Title/Skill: / Human Bingo
Connection Goal: / Personalization
Grade Level: / 9-12
Month: / September
Time Needed: / 25 minutes
Handouts/Materials Provided:
Human Bingo playing sheets (on N drive) and writing utensil
Summary of Activity for the Advisor:
Facilitator hands out worksheet and read instructions at top of page.
-Participants are to get out of their seats and interview each other to fill in their bingo boxes
- When a match is found, write the name of that person in the box and the “answer” to that box (example: if the box says “Has been to Europe, ” write: “Bob, France”)
- Prizes go to the first person who completes five boxes in a row and to the first person who completes their whole sheet.
Read/Review/Discuss/Dowith students:
What did you learn about each other? Was anyone surprised about what they found out? Who had things in common? How did you feel while interviewing each other? Do you feel closer to the group after completing this activity? Explain…


Get to know your colleagues better!


  1. Read the descriptions below.
  2. See if you can find someone who matches that description. Ask that person to sign their name in that particular box.
  3. Try to be the first person with five signatures in a row to get BINGO.
  4. If you have time, it might be fun to see if you can fill in every square.

Has been to Europe
Where? / Has taught for the same number of years as me
# years: / Enjoys drawing / Was born in another country
Where? / Can speak another language
Likes sea food / Likes the same kind of music as you
What kind? / Traveled this summer
Where? / Likes the same sports as you
What ones? / Has a pet
Red Sox fan / Yankees Fan / NOT born in the state of Connecticut
Where? / Worked in a restaurant / Plays a musical instrument or sings
Has the same number of siblings as you / Has more than a 20 minute commute to school
How long? / The oldest child in the family / The only child in the family / Called by a nickname
Someone in your department / The same color eyes / Had a summer job / Read Twilight / Someone who had a different career before teaching


Get to know each other better!

Read the descriptions below. See if you can find someone who matches that description. Ask that person to sign their name in that particular box. Try to be the first person with five signatures in a row to get BINGO (vertical, horizontal or diagonal). If you have time, it might be fun to see if you can fill in every square. Find someone who…

Has been to Africa / Is left-handed / Is happy in large crowds / Is good at Rock Band or Guitar Hero / Can speak another language
Has gone horseback riding / Has flown in a plane / Doesn’t eat fast food / Has a fish tank / Has been to a family reunion
Has relatives living in another country / Is a Red Sox fan / Was NOT born in the state of Connecticut / Has a food allergy / Has read one of the Twilight books
Likes Winter / Is a Yankees fan / Has been to a UCONN football game / Is the only child in the family / Likes the same type of music as you
Knows what they want to do for a career / Whose first name has more than 7 letters / Has a birthday in the same month as you / Has a dog / Likes sea food