December 2013 at the latest.
7. NHS Kernow Head of Prescribing and Medicines Optimisation - Georgina Praed
Amanda Allen – Pharmacy Manager, Boots, Stennack
Sara Oliveira – Pharmacist, Boots, Stennack
Dr Will Webb – Lead GP for prescribing
We were delighted to welcome the above guests to the meeting to have an open discussion about various aspects of medication.
Georgina gave an overview of her role across Cornwall.
Subjects discussed –
· Managed repeats – Repeat medication managed by the pharmacy. The importance of clear communication with the GPs especially around medication amendments.
· Blister packs – Again the need for clear communication between the GPs and the pharmacies regarding any changes required.
· Wastage – Georgina informed the group that almost £3m of medication is wasted across the County each year. She explained a new campaign being launched “Think!” which aims to saves £2m. She mentioned that those medications linked to diabetes were the highest group for wastage.
· Quantity of medication ordered – patients are being asked to only order what they need, not automatically everything on their list of repeats.
· 20+meds (poly pharmacy) – Georgina talked about those patients who take more than 20 different medicines. These patients are being regularly reviewed by their GPs.
· Roadshow – Georgina and her team have offered to come to the surgery in the New Year to promote a campaign supporting the above. The PPG very much supported this and offered their help.
· Amanda talked about Medicine User Reviews (MURs) which all pharmacies offer to help patients get the most from their medication and answer any queries the patient may have. GPs value this supportive role. These can also be offered to housebound patients.
PPG members were able to ask specific questions about services available. Georgina has kindly offered to answer any questions the group may have in the future.
Next Meeting – Monday 24th February 2014, which will be followed by the AGM.
Details to follow
Meeting closed 8.15pm