Patient code (EUROSCA-R):


Please tick only one item per question

A fall is defined as every event that results in you unintentionally ending up on the floor (or any other lower surface).

1.Do you live alone?

 Yes

 No, with partner

 Otherwise namely.……………………………………………………………………….


2.What is your current living situation?

 Autonomous

 Accompanied living

 Old people’s home

 Sheltered accommodation

 Resting home

 Nursing home

3.What medication are you currently using?

Name of the medicine:Dose:Frequency per day:









5.How are your walking abilities at the moment?

 Totally independent

 With an aid (e.g. with a stick or stroller)

 With the assistance of others

 Walking is not possible

6.Did you ever experience a fall since the onset of disease?

 No

 Yes

7.What was time between the onset of disease and your first fall?

Month(s)……………….. Year(s)……………

8. How often do you fall?

 Never

 Every day

 Every week

 Every month

 Every Year

9.Did you fall yesterday?

 No

 Once

 More than once

10.Did you fall last week?

 No

 Once

 More than once

11.Did you fall last month?

 No

 Once

 More than once

If you answered questions 9 to 11 all with “No” as the answer, you may proceed to question 18. Otherwise proceed with answer 12.

12.Did you ever hurt yourself because of a fall?

 No

 Once

 More than once

13.What kind of injuries have you suffered as a consequence of a fall?

 None

 A fracture, namely: (e.g. a hip)…………………………………………………………….

 Other wounds (e.g. a bruise or excoriation)

 Unconsciousness

 Otherwise namely (e.g. a brain hemorrhage):………………………………………….

14.When you fall, where does this usually takes place?

 Outdoors

 Indoors

 Both

15.When you fall, at what time does this usually takes place?

 Every moment of the day

 In the daytime

 During the evening

 During the night

16.In which direction do you fall most often?

 Backwards

 Forwards

 Sidewardright / left (circle the correct answer)

 Every direction as equeally often

17.What do you do to prevent falling?

 Nothing

 Avoid certain activities, like:…………………………………………………………….

 The use of aids (e.g. a stick or a stroller)

 Physiotherapy

 Medication

 Otherwise, namely.……………………………………………………………………….

18.Do you experience a fear of falling?

 No

 Slightly

 Very much

19.Are there things you avoid because of this fear of falling?

 No

 Sometimes

 Often

20.Can you give some examples of things you refrain from due to the fear of falling?

 None

 Household cores

 Going outdoors to work or go shopping

 Going outdoors for recreational activities

 Doing sports

 Otherwise namely.……………………………………………………………………….

21.How often do you go outdoors for pleasure?

 Daily

 Once a week

 Not very often

 Never

22.How often are you able to go outdoors independently?

 Daily

 Once a week

 Not very often

 Impossible

23.Do you have near falls? (This means that you lose your balance but retain your upright position, for instance by grabbing on to something)

 No

 Once a month

 Once a week

 Once a day

 More than once a day

24.Does this near falling hamper you one or the other way?

 No

 It makes me more fearsome of falling

 It makes me to avoid certain things

 It makes me more fearsome of falling and makes me to avoid certain things

 Otherwise namely.……………………………………………………………………….

25.Can you give an indication of your confidence in balance during daily activities on a scale of 0 up to 100 on the below mentioned scale? Zero means no confidence and 100 means full confidence in performing the activities?

0 100