NIH Challenge Grant (RC1) Overview – 2009 Recovery Act –RFA-OD-09-003
Brief Description / This new program will support research on topic areas which address specific scientific and health research challenges in biomedical and behavioral research that would benefit from significant 2-year jumpstart funds. NIH Institute and Centers have selected specific Challenge Topics within each of the Challenge Areas. The research in these Challenge Areas should have a high impact in biomedical or behavioral science and/or public health.
Total Funding Available / $200M total for program, estimated number of awards nationally is 200-300
F&A Rate (Indirects) / Full negotiated rate (i.e. 47.5% MTDC for on-campus research)
Project Duration / Up to 2 years
Submission Method / Download a partially pre-filled application package at OSP’s website:
Proposals due to OSP / 9:00 AM, Monday, April 20, 2009
Earliest project start date / September 30, 2009
Limited submission? / No
Cost sharing / Not required
CFDA # / 93.701
Challenge Grant Areas / links to Topics:
General Reminders
Routing form in NUgrant / Please put “ARRA” at thebeginning of your short titleon the routing form.
Font/Margins / Margins ½ inch all around; Black font no smaller than 11 pt. FONT; Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface and 15 characters/inch; 6 lines/inch. DO NOT USE TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT.
There should be NO headers or footers for NIH application packages. This includes the biosketch pages.
File names for PDF Attachments / Do not include any spaces, hyphens, special characters (example &, - , %, # etc.) Rename the package: PILastName_AgencyInitials_duedate_final.pdf
PDF Attachments-Attached files must be PDFs. Please avoid scanned PDFs if possible (increases the file size that is transmitted to
Adobe Forms / Download and complete the partially pre-filled package using Adobe Reader 8.1.3, 8.1.4 or 9.1. You may also use any version of Adobe Professional 8 and 9.
SF424 Reminders
NEW applications only / No resubmissions or renewals permitted.
Contact information / OSPGrant Coordinator’s Name
312 N 14th Street
Alexander Bldg West
Phone 402-472-3171 Fax 402-472-9323
Email: OSP Grant Coordinator’s email address
Title / Do not exceed 81 characters including spaces. Do not use special characters
Budget Numbers / The budget total from the budget forms matches the 424R&R 16a & b fields.
R&R Key Personnel
eRA Commons registration / Individuals designated as PI/PDs on the app must be registered in NIH eRA Commons. If not already registered, contact your OSP Grants Coordinator. Update degree informationand verify it matches what is included on the PHS398 Cover Page Supplement form.
Credential Field / Must be completed with the PD/PI’s eRA Commons user Name in the R&R Key Personnel form. Only completed for the PD/PI.
Co-Investigators / Do not usethe title Co-PI/PD. If involving co-investigators – select Other and type in co-investigator. If actually leading project, should be indicated as another PD/PI and complete the Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan
Key Persons / All mandatory fields (including organization name) have been completed and a biosketch has been attached for each person.
Biosketch / Limited to 2 pages per person. Number of publications cited is limited to 10 or fewer and should “cite their most relevant publications and those that highlight the significance of past accomplishments.”
R&R Other Project Information
Human or Animals Subjects / If human or animals subjects are involved the appropriate assurance No. is provided. Animal Welfare Assurance # A3459-01Human Subjects Assurance # -00002258
Project Summary / Limited to onepage.
  • The broad Challenge area and the specific Challenge TopicMUST be explicitly cited in the Project Summary/Abstract component.
  • Applicants must begin their Project Summary/Abstract citing the specific topic identifier listed in the table of Challenge Areas and Topics (e.g., This application addresses broad Challenge Area (01): Behavior, Behavioral Change, and Prevention and specific Challenge Topic, 01-GM-104: Mechanisms of Behavior Change Research.)

Project Narrative / Using no more than two or three sentences, describe the relevance of this research to publichealth. In this section, be succinct and use plain language that can be understood by a general, lay audience.
Bibliography – Formerly Literature Cited. Onepage limit.
Research Plan
Page limit / Should be limited to twelve (12) pages.
Excluded from the 12 page Research Plan limit are:
  • Specific Aims (1 page maximum)
  • Inclusion Enrollment Report
  • Protection of Human Subjects
  • Inclusion of Women and Minorities
  • Targeted/Planned Enrollment
  • Inclusion of Children
  • Vertebrate Animals
  • Select Agent Research
  • Multiple PI Leadership Plan
  • Consortium/ Contractual Arrangements
  • Letters of Support
  • Resource Sharing Plans

Multiple PD/PI / If more than one PI/PD has been identified on the Key Personnel form, a “Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan” is required.This is not included in the 12 page limit.
Human or Animals Subjects / If Human or Vertebrate Animals subjects were identified, the required attachments should be included in the separate sections of the 398 Research Plan.
PHS398 Research Component Sections / Intro to App-Omit
Specific Aims-One page maximum PDF attachment.
Background and Significance-Omit
Preliminary Studies/Progress Report-Omit
Research Design and Methods - This item consists of the following 4 elements in order as below, headers exactly as indicated, and is limited to 12 pages:
  • A statement of the Challenge Area and specific Challenge Topic;
  • The Challenge and Potential Impact;
  • The Approach (if including preliminary data it must be included in this section within the 12 pg limit)
  • Timeline and Milestones.
  • Attach the 12- page Research Plan encompassing all of these elements as a single PDF document. Figures and illustrations may be included but must fit within the 12-page limit. Do not include links to Web sites for further information. Do not include animations.

Appendices / Not permitted. No supplemental information will be accepted.
Budget Form Set / R&R Budget form must be used. There should be a 2 year project period. Budget may not exceed $500,000 per year total costs for a maximum of $1,000,000 total costs over a 2 year period.
NIH Updates- Review Criteria and Scoring
Enhanced Review Criteria / New 9 Point Scoring System. SeeNOT-OD-09-025
Restrictions on Foreign Components / NOT-OD-09-061