Black River Board of Education
March 17, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:02p.m. byPresident Jody Weidrick with the following members answering roll:Pam Wheeler, Tim Clifford, Scott Meredith, Chuck Stiver and Jody Weidrick.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
RESOLUTION 48/16Agenda
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheelerthat the agenda for tonight’s meeting be accepted.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
4. Public Communication
The Board of Education welcomes public comments. Please state your name and address for the record.
Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.
B. Board Work Session
A. Board Recognition
B.Maxton Musselman – MCDAC Grant
C. District Survey Discussion
D. Pay to Participate Discussion
RESOLUTION 49/16Approval of Board Minutes
Minutes of February 18, 2016 Regular Meeting
Motion by Meredith, seconded by Wheeler that the minutes of the February 18, 2016 meeting be approved as written.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford
The President declared the motion passed.
D. Financial – Treasurer’s Report
E. Financial – Action Items
RESOLUTION 50/16Approval of Financial statements
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Meredith that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the February, 2016 Financial Statements be approved as presented.
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 51/16Acceptance of Tax Rates
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following:
WHEREAS, This Board of Education in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing July 1st, 2016 and
WHEREAS, The Budget Commission of Medina County, Ohio has certified its action thereon to this Board together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill tax limitation; therefore, be it
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 17, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLVED, By the Board of Education Black River Local School District, Medina County, Ohio, that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and be it further
RESOLVED, that there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said School
District the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as follows:
Bond Retirement Fund 1.60 mills$ 316,600
General Fund43.50 mills$ 4,327,500
Emergency Fund 8.50 mills$ 1,682,100
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Board be and is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of Said County.
Vote:Ayes – Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 52/16Medina County ESC
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Wheeler, that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board enter into a contract with The Educational Service Center of Medina County for the 2016-2017 School Year for Universal Services, Fine Arts Festivals, Carrier Services, Comprehensive Substitute Teacher Program and Direct Instructional Services at an estimated cost of $207,828.25.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 53/16Transfer Funds
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Meredith that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the transfer from 001) General Fund into:
003) Permanent Improvement$ 200,000
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 54/16Donations
Motion by Meredith, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following donations:
Medina County ESC Choir Performance$250.00
Farrell and Maureen Gallagher FFA Equine Judging$300.00
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford
The President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 17, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 55/16Transfer of Class Funds
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the transfer of $12,793.63 into Fund 003) Permanent Improvement from the following inactive Class accounts:
20090072007$ 613.51
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The President declared the motion passed.
F. Superintendent’s Report
1. Heat and air conditioning
2. Possible changes in Teacher Evaluations
3. High Schools that work / Middle Schools that work
4. Bus inspections
5. Digital emergency medical form
6. Newsfeed activated on website
7. Online vs Paper/Pencil testing
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
RESOLUTION 56/16Second Reading of the 2016-2017 School Year Calendar
Motion by Meredith, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve the second reading of the 2016-2017 School Year Calendar:
Vote:Ayes – Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 57/16Second Reading Board Policy – JEB - Entrance Age for Kindergarten
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Meredith that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve the second reading of the Board Policy – JEB - for Entrance Age for Kindergarten Students:
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 58/16Employment
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ Becky Luth on a three (3) year contract as Elementary Principal effective for the 2016-2017 school year.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 59/16Employment
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Meredith that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ Tammy Starkey on a three (3) year contract as Middle School Principal effective for the 2016-2017 school year.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford
The President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 17, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 60/16Employment
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following athletic coaches for the 2015-2016 school year:
Justen McMahanVarsity Assistant Baseball Coach
Cory CampbellAssistant Varsity Track Coach
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 61/16Retirement
Motion by Meredith, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board accept with regret, the retirement of Dr. R. Lee Tucker, Jr., School Psychologist, effective March 18, 2016. Dr. Tucker has served the Black River School District for 7 ½ years.
Vote:Ayes – Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 62/16Black River High School 2016 – 2017 Course Curriculum Guide
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheelerthat upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board accept the Black River High School 2016 – 2017 Course Curriculum Guide.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 63/16Reimbursement Schedule for Substitute CDL Drivers
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent and the Treasurer, the Board implement the following for Substitute CDL Drivers:
Pay the cost of BCI/FBI check
Physical including Drug Screen
Cost of On Board Instruction Training
And reimburse any new substitute CDL Driver for their pre-service class when they have accumulated 36 days of service for the district within 1 year.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler
The President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 64/16Inter-District Special Education Agreement
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board enter into an Inter-District Special Education Agreement for the joint establishment of programs to serve resident students with severe disabilities. Black River Local, Buckeye Local, Cloverleaf Local and Highland Local will the participating in this joint program.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick, Wheeler, Clifford
The President declared the motion passed.
I. Addendum Items
K. Closing Items
1. Item(s) for consideration for next meeting
2. Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: April 21, 2016 High School Media Center 7 PM
3. Adjournment
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 17, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 65/16Adjournment
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Merediththat the Board adjourn at 8:22 p.m.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Weidrick
The President declared the motion passed.