
This recepieisfromWeber’s American BBQ writtenby Jamie Purivance

(Myalterationsarewritten in red!)


  • 300 ml milk (40 degreescelsius)
  • 5 tspsugar
  • 1 leaven
  • 1 tspseasalt ;I took normal salt
  • 3 bigeggs
  • 800 gram flour Type 550 (I usedthe normal one!)
  • 120 gram butter


  • 200 gram canesugar
  • 4 tspcinnamon
  • 120 gram butter
  • In the half ofit I put in somerasins, rum andgratednuts!


  • 120 gram creamcheese
  • 3 tsp milk
  • 250 gram icingsugar
  • 1 tspvanillaextract
  • A bigdashofseasalt; (I usedthe normal one!)


Let’sstartwithstiring 120ml milk with 1 tspsugarandtheleaven. Stiritfor at least 5 minutesuntilthereappears a kindoffoam. Thenputittherestoftheingredients, like salt, sugar, milk andtheeggs. Stirthisforanotherminute. Nowyouneedthekneader. Fill in 730 grammflourand mix itupproperly. Thenput in thebutterandtherestof theflour. Take out thedoughandkneaditwithyourhandsforanothertwominutes, so thedoughgetsextremlyfluffyandsmoothly. Form a ball out ofthedoughandputit in a bowl, whichisgreasedwith a bitofoil. Thenletitrestfor 1 ½ half hour. Cover itwith a dishtowel.


Ok, mix thecinnamonwiththesugar.

Take out thedoughandkneaditsometimesandthen form a rectangle (60x30cm). Nowspreadthebutter on itandputthesugar-cinnamonmixture on itaswell. Roll thedoughand at the end press it a littlebit. Cut itintopieceswith a lengthof 5cm.(I diditwith 3cm)

Andnow, greasethepanwiththerest oft he butterandput in thepieces. Thencoveritwithkitchenfoilandletitrestforonehour. You also canputit in tothefridgeforonenight. (I bakedthem after an hour)

Ifyouleaveit in thefridgeandtakethem out earlier, so thattheygettheroomtemperatureagain.

Youcanswitch on the grill ortheovenwith 190 degreescelsius. Put in thecinnamonsnales (still coveredwiththekitchenfoil) andletthem bake for 25 minutes. After thattake off thekitchenfoiland bake themforanother 10 minutes. You also can turn themupand down, so thattheyare light brown on thetops.(I havebakedmysnales in theovenwithaircirculation 190 degreescelsiusfor 20 minutesandthenwith 150 degreescelsiusforanother 20 minutes.)

Take them out andletit cool down forsomeminutes. Meanwhileyoucanpreparethesugaricing.

Mix upthecreamcheesewiththe milk andput in theicingsugar. Thenfill in thesaltandthevanillaextract. Itshouldbe smooth.

Nowyoucanspreadthethecinnamon-snaleswiththesugaricing on the top andletthemrestforsome time. Share thecinnamon-snalescarefullyandservethemyourguest! DELICIOUS!!!



Gudrun von Mödling