
The Honorable ______


City, State, Zip

Dear Senator/Delegate______:

Your past support of the needs of higher education in Virginia is well documented, and I want to personally thank you for your efforts. As a/an (alum/friend/faculty member/staff member/student) of Norfolk State University and a constituent in your district who exercises the right and obligation to vote in local, state and national elections, I want to express my strong interest in the General Assembly’s support of one of our most precious resources in the Commonwealth – the students we are graduating from our schools, colleges and universities in the state of Virginia.

While I understand the many demands of the current state budget, I also know that the strength of any community’s economic revenue base is contingent upon the types of business and industry it can attract and keep. Norfolk State University has a tradition of producing graduates that contribute to the growth of business and industry in the commonwealth and beyond. Each year, the university’s graduates join the workforce to provide much needed support in critical needs areas such as nursing, education, engineering and technology. Your support of operating and capital funding for the university is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this letter and for all of the work that you do for the citizens of the Commonwealth.


Sample Personal Notes to Legislators

The Honorable______


City, State, Zip

Dear Senator/Delegate ______:

Thank you for your efforts in support of higher education. As a constituent of yours and a graduate/friend of Norfolk State University, I am most interested in the General Assembly’s favorable treatment of educational issues. Norfolk State is a vital part of our community and as such is deserving of your support.

With your continued support Norfolk State University and education in the Commonwealth, our students will continue Achieving with Excellence .



The Honorable ______


City, State, Zip

Dear Senator/Delegate______:

As a constituent of yours, I am writing to express my support of Norfolk State University and its funding initiatives in the 2006 session of the General Assembly. Please continue your efforts on behalf of education and specifically those as they relate to my alma mater, Norfolk State University.

Thank you for all you do for education and for the Commonwealth of Virginia.