Name: Marine Science

Date: Block: ______


Directions: In this activity, you will be investigating an animal grouping (phylum or class) and creating aninfo page to be included in a class reference document(GOOGLE slide). You will choose from one of the following:

  1. Phylum Porifera – Maddie B
  2. Phylum Cnidaria – Kaitlyn M
  3. Phylum Ctenophora – Savannah
  4. Worms – Karli C

Phylum Platyhelmenthes

Phylum Nemertea

Phylum Nematoda

Phylum Annelida

Phylum Sipuncula

Phylum Echiura

  1. Phylum Mollusca – Ann Marie V

Class Gastropoda

Class Pelecypoda/Bivalvia

Class Cephalopoda

Class Polyplacophora

  1. Phylum Arthropoda – Emily S

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Merostoma

  1. Phylum Ectoprocta – Kaylee E
  2. Phylum Phoronida – Evan S
  3. Phylum Brachiopoda – Luke B
  4. Phylum Chaetognatha – Jordan
  5. Phylum Echinodermata - Zack F

Class Asteriodea

Class Ophiuroidea

Class Echinoidea

Class Holothuroidea

Class Crinoidea

  1. Phylum Hemichordata – Jason F

Phylum Chordata

  1. Class Agnatha – Jackie N
  2. Class Chondrichthyes – Taylor V
  3. Class Osteichthyes – David R
  4. Class Amphibia (no known marine amphibians)
  5. Class Reptilia – Abby G
  6. Class Aves – Michelle B
  7. Class Mammalia –Aaliyah A

Once you have selected your grouping, you will research the following:

  • Main Characteristics
  • Examples
  • Type of marine environment(s) in which these organisms are found
  • Method(s) of feeding and reproduction
  • Special adaptations
  • Unique structures
  • “Cool” facts **
  • Other information you feel is important & should be included in ourreference document **

** Extra information


EXCELLENT (5) / GOOD (4) / FAIR (3) / POOR (2)
Completed on Time / Final Product is finished by the due date / Final Product is not more than a day late / Final Product is 2 days late / Final Product is more than 2 days late
Required Information / All required information is complete and correct / All required information is included
Some minor mistakes or omissions / Most required information is included
Mistakes or omissions in content / Some required information is included
Numerous mistakes or omissions in content
Extra Information / Extra information is extensive and exciting & demonstrates active engagement in the project
All information correct / Extra information included
Minor mistakes and/or omissions / Some extra information included
Some mistakes and/or omissions / Little or no extra information included
Numerous mistakes and/or omissions
Creativity / Exemplary creativity
Information is well-written, organized, and engaging / Information is creative and well-organized / Information has creative components and is organized / Lacking creativity and/or organization
Professionalism / No spelling or grammar mistakes
Sources cited / Few spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Sources cited / Numerous spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Sources cited / Numerous spelling ane/or grammar errors
No sources cited