Tidcombe Primary School Cycle A Term 1 & 2 curriculum overview Year 1 & 2
Year 1&2 / Half term 1 2017/18 / Half term 2Topic / Ourselves and other animals / Africa
Maths / Year 1 – Number: Place Value; Number: Addition and Subtraction; Geometry: Shape
Year 2 – Number: Place Value; Number: Addition and Subtraction; Measurement: Length and Mass / Year 1 – Number: Place Value; Number: Addition and Subtraction
Year 2 – Graphs; Multiplication and Division
English / Explanation: Outcome: To explain about a particular animal.
Traditional tales:Outcome: To write own version of traditional tale. / InstructionsOutcome: To write a recipe
Poetry VocabularyOutcome: to write an acrostic poem
Science / Animals including humans.
Use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions. / Animals including humans.
Use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
Computing / Year1 –Toys :E safety agree sensible e – safety rules for the classroom. Programming – floor robots discovering toys- beebots. Programming game- Rapid Roter.Multimedia – Online activity to add text to toys. Add camera recording of an image – upload and add labels. Technology in our lives – offline and online jigsaw ,. Infant encyclopedia to find out about toys. Devices to play games.
Year 2 – Fix it and find it :E safety – keep password and private information safe. Know who sees work online Know what to do – report. Programming – lego fix the factory ( free online and as an app) Algorithom, program robot and debug.
History / Grandparents, parents and children’s living memory.(changes within living memory)
Use a range and depth of historical knowledge.Find out about people and events in other times. Collections of artefacts- confidently describe similarities and differences. Drama- develop empathy and understanding ( hot seating and listening)
Geography / Grandparents, parents and children’s living memory.(changes within living memory)Skills:Use simple field sketches and diagrams. Use a camera. Make a simple map and plan. Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. Use ariel photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key. / Africa
Ask geographical questions.Where is this place?What is it like? How has it changed?
Art / Drawing – Skills: Experiment / begin to control types of marks made with pencils and pastels. Develop / continue to investigate tone by drawing light and dark lines, patterns and shapes. Draw from observations. Start / use a sketch pad to explore, plan and develop ideas. Look at and talk about own and others work. Express thoughts and feelings.Outcome: / Printing – Use roller & inks, take prints from other objects(leaves, fabric, corrugated card) to show texturemake string print, create low relief prints with string
Music / Singing songs with control and using the voice expressively. / Listening, memory and movement
French / Year 1 - counting to 10, learn new characters (Minou, Trottine etc.), shopping role play.
Year 2 - Milo's Rainforest Quest, Paris - finger rhyme, transport vocabulary and Eiffel Tower role play.
D.T / Cooking –understand where food comes from
Outcome: African Meal
R.E / Myself
Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meaning. Identify the importance for some people , of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives. Identify what matters to them and others, including those with religious commitments and communicate their reponses / Believing / story
Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings. Identify the importance for some people , of belonging to a religion andrecognise the difference this makes to their lives. Explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses. Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling questions., communicating their ideas.Reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour.Recognise that religious teachings and ideas make a difference to individuals, families and the local community.
P.S.H.E / New Beginnings / Getting on and falling out
Outdoor P.E / Attack , defend and shoot
Unit 1 / Hit, catch,run
– unit 1
Indoor P.E / Gym / Dance