Table S1:Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for Acute Myeloid Leukaemias and specific benzene exposure metrics for all cases and controls and for subgroups defined by disease certainty, job history confidence score, and window of exposure
All exposure / Window 2-20 yearsAll cases and controls / Medium or high disease certainty / Medium or high job history confidence score / All cases and controls
Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI)
Cumulative benzene exposure beyond zero (ppm-years)
0 / 13 / 63 / 1
≤0.348 / 20 / 89 / 1 / 18/73 / 1 / 11 / 52 / 1 / >0-0.143 / 15 / 53 / 1.74 (0.63, 4.78)
>0.348-2.93 / 19 / 83 / 1.04 (0.50, 2.19) / 16/73 / 0.89 (0.40, 1.98) / 10 / 42 / 0.84 (0.27, 2.59) / >0.143-1.23 / 16 / 61 / 1.60 (0.58, 4.41)
>2.93 / 21 / 69 / 1.39 (0.68, 2.85) / 17/58 / 1.19 (0.54, 2.62) / 8 / 33 / 1.46 (0.44, 4.83) / >1.23 / 16 / 64 / 1.61 (0.56, 4.63)
Maximum benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016ppm
≤0.016 / 17 / 87 / 1 / 15/70 / 1 / 11 / 50 / 1 / ≤0.016 / 30 / 130 / 1
>0.016-0.118 / 13 / 47 / 1.49 (0.65, 3.37) / 11/42 / 1.27 (0.53, 3.06) / 7 / 24 / 1.19 (0.33, 4.29) / >0.016-0.088 / 5 / 30 / 0.81 (0.27, 2.40)
>0.118-0.413 / 14 / 55 / 1.35 (0.59, 3.07) / 12/49 / 1.17 (0.49, 2.78) / 5 / 28 / 0.94 (0.25, 3.58) / >0.088-0.309 / 13 / 42 / 1.40 (0.61, 3.24)
>0.413 / 16 / 52 / 1.65 (0.75, 3.63) / 13/44 / 1.44 (0.60, 3.47) / 6 / 25 / 1.14 (0.31, 4.16) / >0.309 / 12 / 39 / 1.44 (0.62, 3.33)
Average benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016 ppm
≤0.016 / 16 / 90 / 1 / 14/72 / 1 / 10 / 51 / 1 / ≤0.016 / 28 / 125 / 1
>0.016-0.081 / 15 / 46 / 1.97 (0.87, 4.5) / 13/41 / 1.73 (0.72, 4.17) / 8 / 25 / 1.77 (0.44, 7.16) / >0.016-0.079 / 8 / 31 / 1.26 (0.49, 3.21)
>0.081-0.259 / 13 / 55 / 1.41 (0.61, 3.3) / 11/49 / 1.21 (0.49, 2.97) / 6 / 27 / 1.31 (0.36, 4.74) / >0.079-0.239 / 12 / 40 / 1.49 (0.64, 3.46)
>0.259 / 16 / 50 / 1.9 (0.86, 4.18) / 13/43 / 1.66 (0.69, 3.98) / 5/24 / 1.33 (0.35, 4.99) / >0.239 / 12 / 45 / 1.24 (0.56, 2.75)
Duration of employment beyond zero (years)
0 / - / - / 0 / 13 / 63 / 1
>0 - 15.6 / 27 / 115 / 1 / 25/99 / 1 / 16 / 67 / 1 / >0 - 7.7 / 20 / 65 / 1.82 (0.71, 4.66)
>15.6 - 28 / 16 / 77 / 0.96 (0.46, 2.01) / 11/63 / 0.72 (0.31, 1.71) / 6 / 44 / 0.73 (0.21, 2.52) / >7.7 - 14.4 / 11 / 58 / 1.17 (0.38, 3.63)
>28 / 17 / 49 / 1.70 (0.75, 3.87) / 15/43 / 1.48 (0.61, 3.60) / 7 / 16 / 1.83 (0.49, 6.88) / >14.4 / 16 / 55 / 1.98 (0.62, 6.39)
Peak exposure (ever >3ppm for 1+ years)
None / 25/124 / 1 / 23/105 / 1 / 18 / 77 / 1 / None / 36/163 / 1
Yes / 35/117 / 1.50 (0.82, 2.75) / 28/100 / 1.27 (0.66, 2.43) / 11 / 50 / 1.25 (0.46, 3.38) / Yes / 24/78 / 1.47 (0.76, 2.83)
Dermal exposure
None / 22/87 / 1 / 20/70 / 1 / 16 / 50 / 1 / None / 34/106 / 1
Low / 0/16 / -- / 0/25 / -- / 0 / 11 / - / Low / 0/11 / -
Medium / 11/39 / 1.10 (0.46, 2.61) / 9/33 / 0.93 (0.36, 2.38) / 1 / 17 / 0.21 (0.03, 1.83) / Medium / 5/28 / 0.52 (0.13, 1.99)
High / 27/99 / 1.15 (0.60, 2.22) / 22/87 / 0.95 (0.47, 1.92) / 12 / 49 / 0.88 (0.33, 2.33) / High / 21/66 / 1.36 (0.68, 2.73)
Table S2:Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemias and specific benzene exposure metrics for all cases and controls and for subgroups defined by disease certainty, job history confidence score, and window of exposure
All exposure / Window 0-30 yearsAll cases and controls / Medium or high disease certainty / Medium or high job history confidence score / All cases and controls
Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI)
Cumulative benzene exposure beyond zero (ppm-years)
0 / 9 / 33 / 1
≤0.348 / 24 /117 / 1 / 23/115 / 1 / 7 / 63 / 1 / >0 - 0.208 / 18 /109 / 0.56 (0.19, 1.67)
>0.348-2.93 / 32 /110 / 1.49 (0.81, 2.76) / 31/104 / 1.41 (0.56, 3.53) / 18 / 52 / 2.72 (0.87, 8.54) / >0.208 - 1.121 / 29 /109 / 1.02 (0.37, 2.81)
>2.93 / 24 /118 / 1.05 (0.56, 1.98) / 23/114 / 0.82 (0.41, 1.66) / 17 / 55 / 3.72 (1.19, 11.6) / >1.121 / 24 / 94 / 1.01 (0.35, 2.95)
Maximum benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016ppm / 0.76 (0.42, 1.39)
≤0.016 / 30 /106 / 1 / 29/104 / 1 / 7 / 52 / 1 / ≤0.016 / 34 / 132 / 1
>0.016-0.118 / 14 / 86 / 0.55 (0.26, 1.18) / 13/83 / 0.54 (0.25, 1.17) / 10 /43 / 2.14 (0.53, 8.60) / >0.016 - 0.1 / 12 / 80 / 0.64 (0.29, 1.41)
>0.118-0.413 / 21 / 78 / 0.97 (0.50, 1.87) / 21/73 / 1.06 (0.55, 2.06) / 16 / 41 / 4.68 (1.34, 16.3) / >0.1 - 0.372 / 21 / 65 / 1.42 (0.73, 2.76)
>0.413 / 15 / 75 / 0.72 (0.36, 1.45) / 14/73 / 0.70 (0.34, 1.45) / 9 / 34 / 3.16 (0.86, 11.6) / >0.372 / 13 / 58 / 1.00 (0.48, 2.10)
Average benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016 ppm
≤0.016 / 31 /114 / 1 / 30/112 / 1 / 7 / 52 / 1 / ≤0.016 / 35 / 147 / 1
>0.016-0.081 / 15 / 76 / 0.74 (0.36, 1.5) / 14/72 / 0.74 (0.36, 1.54) / 10 / 43 / 2.14 (0.53, 8.6) / >0.016 - 0.078 / 14 / 66 / 0.94 (0.45, 1.98)
>0.081-0.259 / 19 / 86 / 0.83 (0.42, 1.62) / 19/83 / 0.88 (0.45, 1.73) / 16 / 41 / 4.68 (1.34, 16.3) / >0.078 - 0.238 / 19 / 70 / 1.22 (0.63, 2.37)
>0.259 / 15 / 69 / 0.83 (0.41, 1.67) / 14/66 / 0.83 (0.40, 1.69) / 9/34 / 3.16 (0.86, 11.6) / >0.238 / 12 / 62 / 0.86 (0.41, 1.81)
Duration of employment beyond zero (years)
0 / - / - / 0 / 9 / 33 / 1
>0 - 15.6 / 18 / 105 / 1 / 16/100 / 1 / 11 / 61 / 1 / >0 - 11.7 / 14 / 99 / 0.53 (0.18, 1.58)
>15.6 - 28 / 36 /115 / 2.14 (1.08, 4.24) / 36/113 / 2.36 (1.16, 4.81) / 19 / 59 / 2.74 (0.97, 7.76) / >11.7 - 20 / 34 /108 / 1.58 (0.53, 4.72)
>28 / 26 /125 / 1.22 (0.57, 2.60) / 25/120 / 1.33 (0.60, 2.95) / 12 / 50 / 1.52 (0.42, 5.52) / >20 / 23 /105 / 1.15 (0.35, 3.77)
Peak exposure (ever >3ppm for 1+ years)
None / 50/187 / 1 / 48/181 / 1 / 1 / None / 36/163 / 1
Yes / 30/138 / 0.69 (0.41, 1.14) / 29/152 / 0.69 (0.41, 1.16) / 18 / 66 / 1.11 (0.50, 2.46) / Yes / 24/78 / 1.47 (0.76, 2.83)
Dermal exposure
None / 29/113 / 1 / 28/112 / 1 / 11 /66 / 1 / None / 34/106 / 1
Low / 8/24 / 1.41 (0.56, 3.53) / 8/24 / 1.44 (0.57, 3.62) / 3 / 18 / 1.13 (0.27, 4.69) / Low / 0/11 / -
Medium / 16/74 / 0.82 (0.41, 1.66) / 14/67 / 0.83 (0.40, 1.71) / 10 / 19 / 3.35 (1.08, 10.4) / Medium / 5/28 / 0.52 (0.13, 1.99)
High / 27/134 / 0.76 (0.42, 1.39) / 27/130 / 0.81 (0.44, 1.49) / 18 / 67 / 2.11 (0.81, 5.55) / High / 21/66 / 1.36 (0.68, 2.73)
Table S3:Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemias and specific benzene exposure metrics for all cases and controls by study and overall
Australia / Canada / UK / All cases and controlsCases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI) / Cases / Controls / Odds Ratios (95% CI)
Cumulative benzene exposure beyond zero (ppm-years)
≤0.348 / 2 / 33 / 1 / 6 / 20 / 1 / 16 / 64 / 1 / 24 /117 / 1
>0.348-2.93 / 10 / 43 / 4.39 (0.84, 22.9) / 2 / 7 / 0.96 (0.16, 5.77) / 20 / 60 / 1.34 (0.62, 2.88) / 32 /110 / 1.49 (0.81, 2.76)
>2.93 / 13 / 49 / 5.15 (0.98, 27.0) / 2 / 13 / 0.52 (0.09, 2.92) / 9 / 56 / 0.65 (0.27, 1.60) / 24 /118 / 1.05 (0.56, 1.98)
Maximum benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016ppm
≤0.016 / 1 / 26 / 1 / 1 / 22 / 57 / 1 / 30 /106 / 1
>0.016-0.118 / 5 / 35 / 3.34 (0.37, 30.3) / - / - / 9 / 51 / 0.40 (0.16, 1.03) / 14 / 86 / 0.55 (0.26, 1.18)
>0.118-0.413 / 12 / 32 / 9.76 (1.18, 80.8) / 2 / 6 / 1.02 (0.18, 5.88) / 7 / 40 / 0.41 (0.15, 1.12) / 21 / 78 / 0.97 (0.50, 1.87)
>0.413 / 7 / 32 / 5.44 (0.63, 47.0) / 1 / 11 / 0.30 (0.03, 2.74) / 7 / 32 / 0.53 (0.20, 1.39) / 15 / 75 / 0.72 (0.36, 1.45)
Average benzene exposure intensity (ppm) beyond 0.016 ppm
≤0.016 / 2 / 29 / 1 / 7 / 22 / 1 / 22 / 63 / 1 / 31 /114 / 1
>0.016-0.081 / 5 / 32 / 2.17 (0.39, 11.9) / 0 / 2 / - / 10 / 42 / 0.63 (0.26, 1.52) / 15 / 76 / 0.74 (0.36, 1.5)
>0.081-0.259 / 11 / 33 / 4.87 (0.99, 24.) / 1 / 7 / 0.46 (0.04, 4.78) / 7 / 46 / 0.39 (0.14, 1.06) / 19 / 86 / 0.83 (0.42, 1.62)
>0.259 / 7 / 31 / 3.39 (0.63, 18.2) / 2 / 9 / 0.67 (0.11, 4.00) / 6 / 29 / 0.59 (0.22, 1.58) / 15 / 69 / 0.83 (0.41, 1.67)
Duration of employment beyond zero (years)
0 / - / - / -
>0 - 15.6 / 2 / 29 / 1 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 11 / 67 / 1 / 18 / 105 / 1
>15.6 - 28 / 15 / 54 / 4.33 (0.91, 20.7) / 1 / 5 / 0.21 (0.01, 3.98) / 20 / 56 / 2.38 (1.00, 5.67) / 36 /115 / 2.14 (1.08, 4.24)
>28 / 8 / 42 / 2.96 (0.46, 19.0) / 4 / 26 / 0.18 (0.03, 1.09) / 14 / 57 / 1.59 (0.61, 4.11) / 26 /125 / 1.22 (0.57, 2.60)
Peak exposure (ever >3ppm for 1+ years)
None / 1 / 1 / 1 / 50/187 / 1
Yes / 7/47 / 0.65 (0.26, 1.66) / 3/16 / 0.63 (0.14, 2.94) / 20/95 / 0.71 (0.37, 1.38) / 30/138 / 0.69 (0.41, 1.14)
Dermal exposure
None / 6/43 / 1 / 7/24 / 1 / 16/46 / 1 / 29/113 / 1
Low / 2/16 / 0.81 (0.15, 4.27) / - / -- / 6 / 8 / 2.50 (0.69, 9.04) / 8/24 / 1.41 (0.56, 3.53)
Medium / 9/20 / 3.36 (1.03, 11.0) / 0/1 / - / 7 / 53 / 0.36 (0.13, 0.99) / 16/74 / 0.82 (0.41, 1.66)
High / 8/46 / 3/15 / 0.65, (0.14, 2.99) / 16 / 73 / 0.62 (0.27, 1.43) / 27/134 / 0.76 (0.42, 1.39)