Friday, March 31, 2006 - 2:00 p.m.

City Park Campus – Lac Maurepas (Building 23, Second Floor)

I. Call to Order

Curriculum Committee Meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m. by Harold Gaspard, Chair.

II.  Roll Call

Present were: Lester Adelsberg Thomas Gruber

Sal Anselmo Lenetra Jefferson

Mary Bartholomew Leroy Kendrick

Wayne Chalona Linda Kiieffer

Maria Cisneros Debbie Lea

Cynthia Cone Wesley Payne

Harolyn Cumlet Warren Puneky

Greg Dawson Vance Roux

Patricia Egers Kim Rugon

Harold Gaspard Jeffery Smith

Suzanne Warren


to other business: Donna Alley Cheryl Myers

Arnel Cosey Mike Nixon

Sheila Hickman Suzanne Riche

Mary Ellen Logan Dolores Smith

Kathleen N. Mix Lauren Tarantino

Patrice Moore Dianne Thames

Deborah T. Morgan Elizabeth Wilson

Sandra Wright

Guests were: Tim Baker Kris LaMorte

Barry Brantley

III.  Debbie Lea’s Report
Ms. Lea was reported that all curriculum actions from prior meetings were approved by Dr. Cynthia Cone, Vice Chancellor for Learning & Student Development. Curriculum actions will be included in the 2006-2007 Catalog.

IV.  Minutes of Meeting – February 17, 3006
The Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2006 were reviewed and accepted [Motion: Thomas Gruber; Second: Wesley Payne; Carried, Unanimously].

V.  New Business

a)  Note: The Agenda was Re-ordered and items combined for discussion – Original Agenda Item Placement V.a. and V.b.
Business and Technology/HOST
Course Title Change/Course Revision: HOST 200 Hospitality Accounting. Change the title of HOST 200 Hospitality Accounting to HOST 200 Hospitality Revenue Management. Approval of Course Master Syllabus.
Business and Technology/HOST
Course Revision: HOST 200 Hospitality Revenue Management. Revise the catalog description for HOST 200 to state: “HOST 200 Hospitality Revenue Management. Provides a basis for understanding current hospitality revenue concepts and procedures, the processing of hospitality financial data, and the flow of financial information in the accounting cycle.”
Current catalog description: “HOST 200 Hospitality Accounting. Process and type of data used to produce financial statements in hospitality industry. Pre-requisite: HOST 101.” Motion to accept proposals [Motion: Lester Adelsberg; Second: Thomas Gruber; Carried, Unanimously].

b)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.b.
Business and Technology/HOST
New Course: HOST 225 Hospitality Seminar. Creation of a new course, HOST 225 Hospitality Seminar that focuses on trends and issues in the hospitality food and beverage management industry. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Wesley Payne; Second: Thomas Gruber; Carried, Unanimously].

c)  Note: The Agenda was Re-ordered and items combined for discussion – Original Agenda Item Placement V.d. to V.g.
Business and Technology/CULA
New Course: CULA 232 Current Issues in Catering. Creation of a new course, CULA 230 Current Issues in Catering that focuses on trends and issues in the catering industry.
Business and Technology/CULA
New Course: CULA 230 On-Premise Catering. Creation of a new course, CULA 231 On-Premise Catering that focuses on an in-depth analysis of components of the on-premise catering profession.
Business and Technology/CULA
New Course: CULA 231 Off-Premise Catering. Creation of a new course, CULA 232 that focuses on an in-depth analysis of components of the catering profession off-premises.
Business and Technology/CULA
New Course: CULA 287 Catering Work Experience. Fulltime (40 hours per week) work in an approved catering or foodservice institution. Maintenance of a log describing work experiences and containing recipe files and photographs of work performed is required. Motion to accept proposals. [Motion: Wayne Chaolona, Second: Leroy Kendrick; Carried Unanimously].

d)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.h.
Business and Technology/CULA
Program Revision: Addition of a concentration option in the Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Program. New concentration option in catering in addition to current option in chef apprenticeship. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Wesley Payne; Second: Warren Puneky; Carried, Unanimously].

e)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.i
Liberal Arts/Liberal Arts & Sciences/THEA
Course Title Change/Course Revision: THEA 111 Acting Workshop. Change the title of THEA 111 Acting Workshop to THEA 111 Fundamentals of Acting. Revise course description to read: “Improvisation and basic acting skills necessary in the development of building a life of a character; analysis of play structure from an actor’s and critic’s point-of-view. Through exercises, relaxation, sensory awareness, stage movement, text work, and critiques the student/actor will heighten awareness, refine focus and concentration, and expand the imagination.”
Current catalog description: “Development of basic acting skills through exercises and projects that promote relaxation, sensory awareness, expressiveness, stage movement and technique, and creative interaction.” -- Change of credit hours from one (1) credit hour to three (3) credit hours. Approval of Course Master Syllabus. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second: Thomas Gruber; Carried, Unanimously].

f)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.j.
Liberal Arts/Liberal Arts & Sciences/General Education/Approved Fine Arts Electives
Course Addition: THEA 111 Fundamentals of Acting. Addition of the course THEA 111 Fundamentals of Acting to the list of approved general education courses that may be used to meet the Fine Arts requirement for successful completion of certificate and/or degree. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second: Leroy Kendrick; Carried, Unanimously].

g)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.k.
Liberal Arts/Liberal Arts & Sciences/THEA
Course Deletion: THEA 161 and THEA 261 Acting Workshop. Delete THEA 161 and THEA 261 Acting Workshop courses from the catalog of course offerings. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second: Thomas Gruber; Carried, Unanimosuly].

h)  Note: Original Agenda Item V.l.
Business and Technology/Business, Technology, and Mathematics/ADOT
Change of Course Prefix: Change CMIN 209 Web Design Using Frontpage to ADOT 209 Web Design Using Frontpage to better reflect the nature of the course and its placement in the Administrative Office Technology Discipline rather than the Computer Information Technology Discipline. Motion to accept proposal. [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second: Wayne Chalona; Carried, Unanimously].

VI.  Old Business

VII.  Next Meeting: April 28, 2006 (scheduled meeting)

VIII.  Adjournment 2:41 pm

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