We, the midshipmen of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at The Ohio State University, in order to promote and further the interests of the United States Naval Service and to unite in closer fellowship the upperclassmen of this unit, do ordain and establish this constitution of the ANCHOR AND CHAIN HONOR SOCIETY.
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
1. Strengthen and uphold the ideals of the United States Naval Service.
2. Serve as a professional honorary organization for the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps of The Ohio State University.
3. Serve as a social organization for its members, and it shall serve to promote honor, scholarship, and esprit de corps within the NROTC unit.
4. Support the battalion social committee in planning, organizing, and executing Battalion activities such as the Quarterdeck Ball and Spring picnic.
5. Plan, organize, and execute the Senior Dining-In.
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Section 1. Any Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps student who meets the requirements as prescribed in the BY-LAWS shall be eligible for membership. Selection of members is subject to active member vote.
Section 2. Types of members.
a. Active: All students fulfilling Section 1 of Article III shall be eligible for active membership. These members are eligible to hold office within the Honor Society and vote on issues raised and membership.
b. Associate: Any officer or non-commissioned officer of the United States Navy Naval Reserve, the United States Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve, stationed for duty at the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at The Ohio State University may be an associate member. He shall not be eligible to hold oflice vote.
c. Honorary: Upon unanimous consent of the active members, any person who has prominent and active interest in the Armed Services, or the Society shall be elected to the 1-lonor Society. He shall not be eligible to hold office or vote.
d. Alumni: The ANCHOR AND CHAIN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION shall consist all previous members of the ANCHOR AND CHAIN HONOR SOCIETY who have completed their Naval Science training. They shall not be eligible to hold office or vote.
Section 1. Any active member, who shall remain an active member during the entire school (AU, WI, SP quarters), shall be eligible for office.
Section 2. Officers will be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The responsibilities of officer are outlined in the BY-LAWS.
Section 3. Committee Chairs will be Affairs, Social, Initiation, Social Committee Chair, and Senior Dining-In Chair. The responsibilities of each Committee Chair are outlined in the BYLAWS.
Section 4. An officer may be relieved of his duties as provided for in the BY-LAWS.
Section 1. The Honor Society shall request the Professor of Naval Science to designate an officer from the staff of the Department of Naval Science to serve the Honor Society in the position of Faculty Advisor. This officer shall continue in this position until relieved by the Professor of Naval Science, at which time the request shall be renewed. The advisor will be responsible for overseeing all of Anchor and Chains activities.
Section 2. The Advisor and Officers of the Honor Society shall constitute the Executive Council.
Section 1. The Executive Council shall call a meeting approximately every other week during the academic year with the exception of summer quarter.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall call a special regular meeting as needed.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall he handed to the Secretary in written form and be read to the Honor Society at a regular meeting. No vote may be taken until the following meeting.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall consider the proposed amendment, and if not found contrary to Naval or University regulations, shall submit it to the members for vote.
Section 3. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at any regular meeting shall be required to pass an amendment to the constitution.
Section 4. If an amendment is approved by the Honor Society, it shall be submitted to the Professor of Naval Science for approval. The Professor of Naval Science has the power of veto.
Section 5. The new amendments shall automatically invalidate conflicting provisions.
Section 1. The existence and dissolution of the Anchor and Chain Society will rest entirely with the Professor of Naval Science.
Section 2. Any Anchor and Chain resources remaining after dissolution of the society will be turned over to the NROTC Battalion Logistics Officer.
Section 1. The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization.
Section 1. The number of midshipmen in the Honor Society should be approximately fifteen to twenty percent of the battalion. Membership should include first class (including Officer Candidates and MECEPS) and second class midshipmen.
Section 2. Membership is the responsibility of the Vice President. He shall work with the Advisor in order to preserve the confidentiality privileges of the midshipmen.
a. Midshipmen eligibility for membership in the Honor Society will be determined by the following methods:
(1) Each Spring Quarter, the Vice President shall determine how many openings there will be for new members the following year.
(2) The Vice President will compile a list of possible candidates from the active members suggestions. The active members shall make their suggestions based on experience with the candidates. All third, second, and first class (who have at least two quarters remaining in school) midshipmcn including all Officer Candidates and MECEPS of midshipman second class equivalency, shall be considered for membership.
(3) The Vice President shall give the list to the Advisor who will then investigate them as well as any others considered worthy for membership for eligibility.
(4) Eligibility will be considered without the candidates knowledge, taking the following into consideration:
(a) Navy aptitude mark.
(b) Navy activities. (at least one Battalion Activity is required)
(c) Scholarship. (at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required)
(5) Eligibility and aptitude shall be discussed with the candidate’s advisor.
b. Members vote on the eligible candidates to select the appropriate number as determined by the Vice President.
c. Admission into the organization shall be subject to the approval of the Professor of Naval Science.
d. Invite midshipmen selected to become members of the ANCHOR AND CHAIN HONOR SOCIETY.
e. Indoctrinate them into the organization.
Section 3. Retaining membership.
a. Unless excused by the President in advance of, members must attend all meetings each quarter the organization is active.
b. Should a member be absent from two meetings without prior approval, they will lose all voting privileges regarding Anchor and Chain matters.
Section 4. Should any member of the organization be charged with conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to investigate this charge. If such a charge is deemed valid, the accused shall be permitted to prepare and present a defense in their own behalf This shall be done at a regular meeting, and should the accused he found guilty of this charge, he/she shall be dismissed from the organization upon a majority vote of all the active members.
Section 1. Nominations shall be made at the next-to-last meeting of Spring Quarter.
Section 2. Nominees shall be voted upon at the last meeting of the Spring Quarter.
Section 3. Balloting shall be closed and written.
Section 4. Duties of officers:
a. President: Preside over all meetings of the organization and be responsible for the co-ordination and welfare of the organization. Shall appoint all committee chairmen. Shall determine the agenda for meetings.
b. Vice-President: Shall assist the President in all official duties and act in his/her absence. Shall act as the Chairman of the Executive Council. Shall he ex-officio advisor to all committees. Shall be in charge of membership and be the liaison between the Advisor and the members during nominations and voting.
c. Treasurer: Shall keep an accurate record of all financial activities. Shall create and maintain a budget for the Honor Society. Shall handle all monies of the organization. Shall dispense funds upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the active members present at any regular meeting.
d. Secretary: Shall keep an accurate record of all meetings. Shall be responsible for all official correspondence. Shall collect and file all committee reports. Shall publish the dates, times, and agenda of meetings as well as the minutes of each meeting.
Section 5. Should any officer be charged with inefficiency in office or with conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to investigate this charge. If such charges are deemed valid, the accused shall be informed in full and be permitted to present a defense in his behalf. This shall be done at a regular meeting, and should the accused be found guilty, he shall be dismissed from the organization upon a majority vote of all active members.
Section 6. A vacancy in the office of President shall automatically be filled by the Vice-President. Other vacancies shall be filed by nomination and election of an active member to the vacated office. This shall be done at the first regular meeting following the vacancy.
Section 7. The duties of the Executive Council shall be to formulate policies of the organization and to insure compliance with the constitution and its by-laws.
Section 8. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at any regular meeting shall over-ride the decisions of the Executive Council.
Section 1. The advisor shall be available for meetings with the Executive Council, in order to remain informed of the organization’s activities. The advisor is not required to attend regular meetings
Section 1. No regular or special meeting may be held unless a quorum is present except as provided in Section 2 of this article. A quorum will be defined as two thirds of all active members.
Section 2. With the approval of the Executive Council, the President may declare a quorum at the time of a regular meeting or special meeting. In this instance, each member shall have the power of veto on any action.
Section 3. The meetings shall be run in an orderly and professional fashion.
a. The President calls the meeting to order.
b. Opening Statements by the President: Welcome of any guests or new members.
c. Reading of the Minutes: The Secretary shall read all minutes from the previous meeting and insure they are understood.
d. Old business: Any active member may call upon any old business from a previous meeting or any issue that has not been decided upon. The issues may be debated as the President sees fit. A vote should then be taken, or the issue tabled to await further information. All old business should be addressed before proceeding.
e. Committee Reports: Each Committee Chair gives a brief report of what has been accomplished since the last meeting. Any matters that need a vote should wait until the opening of New Business.
f. New Business: At this time, any new issues will be brought forward and debated. All issues that arose from Committee reports should be put to a vote or formally tabled to await further information. Old Business shall not be discussed here.
g. Advisors Time: The Advisor may make any announcements necessary at this time.
h. Motion for Adjournment: Must have motion and a second.
Section 4. All members shall act professionally and respect other members as they present their arguments.
Section 1. Each committee, upon completion of its project, shall submit a written report of its activities to the Treasurer to be filed.
Section 2. Duties of the Committee Chairs:
a. Affairs: Shall publicize the Honor Society and its goals, activities, traditions and accomplishments. Shall honor all Battalion members for any distinguished acts, make these acts known to all Battalion members, and elevate that member with praise and recognition. Shall work with battalion Public Affairs Officer to promote the Honor Society.
b. Social: Shall plan, organize, and carry out at least one social and one breakfast per quarter for the members of the Honor Society.
c. Initiation: Shall plan, organize, and carry out Initiation Dinner and work in conjunction with the Vice President in initiating the new members.
d. Social Committee Chair: Shall act as the chair for the Battalion Social Committee and oversee all events. Shall be instrumental in planning and carrying out the Quarterdeck Ball.
g. Senior Dining-In Chair: Shall plan, organize, and carry out the Senior Dining-In. Shall act as Mr. Vice during the Senior Dining-In. Shall be replaced by his/her aide as Mr. Vice if unable to fulfill duties.
Section 3. All Committee Chairs shall report to the President and the Vice President. In any circumstance where the Committee Chair is unable to perform his/her duties, they shall report to the Vice President.
Each active Midshipmen shall be entitled to wear the Anchor and Chain Honor Society Ribbon.
The organization shall at all times be directly responsible to the Professor of Naval Science and it shall be within his/her power to recall the Constitution and its BY-LAWS.
Section 1. Amendments to the BY-LAWS shall be handed to the Treasurer in written form and be read to the Honor Society. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at any regular meeting shall be required to pass an amendment to the BY-LAWS
Section 2. If an amendment is approved by the Honor Society it shall be forwarded to the Professor of Naval Science for approval. The Professor of Naval Science has the power of veto.
Section 3. New amendments automatically invalidate conflicting provisions.