Quarter 3 Review

1.  Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis:


2.  I Pet Monkeys At The Circus: stages of the cell cycle. What happens during each part?









3.  Identify the following stages of mitosis and explain why you choose each one.


Stage: ______

Why: ______



Stage: ______

Why: ______



Stage: ______

Why: ______



Stage: ______

Why: ______


4.  Explain the difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Why is there a difference?



5.  What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells? What are some of the other names that these cells go by? What process makes each of them?

6.  What are a pro and a con for asexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction? Provide examples.





7.  Find the correct numbers of chromosomes

a.  If a haploid cells has 18 chromosomes, how many would be in a somatic cell of the same organism? ______

b.  If a skin cell of an organism has 32 chromosomes, how many cells would be found in a sperm cell of the same organism?

c.  If a gamete of an organism has 12 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would you find in an egg cell of the same organism? _____

d.  If a diploid cell of an organism has 52 chromosomes, how many would you find in a sex cell of the same organism? ______

8.  Label the four parts of this diagram

Now define each part.

______: ______

______: ______

______: ______

______: ______

9.  Define the following terms:

Incomplete Dominance

10.  Red is dominant to yellow in certain flowers. Cross two plants that are both hybrid for red flower color:



Phenotypic Ratios: ______

Genotypic Ratios:

11.  Two pea plants are both heterozygous for the dominant traits of tall height and purple flowers. (short height and white flowers are recessive) What is the probability that a cross of these two plants will produce a white flowered, short plant?

12.  In monsters, having two heads is dominant over having on head. Is a two head heterozygote monster was to mate with a one headed monster, what would be the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of their children?

Genotypic Ratios


Phenotypic Ratios


What mode of inheritance is exhibited in this problem? (Circle the correct choice)

Complete Dominance Co-dominance Incomplete Dominance Multiple Alleles Sex-linked

Why? ______

13.  If the above is true about monsters, and you had a monster with two heads and did not know its genotype, how could you figure it out? What would you need to do? What is this process called? Show how you would solve this problem

Name of process: ______


14.  In pigs, straight tails are incompletely dominant with curly tails. When they form a hybrid, they make a wavy tail. Cross a straight tail pig with a wavy tail pig. Show your Punnett square and list the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.

Genotypic Ratios


Phenotypic Ratios


What about this trait makes it incompletely dominant?

15. In turtles, yellow shells and pink shells are co-dominant. The hybrid will have a yellow shell with pink spots. Cross a spotted shell with a yellow shell. Show the genotypic and phenotypic ratios and prove your work with a Punnett square. Why is the mode of inheritance co-dominance? Explain.

Genotypic Ratios


Phenotypic Ratios


What about this trait makes it co-dominant dominant?

16. A woman with type O blood gives birth to a child with type B blood. The man that she is accusing of being the father has type AB blood. Can he be the father of her child? Explain why or why not and prove with a Punnett square.

Genotypic Ratios


Phenotypic Ratios


17. In cats, having green eyes is co-dominant to having yellow eyes. The hybrid will have one green eye and one yellow eye. Cross two hybrid cats. What is the chance that they will have four female cats in a row with green eyes? What is the chance that they will have five male cats that each have one green eye and one yellow eye? Show your work in a Punnett square.

4 female cats with green eyes:

5 male cats with one green and one yellow:

What about this trait makes it co-dominant dominant?

18. Hemophilia is a sex linked recessive trait. Cross a normal man with a female that is a carrier. What is the probability that they will have any children with hemophilia? (Remember, sex-linked is carried on the X chromosomes). Show your Punnett square and the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.

Genotypic Ratios:


Phenotypic Ratios:


19.  Brianna has pink hair and she married a man named Bryan. They had 5 children, Christina, Cassie, Jenna, Rob, and Nick. Christina, Jenna, and Nick all have pink hair. Christina went on to marry a man named Kyle. Kyle’s father, Ken, had pink hair but Kyle does not. What is the likelihood that Kyle and Christina will have pink haired children? (Draw the pedigree.)


Looking at the pedigree above, how many generations are there? ______

How many females have the disorder? _____ How many males have the disorder? ______

What type of trait is this? Autosomal or Sex linked? Dominant or recessive? Why?


If individual III-6 married a man that was a carrier for the disorder, what would the chance of them having a child with the disorder be?