- 21 -
These school rules are reviewed annually.
1.1 The staff car park, front lawns and gardens and the main entrance to the school, both during and after school hours.
1.3 The tuck shop, unless learners are going to and from the tuck shop during breaks.
1.5 The area in front of the clubhouse.
1.7 The sports fields, tennis courts and other sport facilities during school hours.
1.9 The area behind the garages.
1.11 The classrooms, before school, during breaks and after school (when it is raining learners are allowed downstairs in the passages)
1.13 The hall, sound room, stage and storeroom below, unless a teacher is present.
1.14 .
1.15 The hall and entrance foyer unless on official business.
1.17 The staff room and kitchen.
1.19 The passage adjacent to the staff room, headmaster’s office and the staff toilets.
The public telephone during lesson time.
The bicycle quad during school hours.
The front door is for the use of parents and guests of the school during the school day only.
2.1 On arrival and on departure learners must use the tarred pathways to prevent the destruction of grassed areas.
2.2 Learners may not use the passage in front of the staff room, the headmaster’s office and time-out room.
2.3 In the mornings, all learners must move onto the premises and move to the back of the school building and not loiter in front of the school.
2.4 Access to the office area is via the passage next to the hall on the side of girls’ toilets only.
2.5 Loitering in the toilets and passages is not allowed.
2.6 No learner may go to the toilet during or between periods without permission.
2.7 Lines are to be straight and orderly.
2.8 No climbing or sitting on the Escom box and fences is allowed.
2.9 No learners are allowed to assemble or loiter on private property or in the streets in the vicinity of the school.
2.10 Learners shall use only the pedestrian gate at the Escom box and the vehicle entrance at the Metalwork room.
2.11 There is to be no running, whistling, shouting, or any other rowdy behaviour in the school building.
2.12 Learners are not to stand and talk with friends in-between periods. They are to move swiftly to their next period and keep to the left-hand side of the corridors..
2.14 Riding of bicycles and skateboards in the school grounds is not allowed. Bicycles must be kept in the bicycle quad during school hours and it is recommended that learners lock them securely.
2.15 No learner is allowed to bring a motorbike or a motorcar into the grounds without the prior permission of the principal.
2.16 In a school-related context no learner may give lifts to fellow learners or drive a motor vehicle on the school premises.
2.17 No learner may hitchhike in school uniform.
3.1 Only conventional school suitcases, briefcases and plain rucksacks may be used for books.
3.2 Suitcases and rucksacks may not be decorated or have graffiti written on them.
3.3 Learner’s name must be written clearly on the inside.
3.4 Tog bags are to be used for sports kit only.
3.5 All cases and books must be marked clearly with the learner’s name.
3.6 No offensive slogans or pictures may appear on book covers.
4.1 Learners may not have in their possession, use or sell cigarettes (or allied products), other harmful drugs, amongst others, prescription drugs, dagga and hard drugs, alcoholic beverages or objectionable (pornographic) reading matter or objects, in any context in which the learner can be identified as a learner of the school.
4.2 Any form of initiation ceremonies, pranks, practical jokes, bullying, intimidation or any displays of racism are banned altogether and are considered to be reprehensible to the extent that they adversely affect any person on the school premises or on excursions, sporting activities, or in any context in which the learner can be identified as a learner of the school.
4.3 No fighting anywhere on school property or even outside the school (if the learner may be connected in any way with the school) is allowed.
4.5 No one may use or be in possession of any weapon (imitation toy or otherwise), or materials such as crackers or fireworks, which can cause physical injury. In short: It constitutes an offence to bring anything, which may be judged (by the school) as dangerous onto the school property.
4.7 Similarly any form of reprehensible behaviour, such as theft and shoplifting, either in the school or out of it, which might bring discredit to the person or the school, will not be tolerated.
4.8 Reprehensible behaviour may be punishable appropriately by suspension or expulsion. Each case will be judged on its own merits.
4.9 The defacing of desks, school property, notice boards, or walls is considered an extremely serious offence.
4.10 All forms of graffiti are strictly forbidden.
4.11 Any books, including library books, damaged through negligence or loss, will have to be replaced by the learners.
4.12 Similarly no property belonging to other learners or staff may be tampered with or borrowed without the owner’s permission.
4.13 Littering is an offence and all papers and rubbish must be placed in the bins provided.
4.14 Similarly time lost to cleaning up litter on school grounds will be made up after school.
4.15 No physical contact of a courting nature is allowed in school uniform, on or off the school premises or at school functions.
4.16 No one may sexually harass or interfere in any way with another’s person, or make such abusive or provocative comments, which may harm the emotional or moral well being of a fellow learner (or any other member of staff).
4.17 Satanism, witchcraft and such-like practices are banned at the school and therefore will not be tolerated.
4.18 Dangerous games are not allowed. Contact sports are only permissible under an educator’s supervision.
4.19 Chewing gum in school uniform or on school premises is strictly forbidden.
4.20 Eating and drinking during class or in the passages, hall and library is forbidden.
WWater-bottles are not allowed in class.
4.22 Confiscated goods are redeemable at the end of the year. Illegal or dangerous goods are not redeemable.
4.23 Truancy, not attending meetings, practices, matches, any extra classes or detention is viewed as a very serious offence.
4.24 Bringing to school radios, tape-recorders (except when for official purposes), walkmans, computer games, or anything, which can cause disturbance to the routine of the school, is forbidden. Ear phones will be confiscated.
4.25 No learner may use abusive or offensive language.
4.26 Learners may not walk with their hands in their pockets.
4.27 According to WCED guidelines, cell phones may not be visible or be used under ANY circumstances or for any purpose, ie to make or receive phone calls, or as a calculator, radio, camera, for games, for sms’s, or for any other function. Cell phones must remain out of sight and be switched off at all times, including during breaks. Should this rule be ignored, such a cell-phone will be immediately confiscated and kept, at the owner’s risk, until the end of the academic year.
4.29 Incorrect or prohibited clothing, as well as prohibited items of jewellery deliberately worn against school rules, will be immediately confiscated and kept, at the owner’s risk, until the end of the academic year.
4.30 Staff members, RCL members, fellow learners and members of the public must be treated with respect at all times.
4.31 Learners shall attend school every day for the whole of the prescribed school hours. A learner may not be absent from class or leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal or the vice-principal and grade head.
4.32 In the case of absence, the learner must bring a signed letter or doctor’s certificate from his/her parents/guardians or doctor on the day he/she returns, stating clearly the days absent and the reason for the absence.
4.33 Similarly, failure to report late or coming late can result in a learner making up time in detention.
4.34 In the event of our receiving a bomb scare, which is a serious criminal offence (and will be treated as such) the school’s official policy to make up the time lost after school, will be implemented.
6.1 ALL visitors to the school must announce themselves to the secretary at the principal’s office.
6.2 Correction fluid (Tippex) and kokis may not be brought to school.
6.3 No learner may sell goods for personal gain at school or do any fundraising without Governing Body approval.
6.4 No trading across the school fence is to take place during breaks or at any other time.
6.5 The administrative staff, the janitor and assistant workers have the right to report a learner who vandalises, litters, etc and may confiscate items which are used destructively, e.g. soccer balls, koki pens, etc.
6.6 No learner may organise any activity or social gathering that can be identified with Bosmansdam High School without the permission of the principal.
6.7 No circular, notice, pamphlet or poster may be distributed on school premises or posted onto notice boards or anywhere else in the building or elsewhere without permission of the headmaster or his deputy.
6.9 Do not leave money or valuables in the change rooms. Keep valuables on your person at all times. While every effort will be made to trace lost property, it must be realised that this is very difficult and the school cannot be held responsible for such losses. Parents must ensure that learners’ property while at school is covered by their own comprehensive insurance.
6.10 Learners who commit themselves to sport or an extra-mural activity are not allowed to end the activity until the season is over.
2 / Representing school at Inter-schools / 3
3 / Attending sports meeting in school uniform / 1
4 / Cleaning classroom / 1
5 / Homework exceptionally neat / 1
6 / Above 80% in control test / 3
7 / Above 70% in control test / 2
8 / Level 4 in an activity / 2
9 / Participation in a cultural activity, eg choir / 1
10 / Member of Matric Council / 5
11 / Member of LRC / 5
12 / Responsible class captain / 3
13 / Assistant : sound room / 3 per term
14 / Colours for sport : zone / 2
15 / Colours for sport : provincial / 4
16 / Colours for sport : national / 6
17 / Man of the Match / 2 weekly
18 / Netball/hockey "bokkie" / 2 per week
19 / Mr and Miss Bosmansdam winners / 3
20 / Mr and Miss Bosmansdam finalists / 2
21 / Eistedfodd participants / 2
22 / Eistedfodd winners / 3
23 / Cultural activity - regular attendance / 2
24 / Vox - Editorial staff / 3
25 / Culture Club - Committee / 3
26 / Blood donor / 1
27 / Cricket referees / 2 per match
28 / Media prefects / 3
29 / Computer prefect / 3
30 / School attendance / 3
31 / Sport : unbeaten team per season / 5
32 / Fundraising - as judged by H/M
33 / Helpfulness / 1
34 / CCS / 6
35 / Attending detention / 1
36 / Participation in Taalbond and Olympiads / 2
37 / Top 10 : 1 / 15
2 / 14
3 / 13
4 / 12
5 / 11
6 / 10
7 / 10
8 / 10
9 / 10
10 / 10
1 / Failing appearance or appearance outside school grounds / A / 1
2 / Talking in class / lines / A / 1
3 / Homework incomplete / A / 1
4 / Forgetting books/wrong books/incorrect permission slips/
absentee letters. / A / 1
5 / Disobeying instructions / A / 1
6 / Taking wrong route / A / 1
7 / Eating/drinking in class / A / 1
8 / Rowdy, noisy, horseplay / A / 1
9 / Test/circular not signed / A / 1
10 / Doing other work in class / A / 1
11 / Talking during announcements / A / 1
12 / Chewing gum / A / 1
13 / Walking around in class / A / 1
14 / Does not work in class / A / 1
15 / Disrupting teaching of others / A / 1
16 / Loitering / A / 1
17 / Disobeying classroom rules / A / 1
18 / Late / A / 2
19 / Homework not done / A / 2
20 / Offensive language (General) / A / 2
21 / Throwing things in class / A / 2
22 / Late for class / A / 2
23 / In possession of offensive material / A / 2
24 / Unacceptable behaviour class/grounds / A / 2
25 / Cell phone switched on / A / 2
26 / Time-out / A / 2
27 / Out of Bounds / A / 2
28 / Littering / A / 2
29 / Rude/cheeky behaviour / A / 3
30 / Borrows book/copies homework / A / 3
31 / Absent from sport practice / A / 2
32 / Poor test marks / A / 2
33 / Not attending class/bunking / A / 3
34 / Talking during assembly / A / 3
35 / Electronic games during class / A / 3
36 / Dishonest / B / 6
37 / Bunking school/sport matches / B / 6
38 / Possession of cigarettes / B / 6
39 / Left class without permission / B / 6
40 / Refuses to sign admission of guilt form / B / 6
41 / Not attending DT / B / 6
42 / Disrupting DT / B+ / 18
43 / Smoking / B+ / 18
44 / Copies test / B+ / 18
45 / Using alcohol / C / 24
46 / Swearing at teachers / C / 24
47 / Fighting / C / 24
48 / Vandalism / C / 24
49 / Pornography / C / 24
50 / Lights fire in class/fire crackers / C / 24
51 / Intimidation, Bullying, Victimisation / C / 24
52 / Racism, sexual harassment / C / 24
53 / Possession of dangerous objects, weapons / C / 24
54 / Theft / C / 24
55 / Corruption, fraud, blackmail, bribery, forgery / C / 24
56 / Possession of prohibited substances / C / 24
57 / Sabotage / C / 24
58 / Gangsterism / C / 24
59 / Copies exam / C / 24
NB: 3Bs becomes a C