(this is only state testing dates and does not include District required assessments)
Spring 2016 Test Dates:
Feb 29, Mar 1: 9th Grade FSA Writing
Mar 2, Mar 3: 10th Grade FSA Writing
Mar 8 – 10: FSA Writing Retake for students who did not pass the 10th grade FSA ELA
(students must take the Writing test in order to sit for the FSA Reading Test in April)
**Mar 29 & 30: FCAT Reading Retake for students who did not pass the FCAT Reading
(for students who entered 9th grade SY prior to SY 13-14)
Mar 31 &Apr 1, Apr 5 & 6: FSA Reading Retake for students who did not pass the 10th grade FSA ELA (must have taken the FSA Writing Retake in March)
Apr 4: NGSSS Alg 1 EOC Retake for students who did not pass the NGSSS Alg 1 EOC
(for students who took Alg 1 prior to SY 14-15)
Apr 7 & 8: Make Up testing for FCAT and FSA Reading Retake, and NGSSS Alg 1 EOC Retake
Apr 11 & 12: 9th Grade FSA Reading (all 9th graders must attend both days)
Apr 13 & 14: 10th Grade FSA Reading (all 10th graders must attend both days)
(must have taken the FSA Writing in Feb/Mar to sit for the Reading test)
Apr 18 – 21: FSA Alg 2 EOC (2 day test, students must attend both days of test)
Apr 25: US History EOC (1 day test – ALL students in US History will test, including students in AP US History on this day)
Apr 26 – 29: FSA Geo EOC (2 day test, students must attend both days of test)
May 3 – 6: FSA Alg 1 EOC for students currently enrolled in Alg 1 and **students who have not passed the Alg 1 EOC. (2 day test, students must attend both days of test)
***May 9 & 10: Bio EOC
EOC’s will count 30% of the entire course grade (both semesters)
10th Grade FSA ELA (Writing and Reading) a passing score is required for graduation.
(Must complete both parts to receive a score)
Students must make every attempt to be at school for each required exam.
Make up days are not guaranteed as we can experience test delays due to technical difficulties in addition to students being involved in several tests that may conflict with make up test days. Students who are absent for one or both parts of an EOC exam will receive a zero for their EOC score which will be factored into the course grade.
**updated 1/11/2016 ***updated 2/23/2016
Other important information Parents and Students must know:
* Electronic Devices—Students are not permitted to have any electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones and smartphones, at any time during testing OR during breaks (e.g., restroom), even if they are turned off or students do not use them. If your student is found with an electronic device, his or her test will be invalidated.
* Calculators—For FSA EOC assessments, approved scientific calculators may be used during SESSION 2 ONLY. A calculator is provided online. Students may access the online calculator for practice in the FSA Portal. If students have handheld calculators during Session 1, their tests will be invalidated.
* Testing Rules Acknowledgment—All FSA and FCAT tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads, “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” Prior to testing, test administrators read the rules to students, and students acknowledge that they understand the testing rules by signing a statement in their work folder for FSA tests or by clicking a box next to the acknowledgement for FCAT/NGSSS tests.
* Discussing Test Content after Testing—The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment states, “Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details about the passages or items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.” Please make sure your student understands that “discussing” test content includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media websites. This policy is not intended to prevent students from discussing their testing experiences with their parents/families.
* Test Invalidations—Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during testing, their tests will be invalidated. FDOE employs a test security company, Caveon Test Security, to analyze student test results to detect unusually similar answer patterns. Student results within a school that are found to have extremely similar answer patterns will be invalidated.
* Leaving Campus—If your student leaves campus before completing a test session (for lunch, an appointment, or illness, etc.), he or she WILL NOT be allowed to complete the test session. If your student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for him or her to wait and be tested on a make-up day. Please remember not to schedule appointments on testing days.
For a listing of all tests and test windows please refer to the Polk County School Website. Scroll down to the link “2015-2016 Testing Calendar”
For more information about the FSA assessment program, please visit the FSA Portal at . For information regarding FCAT/NGSSS tests, please visit and then select Florida. Practice tests are available on both sites.
Thank you for encouraging your student to be prepared to do his/her best on each test, insuring they get a good night’s sleep, and keeping absences to a minimum.