
第一部分 聽力測驗 10%

I. Short Conversations 簡短會話 4% 每題1分

Listen to the conversations. Then answer the questions.

1.  A. Controlling his diet.

B. Drinking a lot of water.

C. Eating nothing after 6 p.m.

D. Only eating breads, pasta, and rice.

2.  A. They’re voting for a new mayor.

B. They’re looking for new friends.

C. They’re protesting something.

D. They’re picking up garbage.

3.  A. They eat too much junk food.

B. They don’t have any doctors.

C. They can’t afford to buy glasses.

D. They have difficulty seeing well.

4.  A. Meet with his school’s treasurer.

B. Study at another school.

C. Apply for more scholarships.

D. Find a part-time job.

II. Short Talk 短文 6% 每題1分

Listen to the talk. Then choose the best answer to each question.

5.  A. Even diet sodas have some sugar.

B. Non-organic foods contain more fat.

C. Vegetables should always be cooked thoroughly.

D. Manufactured foods do not provide much nutrition.

6.  A. Find healthy recipes.

B. Get a broad view of your situation.

C. Chat with a personal trainer.

D. Compare prices of natural foods.

7.  A. To pass her test tomorrow.

B. To get a higher English grade.

C. To make more money at her job.

D. To work more efficiently.

8.  A. She will be bothered by others.

B. She will forget to do her homework.

C. She will talk on the phone all night.

D. She will finish her work earlier.

9.  A. Caused difficulties for a group of people.

B. Made loud noises to protest something.

C. Stole items from peoples’ luggage.

D. Called the police as a practical joke.

10.  A. To get money and weapons illegally.

B. To hurt members of a religious group.

C. To show discontent about something.

D. To point out problems with the government.

第二部分 閱讀能力測驗 68%

I. 詞彙 10% 每題1分

11. He will definitely be sent into prison because there is ______evidence of his guilt.

(A) artificial (B) legendary (C) spectacular (D) abundant

12. Everyone that came to the party had a wonderful time ______on good wine and food all evening.

(A) signaling (B) decorating (C) feasting (D) declaring

13. Kerry is so ______that she is obsessed with a wide range of extreme activities such as bungee jumping.

(A) exotic (B) adventurous (C) royal (D) dramatic

14. Being the tallest building, the church tower was a ______feature in the landscape.

(A) realistic (B) circular (C) prominent (D) dietary

15. Loud talking is ______in the library.

(A) filtered (B) forbidden (C) reflected (D) chopped

16. Too many people ______in drunk driving every year. That’s why the government is adopting and enforcing even stricter traffic regulations.

(A) propose (B) reveal (C) maintain (D) perish

17. As a punishment for cheating on the devil, Jack was ______to walk through eternality with only a Jack-o-lantern to light his way.

(A) condemned (B) complained (C) inhabited (D) inspired

18. Those who prize ______prefer the quiet country life to a bustling city life.

(A) solitude (B) connection (C) makeover (D) transition

19. When talking about ways to keep cool on a hot summer afternoon, ______the idea of having a cup of iced tea. It’s always people’s first choice.

(A) be aimed at (B) hit the spot (C) it’s no wonder (D) nothing beats

20. When summer hits, young people ______various kinds of water activities.

(A) tower above (B) gear up for

(C) meet the standards of (D) are composed of

II. 綜合測驗30% 每題1分

A whole new school year has begun! Ready for a brand-new start? If so, here are some study tips for you. First of all, you should start early. Studying a little every day helps you build up stronger memories 21 studying all at once. Second, find yourself a good place to study. Pick a quiet place where you won’t be distracted. Make sure that it is comfortable and 22 all the materials you need are right there. Also, as you review information, say it out loud to yourself and 23 your own words. Last, make sure you take 10-minute breaks every 50 minutes. Proper rest enables you to be more focused and to last longer.

21. (A) when (B) since (C) than (D) until

22. (A) that (B) where (C) what (D) whose

23. (A) over (B) of (C) from (D) in

For years, fats have been blamed for our weight gain and, consequently, for any illness associated with being overweight. Yet, what we didn’t realize is that there are “good” fats and “bad” fats. To keep healthy, it is important to take in a moderate amount of good “fats,” which promote good health 24 a strong immune system. The easiest way to tell good fats from bad ones is that the former are liquid at room temperature, while the latter are solid. To make sure that we get enough good fats, we can 25 to our diets. First, we should cook with olive or vegetable oil 26 butter. Then, we should eat fish and lean white meat or meat with the fat 27 off. Last, we should have salads with chopped nuts or oil-based dressings, skipping bacon bits and creamy dressings. By making these few changes, we will not only improve our health but also lose weight!

24. (A) with an eye to (B) as well as (C) owing to (D) so long as

25. (A) add some flavors (B) exert some influences

(C) make some adjustments (D) perform some experiments

26. (A) except for (B) or rather (C) but still (D) instead of

27. (A) trim (B) trimming (C) trimmed (D) to trim

Do you wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun? Exposure to the UVA and UVB in sunlight can damage the eye, 28 to very serious eye problems. The human eyes are very intricate organs, and they deserve 29 you can give them. Wearing sunglasses is a very good way to start. When you choose sunglasses, make sure you pick lenses that block out 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB or feature a UV 400 protective coating. Everyone needs the same level of UV protection no matter what their eye color is. In addition, the lenses should be big enough to cover not only the eyes but also their surrounding skin and eyelids completely. Wearing sunglasses is 30 just a fashion statement. So, put them on if you want to keep using your eyes for many more years to come.

28. (A) lead (B) leading (C) led (D) to lead

29. (A) protection as many as (B) protection as much as

( C) as many protection as (D) as much protection as

30. (A) nothing but (B) more or less (C) more than (D) at best

On a raging winter evening, Joe saw an elderly lady stranded on the highway roadside. He stopped to help change her flat tire. Being grateful, the lady would like to pay him for what he 31 for her. 32 worried sick about his unemployment, Joe didn’t give the money a thought and told the lady to return his help by helping someone else.

Later, stopping by a restaurant, the lady noticed the waitress 33 on her was heavily pregnant. Speculating that the waitress might need money desperately, she left her a generous tip that was almost fifty times 34 as the cost of the meal. The elderly lady didn’t know that the waitress was Joe’s wife and that by helping the waitress, she was actually 35 Joe.

31. (A) has done (B) once did (C) had just done (D) had been doing

32. (A) Despite (B) Because (C) So (D) Although

33. (A) who waited (B) that waiting (C) was waiting (D) waited

34. (A) as much (B) more (C) more than (D) the amount

35. (A) thank (B) owing (C) thinking (D) repaying

Experts find that geography plays an influential role when people choose what to eat. For example, 36 by waters, Japan developed its unique cuisine which features a rich variety of seafood. 37 , millet is found in certain Asian countries where the average temperature is high. Also for geographical reasons, potatoes are often grown in many European countries 38 they are called “second bread.” Apart from geography, customs and traditions also influence our choices of food. For instance, on New Year’s Day, Greeks bake a special type of bread containing a good luck coin, which is usually made 39 silver or gold. They do this to wish for good luck in the coming year as their long-existing convention. In sum, food choices have rarely been made at random. When you have the opportunity to explore food from different areas, 40 the interplay of these complex factors.

36. (A) surrounded (B) to be surrounded (C) surrounding (D) to surround

37. (A) However (B) Better yet (C) Likewise (D) More or less

38.  (A) which (B) where (C) what (D) that

39.  (A) in (B) from (C) by (D) of

40.  (A) keep in mind (B) keep away from

(C) keep yourself from (D) keep up with

Walking through the streets of Jiji, you might find it hard to imagine that this small town was once the site of destruction and grief. Thirteen years ago, it was destroyed by one of the worst earthquakes in Taiwan’s history. It 41 years to return to normal and rebuild this beautiful town. The town’s people’s effort, together with constant help from outside sources, 42 its successful reconstruction.

A natural disaster may happen anytime. To help the victims, we have to remember that their needs 43 during the different phases of recovery. In the immediate aftermath, they need food, water and clothes. Later, building materials are needed as they start to rebuild their homes. Also, textbooks are much in demand when students return to school. 44 physical help, emotional support is something that can’t be overlooked. Devastated by a disastrous change, survivors tend to have such negative emotional reaction as “If I 45 , my family 45 .” Listening to them and giving them words of encouragement will help them pick up the pieces of their broken heart. No country is immune to disasters, but love, care and continuous support can drive the clouds of misery away and help victims lead a positive life once again.

41. (A) spent (B) cost (C) took (D) has been

42. (A) resulted in (B) results from (C) causing (D) thanks to

43. (A) ever-changing (B) be changed overnight

(C) change over time (D) gradually changing

44. (A) Except for (B) In addition (C) What’s more, (D) Apart from

45. (A) die….might have survived (B) have died….would survive

(C) had died…could have survived (D) should die…would have survived

Are you in love with cell phones? With the convenience of cell phones and the Internet, people have more immediate access 46 friends and information. However, its convenience causes serious concern 47 parents and teachers. Attached to the technological device, more and more students are seen constantly checking cell phones, sending messages and ignoring their roles in class. What makes those students dare to violate regulations? Well, the psychological term “disconnect anxiety” explains well. 48 by disconnect anxiety tend to feel worried, upset, anxious or lonely when not using their cell phones, fearing that they are isolated by friends or unable to respond to emergencies. Totally 49 cell phones, they even believe their phones have been ringing without their knowledge and often checked their cell phone for any missed calls or messages. Therefore, bear what experts said in mind--- “Cell phones are a lot of fun, 50 users should learn to use it wisely rather than being controlled.”

46. (A) for (B) with (C) to (D) of

47. (A) for (B) to (C) with (D) on

48. (A) Those who are affected (B) Anyone who is affected

(C) One who is affected (D) One affected

49. (A) dominated by (B) dominating

(C) to be dominated by (D) be dominated by

50. (A) however (B) therefore (C) so (D) but

III. 文意選填 10% 每題1分

A massive earthquake collapses buildings to piles of broken bricks and twisted steel. A typhoon brings a year’s worth of rain in just days, 51 villages away. Rebuilding victims’ homes and businesses after such natural disasters is one thing, but helping survivors cope with 52 problems caused by the loss of pets, loved ones, and property can be much more difficult.

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often 53 disaster survivors. It may show up as poor 54 , nightmares, or sleep problems. Some sufferers experience dramatic appetite changes and feel fearful and anxious about the future. Some experience survivor guilt, struggling to understand why they survived when so many others around them died. Feeling guilty about being alive, they may wish they had 55 , too.

Helping survivors deal with these mental health issues 56 talking with them, reassuring them, and encouraging them to discuss their feelings. It is important to let them know that someone listens and that their feelings are healthy and normal. What’s more, sharing examples of people who have 57 from similar hardships can offer hope for a brighter future.

Experts on victim psychology say that positive thinking must be 58 by positive action. It’s unhealthy for victims to sit around watching news images of the disaster and re-living it in their minds. Survivors should be helped to return to daily 59 as soon as possible. Getting back to work, studies, and hobbies can help to take survivors’ minds 60 a recent tragedy. The sooner life returns to normal, the sooner healing can begin.

(A) involves (B) mental (C) affects (D) washing (E) accompanied
(AB) gone (AC) recovered (AD) routines (AE) off (BC) memory

IV 閱讀測驗16% 每題2分

Two seriously ill men occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.