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Post applying for

Job title Families and yOung People officer Location of post Cardiff

I heard about this job through (please ‘X’ & give details of which one)


Job Centre

Other source

Personal details (please print clearly)

First Name; Surname;

Middle Name(s);

Address; Tel No Home;

Tel No Work;

Email address;

May we contact you at work?

Post code ; Yes No

Reference details

Please provide the name and address of two people who can comment on your suitability for this position, from who we may request a reference. One referee should be your present or most recent employer.

Name; Name;

Job Title; Job Title;

Address; Address;

Tel no; Tel no

In what capacity is this person known In what capacity is this person known?

to you? to you?

Length of time known: Length of time known

SNAP Cymru reserves the right to contact any of your previous employers




Where applicable please include details of examinations that have been or are about to be taken, but results of which are not yet available

Subject / Qualification gained / Grade / Educational establishment/Awarding body

Professional membership

Proof of professional membership/status will be required before an appointment is made, if relevant to the role

Name of professional body / Membership grade / Membership number

(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Relevant Training Courses

Course title or area of training relevant to this post / Date

(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary

Present or most recent employment

Employer’s name & address Type of organisation;

Date started in post;


Notice required;

Date left;

Reason for leaving;




Briefly describe your main duties and responsibilities in the above job

Past Employment

Please give details of all of your previous work experience, putting the most recent first & accounting for any gaps. Please include any voluntary, home-based or part time work.

Employer’s name and address / Dates employed from & to month/year / Job held & brief duties / Reason/s for leaving

(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Additional information

After reading the job description and role specification please tell us how you meet the requirements of the job. Please refer to the role specification and highlight how you have previously demonstrated that you meet the criteria for the post in relation to your knowledge, skills and experience.

CVs are not accepted as a substitute. Please continue on separate sheets if required.

National Insurance Number:

Work Permit

Do you require a work permit? (Please ‘X’)




Do you hold a current full driving license? (Please ‘X’)



Do you have any current driving convictions? (Please ‘X’)



If yes, please state convictions

Criminal convictions

Do you have any criminal convictions? (Please ‘X’)



If yes, please give details on a separate sheet, this should exclude any spent convictions under Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, unless the job for which you are applying involves working with children or vulnerable adults, directly or indirectly, in which case cautions, bindovers, pending prosecutions, spent and unspent convictions must be declared.


I declare that the information provided is true and accurate. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, my employment may be terminated.

Signed: Dated:

Please email the completed form to or send in the post to Recruitment 10 Coopers Yard, Curran Road, Cardiff, CF10 5NB