The Jewish community’s response to extreme poverty
Platinum House, Gabriel Mews, London NW2 2GD EMAIL: TEL:020 3603 8120
Tzedek Volunteering Overseas:
The Ghana Project
Application Form
Please complete and email to
Date of birth
Email Address
Mobile number
Home Address
University and Course/Occupation
Synagogue you/your family are affiliated to (if applicable)
Youth Movement you are/were involved with (if applicable)
Where did you hear about the programme?
Are you applying with anybody else? If so, please let us know their name(s).
In what ways do you observe Shabbat and keep kosher, if at all?
Tzedek volunteers take part in projects focused on education, micro-finance, health, women and youth empowerment.
Which of these areas interest you the most, and please list any relevant experience – including relevant qualifications, employment or past volunteering experiences, or youth movement experience – you think you have in those areas.
Please select your preferred starting date and number of weeks in Ghana (by putting an X in the appropriate box):
Preferred Start Date / Number of Weeks
June 5th 2017 / 4
Other (please state):
July 3rd 2017 / 4
Other (please state):
Please explain why you have decided to apply for The Ghana Project. What do you hope to gain from this experience? (max 500 words)
What is your opinion on the statement ‘short term volunteering overseas has only a limited impact on the local community’? (max 300 words)
Please give us details of two referees who can support your application. References should be an employer, personal tutor/lecturer or a Jewish community leader:
Please provide us with emergency contact details of two guardians or relatives who will be in the UK during your time overseas:
Full name:Email address:
Mobile number:
Home number:
Relationship to you:
Full address:
Full name:
Email address:
Mobile number:
Home number:
Relationship to you:
Full address:
Please sign below to acknowledge that all the information provided on this application form is accurate:
Name (Printed) ______
Signed ______
Date ______
Please return this form to by 31st March 2017.
Registered Charity No: 1016767 Chair: Jonny Persey Chief Executive: Jude Williams
A company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, Registered No: 2781146
Registered Office: Platinum House, Gabriel Mews, London NW2 2GD