Office of the Executive Engineer
Natore O&M Division
BWDB, Natore. / Tele: 0771-62217(Off)
: 0771-666645 (Res)
Fax : 0771- 62217, 62324
engr _romjan
Memo. No.1T-1/184(30) Dated: 18-02-2013
Invitation for Tenders (IFT) Limited Tendering Method (LTM)
Tender Notice No. 04/2012-13
01. / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources.
02. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
03. / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Natore O & M Division, BWDB, Natore.
04. / Procuring Entity Code. / Not used at present.
05. / Procuring Entity District. / Natore.
06. / Invitation for / Tender No. 04/2012-13.
07. / Invitation Ref. No. & Date / Memo No. 1T-1/ 184(30) Date: 18-02-2013
08. / Procurement Method. / LTM / Limited Tendering Method ( LTM ).
09. / Budget and Source of Fund / Non-Development Revenue (NDR) Budget and ( GOB ).
10. / Development Partners ( if applicable ) / Not Applicable.
11. / Project / Programme Code.. / -
12. / Project Programme Name.. / Boral Basin Development Project.
13. / Tender Package No. / N-4 .
14. / Tender Package Name / As per Package list (S.L.No. 24 below).
15. / Tender Publication date. / 20-02-2013.
16. / Last Date and Time for Selling
Tender Documents / 10-03-2013 Up to Banking hours.
17. / Last Date and Time for Tender Receiving / Closing / 11-03-2013 Up to 1.00 PM.
If the Tender (s) could not be received in stipulated time due to any unavoidable circumstances, the time of receiving the Tender(s) will be extended up to 1.00 PM on next working day.
18. / Date and Time for Tender Opening / 11-03-2013 at 2.00 PM..
19. / Name and Address of the Office(s) / Name and Address of the Office(s)
a) Selling Tender Document / i) Agrani Bank Ltd. Natore Brance , Natore.
ii) Agrani Bank Ltd. WAPDA ( Irrigation ) Branch , Rajshahi.
b) Receiving Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Natore O & M Division, BWDB, Natore.
c) Opening Tender Documents / Office of the Executive Engineer, Natore O & M Division, BWDB, Natore.Tenderers or their Authorized representatives ( with authorization letter
from the concerned proprietor) are allowed to attend if they wish.
20. / Place / Date / Time of Pre-Tender Meting (Optional ) / Not Applicable.
21. / Eligibility of Tenderer / Enlisted Contractor (s) /Any individual (s) /Firm (s) of Natore O&M
Division Enlisted for the year 2012- 13 who fulfil the qualification (s)
criteria of package as stipulated in the Tender data Sheet (TDS) and
other conditions of the tender Document.
22 / Brief Description of Works / Protective works (Manufacturing Supplying, Placing,Dumping of
C.C. Block,Geo-textile Supplying & Placing, Earth work etc).
23. / Brief Description of Related Services: / Not applicable.
24. / Package List:Sl. No. / Package No. / Identification of Package / Location:
Upazila &
District / Price of
( Taka) / Tender
( Taka ) / Time For
in days
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
01. / N-4 / Protective works on the Right Bank of Nandokuja River from Km 0.000 to Km 0.050 = 50.00 m d/s of Atghoria Regulator under NDR budget during the year 2012-2013. / Upazila:
District :
Natore / 750/- / 1,20,000/- / 60
25. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / MD. ROMJAN ALI PRAMANIK26. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
27. / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Natore O&M Division, BWDB, Natore.
28. / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone No. 0771- 62217 (Off).
e-mail: xen.natore@
29. / Tender Security may be submitted in the form of DD/PO must be MICR from any Scheduled Bank of Bangladesh in favour of Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center ( RAC ) , BWDB, Rajshahi.
30. / Special Instructions:
a) The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
What so ever.
b) The work may be dropped, increased or decreased. No claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the
tender or issuance of work order with decreased/ increased quantity of work.
c) If it is proved at any stage that information furnished in the tender by the tenderer is false and the tender is signed and
submitted in a way of fraudulent practice instead of signing by the actual tenderer/ their authorized signatory, his
tender will be outright rejected and action will be taken according to PPA-2006 & PPR-2008.
d) Payment will be made subject to the availability of fund. No claim or extra rate will be entertained for delay of
payment and price escalation .
e) Notification of Award will be issued after proper clearance from competent authority.
f) The provisions laid down in the PPR-2008 shall be in strict compliance.
g) In case of credit certificate from bank specific lot/ package number and name of the work must be shown in the
h) In case of liquid assets certificate from bank, it must be issued after Publication of IFT in Newspaper .
i) Copies of all documents must be attested by a class one officer. Official seal with name of the attesting officer must
be strapped below the signature
j) One original & one duplicate copy ( photocopy) of tender with all relevant documents to be submitted. In additional
of that two sets of Bill of quantity (photocopy of BOQ ) to be submitted by the Tenderer, duly filled in by typed or
written in indelible ink & signed, in the separate two sealed envelope Marking ‘Additional BOQ’ along with the
k) The bidder should have a visit to the working site before dropping the tender.
N.B. This Tender Notice also available in BWDB’s web-site of (
Executive Engineer
Natore O&M Division
BWDB, Natore.
Memo.No.-1T-1/184/(30) Dated. 18-02-2013.
Copy forwarded for Kind information/ information and wide circulation:
01) TheChief Engineer, North-Western Zone, BWDB, Rajshahi.
02) The Chief Monitoring, BWDB, Wapda Bhaban (2nd Floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.
03) The Superintending Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Circle, BWDB, Rajshahi.
04) The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building (8th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.
05) The Director, Publicity Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building (8th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. He is requested to take
necessary arrangements to publish this tender notice in the official website of BWDB with two widely circulated national newspapers (one Bangla and one English) and one local News Paper in all edition for one day only.
06) The Director, O&M, BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban , Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.
07) The Director, RAB-5, Binodpur, Rajshahi. He is requested to take necessary steps to provide RAB force on 11-03-2013.
08)The Deputy Commissioner, Natore.
09) The Superintendent of police, Natore.He is requested to take necessary steps to provide Police force on 11-03-2013
10)The Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi.
11) The Executive Engineer, Chapai Nawabgonj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabgonj.
12) The Executive Engineer, Naogaon O&M Division, BWDB, Naogaon.
13) The Executive Engineer, PWD/RHD/LGED/BADC/DPHE, Natore.
14) System Analyst, Computer Section, office of the Chief Monitoring, BWDB,WAPDA Bhaban (2nd Floor), Motijheel
C/A,Dhaka. He is requested to circulate this notice of invitation for tenders in the web-site of BWDB. In this connection, one no. of CD enclosed herewith.
15) The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Natore O&M Sub-Division- 1/ 2, BWDB, Natore.
16) The Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Sopura, Rajshahi.
17)The P.S. to ADG (Western Region), BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban (2nd Floor), Dhaka.
18) The President, Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Natore.
19) The Manager, Agrani Bank Ltd; Natore Branch, Natore. 40 (Forty) sets of tender documents are sent herewith for selling to the Enlisted Tenderer of Natore O&M Division, during the year 2012- 13 (Enlistment List attached herewith) up to 11-03-2013 upto Banking hour.
20) Assistant Accountant / Estimator/ Head Clark, Natore O&M Division, BWDB, Natore.
21) M/S. Mr......
22) Notice Board (This office)
23) File.
Executive Engineer
Natore O&M Division
BWDB, Natore.
H:\Tender Notice- No. 04 -Nondokuza-12--13 .doc