Hazelwood Heights Homeowners Association

Minutes for 1/13/05

Hazelwood Heights Homeowners (HHH) Association held our annual meeting on January 13, 2005 at Hanna Township Hall. President Dathan Kerber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting opened with the officer introduction. Vice President was unable to attend.

2004 Meeting Minutes: Billie Jean Lopas, Secretary

Billie highlighted points of interest in the last homeowner’s association meeting, which was held on January 29, 2004. The minutes were approved. All meeting notes will be posted on the web site.

Treasurer’s Report: Julie Lake, Treasurer

Julie reviewed the 2004 Treasurer’s Report. Everyone in attendance received a copy of this report. A motion was made, seconded and approved to look into and possibly move $2,000 from savings into our CD’s to get a higher interest rate. Treasurer’s report was approved.

Water System Report: Jim Gessel, Water Commissioner

Jim distributed the Water System Report and the Annual Consumer Confidence Report to all in attendance. The following is a review of what was discussed.

  • Merle Loete has been working well as the new well operator.
  • Five samples of the lead and copper have passed which allows us to reduce the number of samplings. We passed in Sept. and will be on a 3 year cycle.
  • No violations in 2003 for the quality of drinking water.
  • A new Confidence Report will be available in spring, and then made available on the web site.
  • Arsenic samples were 14ppb (parts per billion) in Sept 2004. This is an increase from 4/07/04 of 10ppb.
  • Question was posed as to why the huge increase? Jim said that a new lab

was used for the September sample. However, it’s not unheard of to jump in arsenic levels. It was motioned, seconded and approved that one sample a year be sent to two labs to verify the accuracy of the results.

2. Question was posed about installing a reverse osmosis system on the well

water. Dathan explained the process and suggested it wasn’t an

efficient option. We would loose about 60% of the water in the process which would cause a disposal problem

3. Question on what happens if we don’t meet the EPA guidelines of below

10 ppb on the arsenic levels come January 23, 2006?

  • No one is sure, but we could be fined.
  • Would be difficult for people to get loans to buy property in the Association if water didn’t pass standards.

Water System Security and Threat level:

Our subdivision has yet to develop a comprehensive threat response plan to protect our water supply. Although the threat seems to have decreased, we should still put together a committee that will develop just that. It’s always better to be prepared. Volunteers would be appreciated - see Jim Gessel.

Water System Conditions and Maintenance:

  1. Our last replacement of the well and backup pumps was in May of 1999. History shows that we will need to replace this pump within the next year or so. The estimated cost $10,000. It would take a day or day and a half to install the new pump if one was needed.
  2. There have been no major repairs this past year. Jim has completed many minor repairs, but there continues to be a growing list. The Association would like someone to assist Jim with some of these repairs. If interested, please contact Jim.
  3. The well house tanks show signs of deterioration, and to contain this, we need to repaint them. It was motioned, seconded and approved that we get a bid from Johnson Company for the estimated price of repainting and do it with the expectations it will cost about $1,000.
  4. Jim has been the water commissioner/well attendant for 16 yrs. He is ready to train a new resident to take over his position. Please contact Jim (309)441-5360 if you are interested in this paid position.

HHH Covenant Revision Proposals: Nancy Hanson, and Beth Unrath

Approved revisions to the Covenants will be place on the website for your download.

Please make note of the following changes as well as review all the Conditions and Restrictions. (Changes in bold)

  1. A, B, C, D, E, G, I, and M no changes.
  2. F. Every residence must have facilities for off street parking. Vehicles are NOT to be left or parked on the streets as a matter of practice.
  3. H. No residence shall be occupied, even temporarily, until the living area on the main floor has at least the interior wall covering, stairways and working plumbing.
  4. J. Lots and properties must be maintained in a neat condition. Weeds and lawns must be kept cut to a height not to exceed 6 inches. Owners shall sweep, or blow lawn clippings back into property rather than leaving them on the street. Buildings shall not be left unpainted. Vehicles in a non-operative condition shall not be kept in the open as a matter of practice.
  5. K. Owners of lots adjacent to ground zoned for Agriculture may construct and maintaina fence if they desire.
  6. L. The speed limit for vehicles on streets in the addition shall be 30 miles per hour.
  7. It was the consensus at the meeting that 30 mph was too fast to be safe even though it conforms with State practices. Billie Swanson will look into what it will take to get the speed limit changed down to 20 miles-per-hour. We encourage everyone to slow down for the sake of all our kids.
  1. N. It should be known that all new construction or replacement construction needs to comply with additional excerpts to N. Please see web site for conditions. Also the “Developers”is now considered Hazelwood Heights Homeowners Association.
  2. A committee will be put together to present a covenant to address outbuildings at the Jan. 2006 meeting if desired at that time.

Fall Fling: Dave and A.J. Wolak/ Denise Schroeder

The Fall Fling will now be a Summer Fling. Misty Rogers has a committee that will be putting this together.

Water Association/Arsenic update: Dathan Kerber

  • Our current community approach to reduce arsenic in our drinking water is to provide water through a Water Association to all interested subdivisions and individuals. There are 515 homes involved in the Association. It would cost of $7 million to provide the infrastructure to provide water for the association members. A loan to provide this money would cost each house about $100/month instead of the current quarterly $60 charge. We are working to reduce this charge.
  • Water would come from the city of East Moline.
  • Our next step is to see what the Government can do for us. Dathan and other association members are meeting with the County Board January 28, 2005to see if they can help us get a grant and/or propose other means they can assist us.
  • There was a discussion about meters being placed in homes to determine the amount of water usage by Association Homeowners. Another possibility would be to put a meter on the entrance of the subdivision and divide the cost equally. No conclusion.
  • Other possible avenues for removing or reducing arsenic include:
  1. Getting our water from Hazelwood W & 4. They, and we, are not too excited because their equipment is old and the cost would be significant.
  2. Purify water ourselves. This would require running the water through a filter media (sand-like material) to pull out the arsenic, then backwash the media twice a day. Would need to let the backwash water settle out the solids and then leach the water into the ground. The settled solids would have to be removed to a landfill by a disposal company several times a year. We would need to purchase land for such a system.
  3. Put a system in each house with Hazelwood Association maintaining them.

Elections of Officers - New officers for a two year term include:

  • President- Dathan Kerber
  • V. Pres. – Duane Rogers
  • Water Commissioner Remains Jim Gessel……….If you know anyone interested, please let Jim know.
  • Treasure – Julie Lake
  • Secretary – Billie Lopas


Dave Wolak asked if the Association would be interested in making improvements to the shelter. He proposed the Association pay for Firepit, Lights, and slab of concrete. The approximate cost is $1,500.00. Everyone is able to use the park. Motion approved, based on submitted estimate to the HHH Association board.


Billie Lopas 441-6278 has copies of tonight’s Agenda, Treasurer’s Report, Water System Report, and Annual Consumer Confidence Report if you are interested in a copy.

Respectfully Submitted,

Billie Jean Lopas



JANUARY 13, 2005







The Association would like to update email address of all Hazelwood Heights Homeowners. Please contact Dathan with your current email address at .