1. Achebe: Morning yet on creation Day,1975
  1. Soyinka: ‘Cross Currents “The New African” after cultural encounter’1986
  1. Derek Walcott: “ The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory” (1992)

The Routledge Reader in Carribbean Literature: Eds. Alison Donnel and

Sarah L Welsh London, 1996 pp 503-07

  1. Albert Gomes: “Through a maze of colour” (1974) Ibid; 166-17
  1. Linda Hutcheon: “Circling the Downspout of Empire: Postcolonialism and

Postmodernism” Ariel 20,4,Oct 89;149-175.

  1. W.D. Ashcroft: “ Intersecting Marginalities Post colonialism and Feminism”

Kunapipi 11.2 (1980) 23-35.

  1. Deepika Bahri: “Once more with freeing: What is Post Colonialsm Ariel 26.1

(1995): 51-82

  1. Relph Bauer: “Criticism as the Boundary: Postcoloniality and the Worlding of

Literature” Centennial- Review 42.3 (1998); 405-16.

  1. Homi Bhabha: “Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse”

Oct.28 (1984); pp 125-3 Nation and Narration NY: Routledge 1990.

  1. Laura Chrisman: The Imperial Unconscious representation of Superior Discourse”

Critical Quarterly 32.3 (1990): 38-58.

Suggested Reading

  1. Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. Trans. Constance Farrington. New York: Grove Press, 1963.
  2. Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffen. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post Colonial Literatures.London: Routledge, 1989.
  3. ------, eds. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1995.
  4. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty.Outside in the Teaching Machine. New York and London: Routledge, 1993.
  5. Bhabha, Homi K. Nation and Narration. New York: Routledge, 1990.
  6. Brydon, Diana, and Helen Tiffin, eds. Decolonising Fictions. Sydney, Austral.: Dangaroo P, 1993.
  7. Childs, Peter, and Patrick Williams, eds. Introduction to Post-Colonial Theory. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1997.
  8. Gloversmith, Frank, ed. The Theory of Reading. Brighton, Sussex, UK: Harvester P, 1984.
  9. Gates, Henry Louis. Black Literature and Literary Theory. New York: Methuen, 1984.


1. New Criticism A. T.S.Eliot

B. F.R.Leavis

C. I.A.Richards

D. Cleanth Brooks

2. Structuralism A. Saussure

B. Levi-Strauss

C. Roland Barthes

3. Feminism A. Anglo-American Feminism

B. French Feminism

C. Black and Third World Feminism

4. Psychonalysis A. Freud

B. Jung

C. Lacan

5. Deconstruction A. Derrida

B. Paul De Man

Suggested Reading

1.Althusser,L. (1969) For Marx. London: Allen Lane.

2.Ashcroft,B.,Griffiths,G. and Triffin, H. (1989) The Empire Writes Back London and New york: Routledge

3. Barthes,R. (1977) Image,Music,TextGlasgow: Fontana

  1. Barthes, R. (1967) The Elements of Semiology,London: Cape
  2. Baudrillard J(1983) Simulations, Newyork: Semiotext (e)
  3. Bhabha,H. (ed) (1990) Nation and Narration, London and Newyork,Routledge
  4. Brooks,Cleanth The Well Wrought Urn.
  5. Brooks and Warren Understanding Poetry
  6. Chodorow,N.(1989) Feminism and psychoanalytic Theory: Cambridge

Polity Press.

  1. Culler, J. (1976) Saussure, London Fontana
  2. Culler, J. (1975) Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature. London Routledge and Kegan paul
  3. Derrida, J. (1976) Of Grammatology. Baltimore: JohnsHopkinsUniversity Press
  4. Empson,William Seven Types of Ambiguity
  5. Evans, H. (1997) Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought, Cambridge Polity Press
  6. Freud,S. (1977) Three Essays on Sexuality. The Pelican Freud Library.
  7. Harvey,D. (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford;Blackwell
  8. Hutcheon,L. (1989) The Politics of Postmodernism, London and Newyork


  1. Irigaray, L .(1985) This Sex Which is Not One. IthacaNY; Cornell

University press

  1. Iser,W. (1987) The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Responses,

London and Newyork: Routledge & Kegan Paul

  1. Lacan,J. (1977) Ecrits: A SelectionLondon ;Tavistock
  2. Lodge,D. (ed.) Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, London; Longman
  3. Lyotard, J. F (1984) The Postmodern Condition. Minneapolis: University

of Minnesota Press.

  1. Moi, T. (1985) Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory

London and Newyork: Routledge

  1. Norris,C. (1987) Derrida Cambridge M .A. Harvard University Press
  2. Richards, I. A. Practical Criticism
  3. Said, E. (1978) Orientalism,London: Routledge
  4. Saussure,, (1960) Course in General Linguistics, London ; Peter Owen




1. Reader-Response Theory Stanley Fish

2. Marxism A. Classical Marxism

B. Louis Althusser

C. Raymond Williams

3. Postmodernism A. Fredic Jameson

B. Ihab Hassan

4. Postcolonialism A. Edward Said

B. Homi Bhabha

C. Helen Tiffin

5. New Historicism A. Stephen Greenblatt

Suggested Reading

  1. Althusser,L. (1969) For Marx. London: Allen Lane.
  2. Ashcroft,B.,Griffiths,G. and Triffin, H. (1989) The Empire Writes Back
  3. London and New york: Routledge
  4. Barthes,R. (1977) Image,Music,TextGlasgow: Fontana
  5. Barthes, R. (1967) The Elements of Semiology,London: Cape
  6. Baudrillard J(1983) Simulations, Newyork: Semiotext (e)
  7. Bhabha,H. (ed) (1990) Nation and Narration, London and Newyork,Routledge
  8. Brooks,Cleanth The Well Wrought Urn.
  9. Brooks and Warren Understanding Poetry
  10. Chodorow,N.(1989) Feminism and psychoanalytic Theory: Cambridge
  11. Polity Press.
  12. Culler, J. (1976) Saussure, London Fontana
  13. Culler, J. (1975) Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature. London Routledge and Kegan paul
  14. Derrida, J. (1976) Of Grammatology. Baltimore: JohnsHopkinsUniversity
  15. Press
  16. Empson,William Seven Types of Ambiguity
  17. Evans, H. (1997) Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought, Cambridge
  18. Polity Press
  19. Freud,S. (1977) Three Essays on Sexuality. The Pelican Freud Library.
  20. Harvey,D. (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford;Blackwell
  21. Hutcheon,L. (1989) The Politics of Postmodernism, London and Newyork
  22. Routledge
  23. Irigaray, L .(1985) This Sex Which is Not One. IthacaNY; Cornell
  24. University press
  25. Iser,W. (1987) The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Responses,
  26. London and Newyork: Routledge & Kegan Paul
  27. Lacan,J. (1977) Ecrits: A SelectionLondon ;Tavistock
  28. Lodge,D. (ed.) Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, London; Longman
  29. Lyotard, J. F (1984) The Postmodern Condition. Minneapolis: University
  30. Of Minnesota Press.
  31. Moi, T. (1985) Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory
  32. London and Newyork: Routledge
  33. Norris,C. (1987) Derrida Cambridge M .A. Harvard University Press
  34. Richards, I. A. Practical Criticism
  35. Said, E. (1978) Orientalism,London: Routledge
  36. Saussure,, (1960) Course in General Linguistics, London ; Peter Owen





  1. Nature and Meaning of Research: Field of Research- Needs for Research-Selecting a topic- Preparing a Thesis Statement.
  2. Collection: Purpose and Process- Primary and Secondary Data Review of earlier Research- Web Site Search- Using of Index cards and NAC cards-Preparation of a Writing Bibliography.
  3. Preparation: Selection of Subject- Narrowing down to focus Hypothesis- Purpose of Thesis- Methods of Research- Interviews Questionnaire- archival research Interpretation- Analysis- Evaluation- Outline-Drafting.
  4. Documentation: Introduction- Chapterization- Conclusion- Appendices- Works cited- Formatting Thesis: Margin and Spacing- Pagination- Title Page-Certificate- Abstract- Preface- Acknowledgement- Contents- Punctuation, Spelling, Grammar and Using Quotations- Revision- Editing- Parenthetical Documentation (MLA style sheet)-data documentations.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Joseph Gibaldi et-al, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th edition.
  2. Brooks and Warren Modern Ehetoric
  3. Kanakaraj S & Kalithasan N- Anatomy of Rhetoric
  4. Moore R.H Effective Writing
  5. Bateson F.W The Scholar Critic
  6. Thorpe Aims and Methods of Scholarship
  7. George Watson The Literary Thelsis
  8. Anderson et al Thesis and Assignment Writing

Thesis and project work

9. Barzun and Groff The Modern Researcher

10. Robert Dees Writing the Modern Research Paper



1.Bharata’s Natya Sastra : Chapters 1 & 2,6

2. Bamaha’s Kavyalankarasutra : Chapters 1 & 2

3. Vamana’s Kavyalankara : Chapters 1 & 2

4. Dandin’s Kavyaadarsha : Chapters 1 & 2

5. Kuntaka’s Vakrokti Jeevitah : Chapters 1 & 2

6. Abhinava Gupta’s Abhinavabharathi, On Natyasastra 6.32

7. Ananda Vardana’s Dhanyaloka : Chapters 1 & 2

8. Mahima Bhat’s Vyakti Viveka : Chapters 1 & 2

9. Bharthrhari’s Vakyapadiya : Prathama Kanda

Suggested Reading

A.B. Keeth : A History of Sanskrit Literature

Winterniz : A History of Indian Literature

P.V. Kane : History of Sanskrit Poetics

S.K.Dey : Sanskrit Poetics

Kapil Kapur : Literary Theory: Indian Conceptual Frame East West

Affiliated Press, 1998.


  1. Ahmad, Aijaz “ Indian Literature” In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures, Delhi: OxfordUniversity Press, 1992.
  2. Aurobindo The Future Poetry and Letters, Pondicherry: Aurobindo Ashram,1972.
  3. Coomaraswamy, Ananda “ The Dance of Shiva” Bombay: Asia Publishing House,1948.
  4. Devy,G.N “ Tradition and Amnesia”, After Amnesia: Tradition and Change in Literary Criticism, Nombay: Orient Longman,1992.
  5. Iyengar,K.R Srinivasa “Introduction” Indian Writing in English, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers,1984.
  6. Mukherjee, Meenakshi Realism and Reality: The Novel and Society in IndiaNew DelhiOxfordUniversity Press, 1985 (Selections)
  7. The Anxiety of Indianness The perishable Empire: Essays on Indian Writing in English New Delhi Oxford University Press,2000.
  8. Towards the Understanding of a species called “Indian Writing in English” The Swan and the Eagle: Essays on Indian English Literature New Delhi: Vision Books,1999.
  9. The Function of Criticism in India at the Present Time, The Function of Criticism in India: Essays in Indian Response to Literature, Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages,1986.
  10. Nemade, Balachandra “Nativism” Essays in Criticism, Ed. Makrand Paranjpe

New DelhiSahityaAcademy 1995.