Present: Chairman P. Lenehan, Cllrs G. Hawkins, L. Harris, S.Mealing, T. Samson.
Public Fifteen minute open Forum- No members of the public present.
1. To accept Apologies for Absence: Cllr Higgs (work commitment)
2. To confirm minutes of the Meeting held on the 3rd May: having been circulated and read the minutes were approved and signed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Hawkins, seconded by Cllr Mealing.
3. Declaration of interests and pecuniary interests of items on agenda: Cllr Samson declared an interest in item 8 – Church Car Park; Cllr Samson is one of the residents who has permission to park in the car park.
i. Balances of accounts including Petty Cash - Barclays Current Acc - £1571.50 less unpresented chq £70-54= £1500.96; Barclays Business Reserve Acc -£10810.08; Petty Cash -£71.65. Petty Cash spent £50 (voucher for Mr Ralph for Audit)
ii. Cheques to beauthorised: Viking Direct (paper & toners)£196.09.
iii. Monies Received: £10 –allotment rents
iv. Letter to Bankto transfer funds:No transfer required.
All finance matters proposed by Cllr Lenehan; seconded by Cllr Mealing
. 5. Report from Parish Hall Rep: No report as meeting being held next week. Cllr Mealing was asked to let the committee know that on the weekend of Open Gardens there were no toilet rolls or washing–up liquid. Cllr Hawkins also reported that the drain by the back door is blocked.
6. Correspondence:
(a) Late Correspondence:
1. Resignation letter from John Clark – a thank you letter to be sent to John thanking him forhis input and work as a Councillor. Notice of Casual Vacancy has been posted.
2. Thank you letter from DAAT- the recent collection during the APM raised £61.46 plus the PC’s donation of £50 for the Speaker.
3. Village of the Year- Channel 4 are making a new programme with Penelope Keith and judges visiting villages across the UK-Cllr Lenehan to look at the application form with a view to entering the competition.
4. Chairman’s Garden Party at the Knowle- Cllr Lenehan unable to attend due to family commitment- the Clerk to ask if Cllr Hawkins can attend in her place.
(b) Items for circulation:A letter from Highways re the channel that runs down past the Moor had been received however it had been illegible. The Clerk to send a copy to Cllr Hawkins.
7.To Consider Planning Application 17/0801/LBC- Higher Westcott Farm-Structural repairs to part of north rear elevation wall- as this is a Listed Building Consent application the PC will defer to the relevant consultants.
- 8. To Discuss Church Car Park- Cllr Samson declared an interest in this item as he parks his camper van in the Church Car Park. The PC had received a copy of a letter sent from a resident to Talaton Parochial Church Council (PCC) who felt that camper vans should not be allowed to park in the Church car park. The original agreements were looked at and Cllr Lenehan will contact the PCC with a view to attending a meeting to discuss the matter further.
9. To Discuss Parish Council Website – The Clerk to apply to NALC for a grant to upgrade the website to make it compliant with the new Transparency Code. Vision ICT had quoted a cost of
£925 + VAT for building a new site and adding all the content of the current site. The cost to the PC would be £425 + VAT with £500 coming from NALC. Training for 2 people would be £300 +VAT which would also qualify for a grant.
10. Parish Maintenance: Items requiring attention - the following items to be reported to EDDC Highways.
- The sign outside the Inn for Fairmile is still scratched
- Ruts on the road coming past Escot,As you drive from Fairmile to Talaton the ruts are on the left in the lane you are driving in. People are pulling out to the right to avoid them, thereby into oncoming traffic on a sharp bend.
Cllr Hawkins to ask Billy Bloomfield to cut the grass at Woodmans Orchard ASAP, Grass to be strimmed around the Talaton sign at Lees Meadow . The Clerk has reported the visibility issues at Bittery Cross,Beacon Cross and Fairmile caused by the overgrown grass etc.
11. To Discuss Neighbourhood/Community Watch – Janice and Andy May have volunteered to be the co-ordinators for Talaton and the Police Force for the Neighbourhood Watch. Cllrs Harris,Hawkins and Mealing to set a date to discuss how to proceed with CommunityWatch.
12. Itemsfor information only or discussion on the next agenda (Defibrillator, Broadband, Recycling meeting; BT Box,PTF,CPRE,Chapter 8 training, Drop -in ) – Defibrillators- monthly checks completed; Broadband- Cllr Higgs not present;Recycling meeting- Cllr Harris had attended a very informative meeting re the new recycling collections, there is a possibility of a garden waste collection being offered at a later stage for which there would be a cost;BT box – Andy May had offered to help Cllr Higgs to replace the leather hinges; PTF- the new noticeboard has arrived and ideas for this year’s fund are needed, the Clerk to contact other Parishes; CPRE- it was decided not to enter the competition this year as Talaton struggled to meet the criteria last year; Chapter 8 training- funds are available through PTF for chapter 8 training for anyone who would be willing to do the training; Drop-In – 17th June
13. Matters of Urgency: items not on the Agenda to be discussed at the Chairman’s discretion- the caravan at Lees Meadow has still not been moved, the Clerk to contactHastoe; New EDDC & DCC Councillor details to be updated in the Calendar; Notice to co-opt a new Councillor to go in the Calendar; Cllr Lenehan signed the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office Form and Register of Interest Update forms were completed by the Councillors.
14. Date of next meeting- Next meeting of the Parish Council will be Wednesday 5rdJuly
Date of next Drop-In -Saturday 17th June 10.30am till noon
15. Close of meeting - the Chairman thanked everyone for attending. The meeting closed at 9.05pm.
Signed…………………………………………………………. Dated…………….