McCallum’s HillPrimary School
Minutes of P&C Meeting
Friday29thApril 2011
Tracey Breen moved and Khalida Bentalla seconded.
Amendment to March meeting – ANZ discrepancy to be dismissed.
Meeting minutes are now on the website and no paper copies will be distributed.
Election of Treasurer
Rima has been nominated by Bassima and Tracey to become P&C Treasurer starting the 1st May 2011 and all in attendance agreed. It is noted that she can not be present at all meetings but will table a treasurer’s report. She will also audit the 2010 financial records.
New UniformCommittee –A Term 2 meeting time and day is TBA.
School Mural–Kelly to get quotes for mural to allow progression.
IN – Letter received from a parent regarding school photos.
Various Fundraising
OUT –A letter has been sent to Canterbury Council advising that BER buildings are complete, and a Disabled Parking space can be allocated.
Tabled and attached
Tabled and attached
Easter Hamper Raffle and Guessing Competition- Raised $996
BBQ at Hat Parade – Raised $782
Mothers Day Stall – Flyer printed ready to be sent to students on Monday May 2. Stall hours are Thursday 5 May 8.30am – 2pm, and Friday 6 May 8.30am to 10am.
Mufti Day – Week 4. Note change of date from Thursday 19th May to Wednesday 18th May 2011. The theme is sports clothing.
Chocolate Fundraising– In Week 6 Term 2on Tuesday 31st May chocolates will be distributed to the eldest student. Chocolates will be Cadbury Fundraising. They are $2.50 each. Chocolates will be mixed of Dairy Milk, Top Deck, Caramello and Crunchie. Volunteers required mixing chocolates and distributing to students. A note will besent to families who don’t wish to participate in this fundraiser.
School Disco – A student disco will be held in Term 3 on Thursday 22nd September in the school hall. The times are K-2 from 4.30pm to 6pm and Years 3-6 from 6.30pm to 8pm.Times to be confirmed as need to work around DJ.
Spring Fete–Sunday October 16th 2011from 10am – 4pm will be our First School Fete held on the school premises. A special Fete only meeting time is to be advised. Researched ideas can be submitted to P&C.
GENERAL BUSINESS–A request has been received to purchase 2 gas gauges for BBQ gas bottles. All in attendance agreed.
A PA system costing has been discussed as the current equipment needs updating to allow all to hear during outdoor school functions. Ms Glover to give us quotes.
NEXT MEETING: The next P&C meeting will be Wednesday25thMay 2011 at 7pmin the staffroom.
CLOSE: The meeting closed at 3pm.
7pmWednesday 25thMay 2011
- Opening
- Apologies
- Minutes of the previous meeting 29 April 2011
- Business Arising from the previous meeting:
School Uniform Committee
School Mural
2010 Audit of Financial Records
Disabled Parking Space
Quote for PA system
- Correspondence
- Reports
Principal’s report
Treasurer’s Report
- Fundraising
Mothers Day Stall
Mufti Day
Chocolate Fundraising
School Disco
Spring Fete
- General Business – anyone at the meeting can raise things they want to discuss.
- Next Meeting – The next P&C meeting will be held on Friday 24th June @ 1.30pm
- Close