
1.  Partnership Training Events for Adult Services

a.  Introduction

b.  Important information about accessing courses

c.  Course descriptors

d.  Calendar of Training

e.  Booking forms

2.  Learning Disability Joint Training Programme

a.  Introduction

b.  Course descriptors

c.  Calendar of Training

d.  Booking form

1 a. Introduction

Welcome to this edition of the RCT SCWDP Schedule of partnership training events for 2011 – 2012. The programme has been produced in this format to enable managers to plan staff release for the courses that may benefit their staff. Courses are listed alphabetically. There is also a chronological calendar at the end of the schedule to show when all training sessions are taking place in relation to each other. Please note, you will be able to book on courses four months in advance. The later dates are published at this time for your information only to assist in planning rotas etc. We experienced some difficulties last year with manager turnover, and hopefully this process will help everyone stay abreast of which staff are booked on courses. Please note that, in accordance with all partnership schemes, this training is only available to staff working within the Rhondda Cynon Taf county boundaries. If there are particular training topics that you would like to see in any subsequent programme, please get in touch with me at Heddfan (01443 668829) or email . All your comments will be taken into consideration when planning the calendar for next year. If there are any resources left over in this financial year, it will also enable us to put on additional courses where there is most identified need. Please note, however, that mandatory training is not something that the partnership will usually fund or host as these topics are an employer’s statutory responsibility. One exception this year is a limited allocation of places on our moving and handling course at Heddfan. Please note that there is a fee for accessing this training of £40 per person per day. Most of the training in the schedule continues to be free of charge. The partnership will monitor attendance, take up and drop out rates for all courses to determine whether charging is desirable for the future. If you have booked a place and know that you are unable to attend, please let staff at Heddfan know as soon as possible. If we are given sufficient notice, the place can be reallocated to another person.

Booking a place

If you wish to attend any of the courses identified in this programme, please complete the booking form at the back of this booklet (photocopy as necessary), clearly stating which course you wish to attend and on what date. If you have any queries, please contact the partnership administrator Hannah Thomas on 01443 668856.

We are currently upgrading our enrolment process and now have a web based application that enables team managers / training co-ordinators to view and enrol staff on courses. This system will also enable you to check on staff training history and qualifications. This has been used internally for the last 12 months and our web page is being developed for external access, to enable partner agencies to utilise this application. More detail on these developments will follow shortly

Best wishes

Sarah Williams

RCT SCWDP Partnership Co-ordinator

Heddfan Centre for Learning & Development in Social Care

Ilan Avenue



CF37 5PN

1 b. Important information about accessing courses

Booking Procedure

Complete the registration form at the back of this booklet. An emailed copy of the form is available on request. The booking form must be completed with the details of a named member of staff. We can not hold places for unspecified staff. This is because we can not enter the data on to our computer system and reserve the place without this information.

Once completed, please return to Hannah Thomas at Heddfan as soon as possible.

Hannah will email out to the partner agency confirming that places have been kept. If your organisation is not on the email system, please phone Hannah to confirm whether or not you have been successful in gaining a place.

If a particular course is oversubscribed, Hannah will place you on a reserve list and let you know by email.

Two weeks prior to the training, the course programme will be sent out to the organisation that has booked the course. It is for managers to pass on this information to their staff prior to the course taking place. The course programme is the final confirmation that places have been secured on the training.

Changes of nominee are acceptable in exceptional circumstances, but we would like to encourage organisations to keep them to a minimum as a lot of extra administrative work is created by duplicating certificates etc.

If you have to substitute staff through sickness or absence, please let Hannah know at your earliest convenience. Our courses are often over-subscribed.

If you know that your staff are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that a member of staff on the reserve list can be offered the place.

When members of staff attend training, they need to provide full details for the registration form including their place of work and their job role – This is particularly important because we need to be able to differentiate between “voluntary” and “for profit” parts of the social care sector, to track access and ensure our processes are in line with Welsh Government requirements.

Please can you ensure that all staff sent on training have been through this booking procedure. Unregistered staff will not be able to attend, and may be turned away on the day.

Substitute nominees will not be turned away.

If you have any queries about booking, please contact either Hannah or Sarah.


Please note that all SCWDP Training places are open in the first instance to social care providers who are contracted by RCT Council. To participate, the person must work within the geographical boundaries of Rhondda Cynon Taf. If the course is not full, places may be offered to other providers.

The provider organisation must also have returned workforce data if it has been requested by the SCWDP partnership. This is the Excel Spreadsheet document that is sent out in the winter. If you have not responded to this request, you will have to complete the process before any SCWDP opportunities can be accessed.

Other training opportunities

As well as the training opportunities listed in this brochure, you may be interested to know about training put on by Dewis CIL and Interlink

Dewis Centre for Independent Living / Interlink
Unit 6 / Melin Corrwg
Maritime Offices / Cardiff Road
Woodland Terrace / Upper Boat
Maesycoed / Pontypridd
Pontypridd / CF37 5BE
CF37 1DZ
(01443) 408418 / (01443) 846200

Both organisations offer a comprehensive training programme, although eligibility criteria may apply and there may be a cost to attend.

Website details are as follows:


Dewis Centre for Independent Living:

If you would like to access any of these courses, please contact Dewis CIL and Interlink directly on the telephone numbers listed above.

Accessibility Issues

I have tried to use accessible buildings where possible. However some buildings are not fully accessible at the present time. Prospect House is currently unsuitable for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility as the training room is located upstairs. I have scheduled sessions in other locations. If you have a disability which prevents you from accessing Prospect House, please book on one of the sessions that is located in an accessible location. If you need to access a particular venue because you have a disability, you can book on the course at any time, and the four month advance booking period will not apply.

When you are applying for courses put on through Heddfan, please can you make sure that any accessibility needs are highlighted to us, and we will try our best to accommodate them.

You may not be aware that Heddfan has recently bought a top of the range infrared induction hearing system (similar to a loop), to support staff who use hearing aids. However, please note that we can only make the arrangements to have this set up, if we have been notified in advance. This also goes for meetings that are hosted in Heddfan. Staff who have used this system have found it to be very beneficial.

When making your bookings, please notify us if you have staff who:

·  Are wheelchair users

·  Have mobility problems

·  Have hearing or sight impairments

·  Have literacy and numeracy issues

·  Have conditions which may be affected / aggravated by the learning environment (e.g. epilepsy)

·  Have issues relating to recent surgery or injury (eg back problems)

·  Have other learning needs which might affect their ability to participate fully

It is important to notify Hannah at the booking stage, so that information can be shared with trainers and the sessions tailored to meet the needs of learners.

Attendance on courses

Many of our courses are extremely popular and tend to get booked up very quickly. Please do not send members of staff who have already attended the same course again. If you have a new member of staff, please check to see if they have attended courses run by Heddfan with their previous employers. We would like to offer training opportunities to as many staff as possible. If your member of staff has already attended, they may be taking a place that could have been offered to someone who has not received that particular training. We often get requests for staff to go on repeat sessions of courses. Please do not re-send your staff on any of the training offered by Heddfan, as it does not need a refresher.

Of course this does not apply, if you are purchasing places on statutory courses which require regular refresher training (e.g. Moving and handling, emergency first aid at work etc)

Welsh language courses

This year we are including the opportunity to access some of the excellent Welsh Language courses that are being run in the area. SCWDP will pay the fees for any RCT partner agency worker who wishes to access these courses, whilst allocated funds are available. This is in recognition that across RCT, we have 65 service users who are Welsh speakers. In keeping with a person centred approach to care, we would like to encourage our partner agency workforce who work with these service users to be able to use familiar phrases with them. This has been identified as making a real difference to quality of life particularly for those service users with dementia who may revert back to their mother tongue.

If you would like any advice and support about how to develop Welsh language skills within your workforce, please contact Sarah Williams in the first instance. She can then put you in touch with Caroline Mortimer, our in house Welsh language officer.
Links to the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)

This year we are introducing some courses that are linked up to the new Health and Social Care Diplomas delivered under QCF. This will mean that staff attending these courses should be able to take away some evidence that they will then be able to use towards one of the new social care diplomas. Preparations are underway for the following courses to have these links embedded:

·  Bereavement and loss

·  Medication for domiciliary care workers

·  Medicines awareness for residential workers

·  Dementia awareness

·  MCA / DOLS for care workers

·  Equal opportunities

·  POVA Alerters training (Level 2)

·  Mental Health Awareness

It is hoped that all our courses will eventually reflect these links. However as with any quality process, course development takes time, so the courses above are the initial targets for this year.

Links to venue maps

Please find links to google maps for the venues that are used throughout this brochure. If you receive this schedule in hard copy, these will also have been printed out for you. The responsibility to share maps to the venues rests with the nominating manager. Please note, these maps are generated via google-maps and give a rough outline of where the venue is located. Sometimes this will take you to the general post code area, rather than the precise building. You are advised to check this meets your needs prior to setting off, and to seek clarification if necessary.

Rhydyfelin Children’s Centre – 01443 404628,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF37+5DB&gl=uk&ei=7qosTI3ZHsiWsQbCrv25Cg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

Treforest Day Centre – 01443 841235,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF37+5YL&gl=uk&ei=nKssTPH0Lc2TsQbZ6OG5Ag&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

Glyncornel Environmental Centre – 01443 420940

Prospect House – 01685 882744

NB: Please look for the sign that says ‘Aberdare Demolition’,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF40+2JF&gl=uk&ei=3PcyTLlOyvyxBpqKhc4E&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

Heddfan, Centre for Learning & Development, Ilan Avenue, Rhydyfelin, Pontypridd CF37 5PN – 01443 668867,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF37+5PN&gl=uk&ei=N_oyTILPJdChsQav57DOBA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

Links to venue maps

DEWIS CIL –01443 408418,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF37+1DZ,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&ei=M9M1TK7sNdS7jAeln5yIBA&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA&z=16&pw=2

QED – 01443 841405,Treforest,+Pontypridd,+Rhondda+Cynon+Taff&cid=1946056022719257379

Heritage Park – 01443 687057,Pontypridd&cid=0,0,9278046939378012646&ei=sHXfTZPhKsSJhQf0_eDUCg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CDQQnwIwAQ

CwmClydach Development Centre – 01443 440510,Tonypandy,+Mid+Glamorgan+CF40+2BD&gl=uk&ei=kXzfTbD5HImohAfku5HCCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCAQ8gEwAA

Expectations about participant conduct

In order to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable and worthwhile time whilst on our training courses, the partnership has developed a learning agreement which underpins the Care Council for Wales’ code of conduct for employees.