Minutes for Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Mr. Birdsall called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with Ms. MacKay, Ms. Pinette and Assistant Mary McDonald present. Others in attendance were Rick Cliffe and Bob Trabona.

Public comment: Mr. Trabona cautioned everyone to be careful when near the side of the road as folks are driving faster than ever.

Items to be added to agenda (if approved by chair and board):
Ms. MacKay has information regarding the previous buildable lot size discussion (Old Business)

Mr. Birdsall has information regarding the recent Transfer Station break-in (New Business)

Mrs. McDonald has a request for an official vote regarding signing the warrants outside of an official meeting.
Action: Mr. Birdsall made the motion to allow the signing of warrants outside of an official board meeting.

Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0.

Scheduled appointments: none

Minutes: On motion the Board voted to approve meeting minutes of September 26, 2017.

Review: any bills; building permit listing; deeds and / or declarations. Warrants tomorrow after 4.

Assessing Items:
Setting of the mil rate for FY 2017-18 (new business – see below)

Assessment of penalty for withdrawal of 4 acres from tree growth - Place property. Action: Mr. VanTuinen provided a memo outlining the penalty for withdrawing four acres from the Tree Growth Program. Mr. Birdsall made the motion to assess the recommended penalty as a supplemental tax bill to Ms. Place. Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0. Supplemental billing paperwork will be ready for the October 24 meeting.


State of ME DMR: Application for standard aquaculture lease for Georgetown Island Oyster LLC. Requesting any input

by October 31, 2017. Action: Noted

Sagadahoc County Commissioners: tentative agenda for October 10.

Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Dept.: incident report for September.

Midcoast Regional Redevelopment: annual meeting and awards dinner November 15
Action: Unless otherwise noted, items forwarded, filed or recycled as appropriate.

Other Correspondence: none

Minutes: Comprehensive Planning Committee, Sept 18. Action: Mary will resend for those who didn’t get them.

Old Business:

Boards and Committees member needs: any ideas for members? Cheryl Lang and Joyce Devito are still interested in

being on the Recreation Committee. Jane Whittaker would like to be on the Recreation Committee as well. Action: Ms.

MacKay reports that she is speaking with someone about the Planning Board. After discussing terms, Ms. Pinette made the motion to appoint Cheryl Lang and Joyce DeVito as full members with terms ending in 2018 and Jane Whitaker as an alternate member with a term ending in 2020. Motion was seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0.

Response from legal counsel on Animal Control enforcement question. Action: Legal counsel has confirmed that the ACO

does have the authority, by state statute and local ordinance, to assess fines. However, specific language should be included referencing state statute relating to the specific violation and the ability to appeal to the town Board of Appeals. Legal counsel has offered to draft a form letter for the ACO to utilize when writing specific notices of violation. Ms. MacKay made the motion to have legal draft the letter. Motion seconded by Mr. Birdsall and approved 3-0. Regarding the specific unresolved violations by Jeff Peters, Mr. Birdsall recused himself from the continued discussion. Legal has also offered to draft a new letter to Mr. Peters, consolidating all the current notices into one notice of violation and order. Ms. Pinette made the motion to have legal counsel draft the letter to Mr. Peters. Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 2-0.

Added: Buildable lot size discussion. Ms. MacKay provided information from conversations with MMA, Southern Maine

Planning, Mid Coast Planning, DEP and Mid Coast Development. The overwhelming agreement from all was that in order to address lot sizes that are impacted by natural causes, it must be in the ordinance. Zoning ordinances from Auburn and Waterboro may assist the Planning Board in revising our ordinances to address the issue. Action: This information was forwarded to the Planning Board and no legal consult is needed until the revised ordinance is ready for review.

Continuing items:

Receipts for pumping: Bartlett, Margaret (01U-031); Swain, Ray (07R-026).

Maine Waste Discharge License renewal / transfer applications: none

Maine Waste Discharge License approved applications: none

New Business:

Setting mil rate: paperwork for review and decision. Action: After reviewing multiple scenarios which included various

mil rates and overlay amounts, Ms. Pinette made the motion to maintain a flat mil rate of 7.65% for the 2017 taxes. Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0. Commitment and mail date will be Tuesday, October 17.

Emergency Operations Plan revisions: annual revisions for review and approval. Action: tabled for review.

Comprehensive Planning Committee: need a new alternate to replace Don Cowing. Action: tabled while Ms. MacKay asks

Vicki Hart if she’s interested in the appointment.

Approval of policy regarding payment of taxes (oldest first): Action: Mr. Birdsall made the motion to approve the policy,

one which we have used for years, in accordance with 36 MRSA §906, requiring that tax payments received be applied to the oldest outstanding balance. Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0.

Added: Recent Transfer Station break-in: Mr. Birdsall reported that on Friday October 6, personnel discovered the Transfer Station had been broken into, at both the main gate and through the back door to the Universal Hazardous Waste building. Cell phones and tools were taken. The sheriff was contacted and fingerprints were taken. Action: The Solid Waste Committee will be addressing security needs at the Transfer Station at their meeting on October 12.

Other items / updates: we had 65 people participate in the flu shot clinic, hauling numbers for September.

Items for signature: Appointment paperwork, Town Tax Policy Action: Signed

Public comment: Bob Trabona reported that the new pumper tanker truck is in Brunswick receiving final adjustments and will be available for delivery in 2-3 weeks. The Fire Department plans some sort of Open House for the public to inspect the new truck. He also expressed continued concern regarding the shape of Route 127 and suggested the possibility of contacting MDOT now, prior to the scheduled resurfacing in 2018, with questions about expanding the paved area outside the white lines. A note will be sent to the Road Commissioner with this suggestion and the Board will entertain sending a letter to MDOT as well.

Executive session: Under 1MRSA §405.6a to discuss personnel matters (if needed) and under 1MRSA §405.6e to discuss

legal matters (if needed). Action: None needed.

Adjournment: On motion the Board voted to adjourn at 8:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Amanda Campbell, Town Clerk

Minutes October 10, 2017