FEBRUARY 28, 2011
PRESENT: President Vincent Seeley
Trustee Joseph Kozloski
Trustee Patrick McCulloch
Trustee Brian Kehoe
Vice President James Chewens - ABSENT
The meeting was called to order by President Seeley, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Donna Bonneville and Pat Ruchk from the Farmer’s Market made a presentation with respect to their annual organizational meeting. The Farmer’s Market would like to return to Main Street for the 2011 season. One concern had was the need for police presence during set-up in the morning. Also looking into the need for a manager for the Farmer’s Market. Next Village Board meeting will decide on budget and Farmer’s Market manager.
Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Nancy Richards made a presentation regarding colon cancer and the displaying of blue lights from March 4 – 13 to raise colon cancer awareness.
Nancy mentioned the Brownfield meeting with Central Hudson went well. Should have a 2012 completion date. Trucks need to be addresses and still waiting to hear from Army Corp of Engineers.
March 14, 2011 is the public hearing on the West Main Street rezoning.
Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch allowing Al Gasperini permission for public assembly on National Day of Prayer; AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
New business on Main St. – Teddi’s Flower Shop has returned to Main St. at 410 Main St.; Chocolate Café/Candyman Chocolates has relocated to Brandow’s Alley; and Brian Hunter is planning on opening “Catskill Cycles’ in May 2011 at 347 Main St. (next to Day & Holt). Agway is going forward (into old Aubuchon building) and should be open mid-May 2011.
Animal Planet is airing their program on the CATS in Catskill on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 8:00 PM.
Fawn Potash made a presentation on the ‘Masters on Main Street’. She is looking for a fiscal conduit on this matter. The County is presently the lead agency and Fawn is going to see if she needs our CCR number and for the Village to be the fiscal conduit. The Board will get back to her on this issue. Letting the County be the lead agency stand.
At this time, the public was asked for any input. Trustee Kehoe thanked the Farmer’s Market personnel for all of their hard work. Kehoe went on to mention that the sidewalk issue needs to have more of an effort put forth for next year. Kozloski asked ‘what about now’?
Lew O’Connor mentioned that the RFPs for the Black Bridge are all out and we’ll see where the Grant funds will come from.
Trustee Kozloski mentioned that he wanted to work with HOCA with regard to the flowers in the urns on Main Street. Will get more information on this issue.
Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Executive Session for a personnel matter and with respect to an emergency decision regarding the Black Bridge.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Cothren