Last Updated: 2-6-2003

Web Link 13.1 Introduction to the EMH

Web Link 13.2 Future value of annuity calculators

Web Link (WSJ) 13.3 Introduction to bonds

Wall Street Journal [Web page no longer available]

Web Link 13.4 Amount of agency debt outstanding

Web Link 13.5 Overview of the FNMA

Click on About Fannie Mae

Web Link 13.5a Description of FNMA’s bonds

Click on Characteristics of Fannie Mae Debt Securities

Web Link 13.6 Map of FHLB districts

Web Link 13.7 Duties of a bond trustee

Scroll down to What is a Trustee Bank?

Web Link 13.8 Information on bond defaults

Deals with municipal bond defaults

Terrific graph of the history of corporate bond defaults

Web Link 13.9 Links to the bond rating firms

Web Link 13.10 Bond rating definitions

Web Link (WSJ) 13.11 Comparison of ratings by different agencies

Wall Street Journal [Site no longer available]

Click on Long Term Bond Rating Definitions

Web Link 13.12 Duff & Phelps site to obtain a specific bond rating

[No links available at this time]

Web Link 13.13 Computing the price of a bond

Web Link 13.13a Discussion of how to price a bond

Web Link (WSJ) 13.14 Discussion of the relationship between a bond's price and its YTM

Wall Street Journal [Web page no longer available]

Web Link 13.15 Solving for the Yield to Maturity for a bond

Web Link 13.16 Discussion of accrued interest on a bond

Click on Accrued Interest

Web Link 13.17 Calculation of current yield

Be sure to enter all numbers as a percentage of par.

Web Link 13.18 [Not used in textbook]

Web Link 13.19 [Not used in textbook]

Web Link 13.20 Description of duration statistic

Scroll down to duration

Web Link 13.21 Derivation of the duration statistic

Web Link 13.22 Descriptions of zero coupon bonds

Web Link 13.23 Present value of a zero coupon bond

(Enter zero for the coupon rate)

Web Link 13.24 Current pricing information on the Hilton Hotels Convertible bond

[Link no longer available]

Web Link 13.25 Discussions of convertible bonds

Web Link 13.26 Introduction to Municipal bonds

Web Link 13.27 Deciding between a taxable and a tax-free bond

Web Link 13.27a Corporate bond quotations

[No links currently available]

Web Link (WSJ) 13.28 Treasury quotations

Web Link 13.28aAdditional Treasury quotations

Web Link 13.29 Discussion of how to read Treasury bond quotations

[No links currently available]

Web Link 13.30 Quotes on selected Treasury bonds

Web Link 13.31 Quotes on selected corporate bonds

Web Link (WSJ) 13.32 Bond indices

Wall Street Journal

Web Link (WSJ) 13.33 Yields on selected bonds

Wall Street Journal

Web Link 13.34 Tax swaps

Web Link 13.35 FAQs about bonds

Web Link 13.36 Pointer sites for bonds

Web Link 13.37 Calculators for the holding period yield on a bond

Web Link 13.38 Calculators for the yield to call on a bond

Web Link 13.39 Inflation indexed Treasury bonds

Web Link 13.40 Mortgage backed securities

Web Link 13.41 CMOs

Web Link (WSJ) 13.42 Current commentary on the bond market

Wall Street Journal

Web Link (WSJ) 13.43 Glossaries for bond-related terms

Wall Street Journal

Web Link (WSJ) 13.44 A calculator that converts bond yields to prices and prices to bond yields

[No link currently available]

For Web Link 13.45 - use the WSJ Links links in the menu.

Web Link 13.46 Information that has changed since the book was written, new information that pertains to the topic, new web sites pertaining to this chapter: No new material at this time