Revised January 2009
Parkway Facilities
Department Orientation
Introduction 1
Organizational Overview 2
Facilities Organizational Chart 3
Facilities Facts 4
Employees Duties and Responsibilities 5
Safety 6
List of Schools by Region 7
Orientation Handbook Receipt 8
Employee Orientation Program Checklist 9
Grounds Specific Orientation 13
Custodial Specific Orientation 14
Maintenance Department Specific Orientation 15
Security Specific Orientation 16
Welcome to the Parkway School District Facilities Department
Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the students, teachers, and staff of the Parkway School District. We believe that in this way we enhance the health and well-being of those we serve and help them to attain their goals.
You are now a very important and necessary part of this process. The information which follows will help you to understand the importance of your new position and how and why certain procedures are followed.
In the first thirty days of your employment you will receive a district orientation from the Human Resources Department. At that time, you will complete all the necessary forms for Payroll, Benefits, etc. You will receive a District Handbook which summarizes the School Board’s personnel policies and procedures as well as the benefits to which employees are entitled.
As a supplement to this handbook, sometime within the first 30 to 60 days you will attend a more specific department orientation with a Facilities Manager. At that time, we will discuss department policies and answer questions you may have as a new employee.
We know that interested and informed employees are a benefit to themselves and the department.
Organization Overview
The Facilities Department is organized into five groups which perform the housekeeping, exterior site maintenance, building maintenance, security, facilities planning, and construction management duties assigned to the Department.
These groups are:
· Custodial Group (custodial and special crew) and Grounds Group (exterior site maintenance)· Maintenance/Construction Group (construction management & liaison between Facilities, administrators, and contractors)
· Maintenance Group (building maintenance and site utilities maintenance)
· Planning and Engineering Group (facilities planning, design and engineering, long-range planning)
· Security Group (District Security, Security Officers, SRO’s)
Facilities Organizational Chart
Name / Title / Phone #Mike Mertens / Director of Facilities / 415-8268
Jan Carpenter / Confidential Executive Secretary / 415-8259
Department Supervisors & Staff
Scott Bennett / Manager, Planning & Engineering / 415-8231
Xiaodi Li / Project Manager / 415-8234
Scott Ritter / Project Manager / 415-8279
Ed Ryan / Project Manager / 415-8289
Doug Stephens / VFA Coordinator / 415-8217
Tim Streib / CAD Technician / 415-8276
Lisa Scherer / Contract Analyst / 415-8237
Jeanie Besancenez / Contract Analyst / 415-8281
Steve Ludwig / Manager, Building & Grounds / 415-8232
John Bettis / Operations Foreman / 415-4214
Matt Jenne / Turf Foreman / 415-4215
Don Riegerix / Custodial Supervisor (South Area) / 415-8266
Orlando Lewis / Custodial Supervisor (West Area) / 415-8299
Maggie Wells / Custodial Supervisor (North Area) / 415-8236
Nick Gollubske / Senior Maintenance Supervisor / 415-8285
Linda Wader / Administrative Secretary / 415-8221
Bob Bretz / Maintenance Supervisor / 415-8220
Rick Fondren / Contract Verification / 415-8267
Terry Garner / Maintenance Foreman / 415-8206
Mike Tate / Lead Construction Supervisor (North Area) / 415-8218
Frank McCarty / Construction Supervisor (Central Area) / 415-8219
Bill McDaniel / Construction Supervisor (South Area) / 415-8287
Mark Tesreau / Construction Supervisor (District Wide) / 415-8270
Fred Crawford / Chief of Security / 415-8320
Russ Jackson / Supervisor of Security / 415-8274
Jackie Venturella / Administrative Secretary / 415-8262
Security Officers / 415-8200
Facilities Office Support Staff
Kay Chesser / Financial Analyst / 415-8380
Eileen Dattilo / Payroll Specialist / 415-8233
Terri Hawley / Purchasing Specialist / 415-8224
Ralph Tidwell / Planner/Coordinator / 415-8227
Parkway Facilities Facts
The Parkway School District is one of the largest school districts in the St. Louis area.
The following are a number of interesting facts about the District:
· Current enrollment is approximately 19,500 students
· The District covers an area of 68 square miles
· Facilities maintains:
o 33 main buildings
o 3,300,000 square feet of floor space
o 2,798,000 square feet of drives and parking lots
o 7,630,000 square feet of turf play areas
· Facilities responds to approximately 25,000 work requests, annually
· Facilities is one of the largest departments in the District employing approximately :
o 145 custodial personnel
o 55 maintenance personnel
o 20 grounds personnel
o 12 engineering and construction personnel
Facilities is second only to Instruction in total budget dollars. The annual Facilities budget is almost $29 million dollars.
With the passing of a recent bond issue, Facilities is responsible for managing approximately $15 million of renovation/replacement project work annually.
Employee Duties and Responsibilities
There are basic standards of action and behavior in any professional organization. In Parkway, these standards include:
· Report to work promptly and be prepared to begin duties at assigned start time.
· Notify your manager promptly when you are unable to report to work.
· Work quietly and efficiently in an effort to not disrupt students, staff, and classes.
· Properly care for tools and equipment and return them to their proper place.
· Practice safety precautions at all times and report hazards immediately.
· Follow the line of authority. If you have a problem, work out difficulties with a department supervisor or lead person first. If no solution can be agreed on, ask if you and your immediate supervisor can meet with a manager.
· Serve in any capacity that may be necessary and willingly accept assignments.
· Develop and maintain an attitude of helpfulness.
· Guard against waste of any kind.
· Work efficiently to save time and effort whenever possible without lowering quality standards.
· Continue to learn and expand your skills.
· Promote the image of the department and the district. You are important in the support of our students.
As part of your orientation program, you will be attending a number of safety training classes specific to your job assignment. Your manager will utilize a combination of safety meetings, toolbox meetings, and new employee specific training to help create a safe environment for you and your co-workers. Your safety is important to us.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be one of the first safety topics that we deal with. Your new position may require safety glasses, safety shoes, or chemical resistant gloves, and/or other items that are job specific just to name a few examples. Your manager will ensure you are instructed in the proper PPE for your job and help you acquire the proper equipment.
Remember…….safety is everyone’s responsibility. We work together to create a safe environment for all of our employees.
If you are hurt on the job, please report to the nurse on site for immediate treatment.
Parkway Schools by Region
The Parkway Facilities Department divides the District into three regions. Each region is managed by a Maintenance Supervisor who is responsible for communications between the schools in that region and Facilities support.
Frank McCarty – 5-8219
Central High Central Middle
Early Childhood Center Green Trails
Highcroft Ridge Mason Ridge
River Bend Shenandoah Valley West High
West High West Middle
Mike Tate, Lead Maintenance Supervisor – 5-8218
Bellerive Craig
Fern Ridge ISC
McKelvey North High
Northeast Middle Ross
Administration Grounds/Storage Center
Operations Transportation
Bill McDaniel – 5-8287
Barretts Carman Trails
Claymont Hanna Woods
Henry Oak Brook
Pierremont Sorrento Springs
South High South Middle
Southwest Middle Wren Hollow
District Wide Projects
Mark Tesreau – 5-8270
Parkway Facilities
Orientation Handbook Receipt
I ______, have received and read the
Parkway School District Facilities Orientation Handbook.
· Please sign and return to your Manager at 30/45 day review.
Facilities Employee Orientation Program
Before the First Day (Manager)
____1. Confirm that Human Resources has contacted employee with offer of employment and that the supervisor is clear to begin the orientation process.
____2. Arrange for identification badge through Human Resources.
____3. Schedule Parkway Human Resources Orientation.
____4. Make sure adequate space, equipment, tools, supplies, and personal protective
equipment is available and set aside for new employee.
____5. Plan the 1st day schedule (tour of the department, introduction to other department
members, lunch with department members, location of equipment, supplies and
other resources).
____6. Ensure that the appropriate people know when your new employee is arriving.
____7. Prepare forms to obtain employee access to necessary databases, e-mail, voice mail, parking tag, etc.
____8. Determine who will be assigned as a mentor or trainer through Phase I.
____9. Arrange for system training (Groupwise and work order system).
____10. Arrange for office/access keys through Security.
____11. Arrange for Nextel communication through Technology if applicable.
On the First Day (Manager)
____1. Be available and greet your new employee.
____2. Ask employee to complete Emergency Procedure form identifying person(s) and
telephone number(s) to contact in the event of an emergency. Deliver completed
form to Security Office.
____3. Identify Human Resources Orientation date to employee.
____4. Describe your department by explaining its name, purpose, position within the Division, and/or school, staffing (e.g., organization chart), and any special departmental rules or procedures, etc. Provide handouts as appropriate.
____5. Review department goals and identify special interests/current projects of the department, key staff, etc.
____6. Discuss the new employee’s job duties and responsibilities. (An excellent method is to use the written job description as an outline). Be sure to point out the importance of the job to the department and the need to work as part of the department’s team. Get feedback and determine if employee has a clear
____7. Outline unit organization and from whom the new employee will take direction.
____8. Explain the work schedule of the department and of the new employee (i.e., Workforce, work hours, lunch time, overtime policy, and procedure for notifying
you in the event of an absence). Discuss probation period and performance
____9. Review time and attendance procedures explaining how and when vacation and sick leave are accrued and used. Briefly discuss other types of leave and when
they may be used.
____10. Make sure the new employee knows the exact amount of his or her pay rate or
salary; discuss paydays and step increases.
____11. Discuss work environment safety issues (e.g., what to do if injured on the job, fire escape routes, location of fire extinguishers, emergency evacuation
procedures for building he/she will be working in, etc.).
____12. Discuss the security of the work area, both inside and outside the building.
____13. Conduct a tour of the Facilities work area and make introductions to other department members and people outside of the department with whom the individual will work. Include Security, Storeroom, Warehouse, and Food Service. Remember to point out rest rooms, eating areas, and locker rooms.
____14. Submit paperwork, including signatures, to obtain access to databases, e-mail, voice mail, work order system, etc.
____15. Review Orientation Plan and Orientation schedule with new employee.
____16. Issue Orientation Handbook to new employee to read and explain that the information will be covered during the Orientation timeframe and it is his/hers to keep.
____17. Introduce the new employee to his supervisor and mentor or trainer.
____18. Explain that the introductory period is a time to learn as much as possible about the new job and the District and that you are available to provide assistance. Mention that the Phase I (probationary) period gives you and the individual a
chance to determine whether he or she is well-suited for the job.
____19. Discuss performance reports. Review grievance procedures.
____20. At the end of the day, meet with the new employee to discuss his/her first
day on the job. Discuss any concerns and answer questions.
2nd to 10th Days (Manager)
____1. At the start of the second day, meet with new employee. Has he or she thought of any questions or concerns? Is clarification needed?
____2. Discuss the importance of interacting courteously and effectively with co-
workers and District staff. Identify protocols for dealing/interacting with students.
____3. Discuss telephone procedures and policies.
____4. Discuss district and division grooming and dress codes/policies.
____5. Discuss district required training for all employees (i.e., Confidentiality
Training, Preventing Sexual Harassment, Child Abuse Awareness) and arrange
day/time for new employee to satisfy these requirements. Discuss other
department required staff development training needed.
____6. Implement systems training (Groupwise and work order system).
____7. Acquire identification badge through Human Resources.
____8. Acquire office/access keys through Security.
____9. Acquire a Nextel communication device through Technology if applicable.
____10. Publish new employees name and background facts through Groupwise.
30/45 Days (Manager)
____1. Schedule and conduct 30/45 day review.
____2. Share results with Director of Facilities and Human Resources Department.
____3. Review employee safety training schedule to ensure compliance with District
____4. Discuss concerns.
60/90 Days (Manager)
____1. Schedule and conduct 60/90 day review.
____2. Share results with Director of Facilities and Human Resources Department.
____3. Review employee safety training schedule to ensure compliance with District
____4. Discuss concerns.
Grounds Specific Orientation
____1. Assign to grounds crew.
____2. Introduce to crew chief.
____3. Department specific safety training:
· Train on operation of specific mower employee will be operating
· Train on operation of weed eater he/she will be using
· Train on operation of blower he/she will be using
· Introduce new employee to the chemicals that he/she will be working with and their uses