Phone 291-1575 Phone 264-6270
Phone 655-2211 Phone 291-1575
Phone 342-5032 Phone 291-1575
Phone 771-5237 Phone 269-3845
NOTICE: The items or opinions published in the Branch 126 Newsletter are those of the contributor of that particular article, and not necessarily that of the Editor, FRA Branch 126 Inc., or the Fleet Reserve Association.
MAY 2016
Monday 02 May 1930 West Jax Inc Board meeting
Wednesday 04 May 1930 Branch Board meeting
Sunday 08 May Happy Mothers Day!
Thursday 19 May 2000 Branch meeting with Officer & Board of Director Elections
Saturday 21 May 1000 Joint Branch & Unit 126 Installation Ceremony (page 2)
Sunday 29 May 1400 Branch Memorial Day Service(page 2)
Branch 126 Vice President Jack Elrod conducted a Flag retirement ceremony on 16 April 2016. Pictured facing in back row are Shipmates Jim Cates, Donald Rodely, Johnny Johnson, Marlin Crider and Dick Chadwell. First row are Shipmates Donald Walsh, Paul Hetz and Walter Stevenson.
JUNE 2014
Wednesday 01 June 1930 Branch Board of Directors meeting
Monday 06 June 1930 West Jax Board of Directors meeting
Friday 14 June Flag Day!
Sunday 19 June Happy Father’s Day!
Thursday 16 June 2000 Branch meeting
The President’s Column
1.Shipmates, mysincerehope that all is goingwell in your lives and if not … rememberwe atBranch 126 arehere to provideassistanceif we can.Justfinished attendingthe annualLAFRA’s Pilgrimage in Washington D.C. wheretheylayswreaths at the Mast of the Main and theTomb of the Unknowns. Theyboth wereveryimpressive ceremonies;you maybe askingwhyIwas in attendance;well the Unit President is also the National Chaplain of the LA FRA andI’mher driver. For those that haven’theard Iam runningfor Regional Vice President for theyears 2016-2017. Ihope to do good things in that the year time frameto help all Shipmates inthe Southeast Region and keep us strongto keep Congressfromchanging ourbenefits that weso richlydeserve.
2.We had a great FlagRetirement Ceremonyand steak burn while Iwas gone and VP JackElrod conductedceremony. Hope the pictures turn out and are in this edition of those Shipmatesinvolved in the verymoving ceremonyof retirement of ourNational ensign.
3.Hopefullyall Shipmates are usingthe Branch’sretireechecklist for your survivors. If notcontact me and I’ll mail you one if youcan’t pick one up at the Hall.Shipmate Kulier has donean outstandingjob in preparing this checklist so that your survivors can havea easiertransitionafteryourdeath. In addition to our checklist, the recent springedition of Shift Colorshas an expandedchecklist that you should take a look at and the website is
4.Have you done anything out in the communityto help veterans, widows, or youthgroups?Please pass on to the different committee chairman’s what you did plus the hours and miles youhave covered over thepast year. Americanism/Patriotism - J.J. Thomas at 291-1575; YouthActivities - Jack Elrod at 655-2211; or Hospital/Welfare/Rehab - J. J. Thomas at 291-1575.
5.In myfirst paragraph Iquicklymentioned our benefits; HQ FRA is continuing that fightwith regard to TRICARE: fightingenrollment feeincreases that areover anyCPIwe mighthave gotten or not received,newannual enrollment for newTRICARE for Lifeenrolleesandmanymore moves to chip awayat our healthcare forretirees.
- ForVeterans monitor theimplementation of VA Choice Cardprogram, the programhas merit but it must be havesignificantoversight to ensure it is effective. FRA is opposing establishinga tiered enrollmentfeestructurefor veterans in PriorityGroups 7 and 8. Continue to monitor the implementationof seamlesselectronic sharingof medical health caredata from DoDand VA. This is to be inplacebyOctober1, 2016.
- We have to keep our membership strong and that means keepingour currentmembers and recruit newyoungmembers both in the FRA and LA FRA -ask that personin the store checkout line (wearinga Navy, Marine, orCoast Guard hat) aretheya memberof theFRA - give them anapplication for membership.Ifyou don’t haveanapplication call me with youraddress and Iwill send you four orfive.
Ifyou have anyquestions with regard to FRA stuff, mytelephone number is on the front page ofthe newsletter and if you areinto computers myemail address . IfIdon’t havean answer Iwill tryand find onefor you. To All Shipmates - Loyalty, Protectionand Service. J. J. Thomas
The Korean War Veteran’s Association meets at the Branch Hall on the 4th Tuesday of each month. The hall opens at noon and the meeting starts at 1300. The POC is Shipmate Henry Moreland at (904) 384-2031.
Bill Kulier (904) 771-5237
Nominations for Branch President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer were opened at the Branch meeting of 16 April 2015. The following Shipmates were nominated for positions as noted:
President: James J. Thomas
Vice President: Jack Elrod
Secretary: Martha Klinikowski
Treasurer: Bill Kulier
Board of Directors: Clinton Attebery, Jim Cates, Ed Gribbin, Al Peter, Donald Rodely, Al Roby, Donald Walsh, Elmer Wine and William Walsh.
Nominations will remain open until Elections are made at the Branch meeting on 19 May 2016. Shipmates desiring to be nominated for these or Board of Director positions should contact the Branch President.
Any member in good standing can make nominations from the floor.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
A combined Branch & Unit Installation Ceremony will be held in the Branch Home starting at 1000. Branch and Unit members are encouraged to come out and show their support for the Shipmates and Ladies who came forward to fill the billets required to keep the Branch and Unit functioning for the rest of us.
The Shipmates of Branch 126 will host a dinner in honor of the newly installed Branch and Unit Officers. Dinner will follow the Installation Ceremony at the Olive Garden restaurant on Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL immediately following the Installation Ceremony at 1100 or so.
This free dinner is a closed function for Branch & Unit 126 members and their significant other. Please remember that we have some Shipmates and Ladies who would like to attend our functions, but have driving issues. Give them a call and bring them along whenever possible.
SUNDAY, 29 MAY 2016
The FRA Branch 126 Memorial Day Service will be held on Sunday, 29 May 2016 in the Jacksonville Memory Gardens Cemetery, located at 111 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park, FL 32073.
The ceremony starts at 1400 and usually lasts about an hour. The Branch will provide a limited amount of seating. Get there early if you want a seat. Car pooling from the Branch Hall is a good idea as parking is limited at the Cemetery. The Uniform for Shipmates participating in this event is a white shirt, black tie, dark blue or black trousers and a cover.
The weather in normally quite warm and the Ceremony is mostly out in the open. However, guest seating is in the shade under an Oak Tree umbrella. The Ladies from the Unit will provide refreshments following the ceremony at the Hall.
A Working Party will muster at 1300 to move the chairs and equipment to the ceremony site.
25 – 27 August 2016
The FRA 71st Southeast Regional Convention will be held in the Park Vista, 705 Cherokee Orchard Rd., Gatlinburg, TN 37738 from 25 – 27 Aug 2016.
The room rate is $99.00 plus 12.75% tax. or (865) 436-9211. Use the code: Fleet Reserve Association.
09 – 16 October 2016
The FRA National Convention, hosted by Branch 91, will be held at the Lexington Hotel & Conference Center, Jacksonville Riverside, 1515 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207
The daily room rate is $89.00 plus 13% tax for either a King or 2 double beds and includes a hot breakfast for two daily. The parking fee is $5.00 per day.
Reservations: (904) 396-5100 and use the Group Code: Fleet reserve.
Edward Gribbin …….…….269-3845
Branch 126 Membership
Membership on 31 March 2016 is ……. 366
New Members…………………....0
Reinstated Members………….…..0
Transferred Members……………….....0
Terminated Members………………….3
Deceased Members…………………....3
Non-payment of dues………………….0
Members Past due…………………...... 3
Shipmates due to renew membership....14
Shipmate Rear Admiral Paul Kaufman MD, USN, retired, age 92, an FRA member since 2010, reported to the Staff of the Supreme Commander on 20 March 2016.
In July 1972, Shipmate Kaufman became the first Commanding Officer of the Navy Regional Medical Center Jacksonville, Fla. and was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1973.
He is survived by his wife Maxine; three sons and four grandchildren.
Rear Admiral Kaufman will be laid to rest at Jacksonville National Cemetery
FRA Honors were conferred by Shipmates Clinton Attebery, Herman Elrod, Al Peter, Donald Rodely, Al Roby, Donald Walsh and James Thomas.
Shipmate AFCM John L. Frick, USN, Retired, age 75, an FRA member since 1989, reported to the Staff of the Supreme Commander on 4 April 2016.
He retired after 26 years in the Navy and again 13 years later from a job with Coca-Cola in Jacksonville. During his Navy career he served in VAW 11, VP 6, VS 28, HS 17, and VS 27.
Shipmate Frick is survived by his wife of 55 years, Melba Collie Frick; a son, 2 grandsons, a brother and 2 sisters.
Master Chief Petty Officer Frick was a resident of Fleming Island, Florida.
Senior Shipmate ADC James P. Howard, USN, Retired, age 89, an FRA member since 1961, reported to the Staff of the Supreme Commander on 16 April 2016.
Shipmate JP Howard was a very active member of Branch 126 in his younger years and is fondly remembered by many.
He served in the Navy for 23 years as a flight crew member in the Atlantic and Pacific before retiring in 1966.
Shipmate “JP” Howard is survived by his wife of 65 years, Donna Marie Howard; 4 sons, a daughter, 25 grandchildren and 19 Great-grandchildren.
Al Peter ……………………..……. (904) 777-0781
All Nylon and the Cotton Bulldog flags have sewn stars & stripes while the other Cotton flags have printed stars & stripes. We have the following flags in stock.
3x5’ Nylon Flag---$22.00
4x6’ Nylon Flag--- $30.00
5x8’ Nylon Flag--- $44.00
8x12” Nylon Flag --- 110.00
3x5’ Nylon POW/MIA Flag---- $ 25.00
We have a few Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard 3x5 Flags in stock for $22.00. Contact Shipmates Al Peter or Bill Kulier to purchase a Flag.
Our Branch 126 meeting is held at 2000 on the 3rd Thursday of each month. The meetings normally last about 45 minutes.
We put out snacks and coffee before the meeting and “make your own” sandwich meats are provided at the end of each meeting.
Free food, coffee and good conversation with your Shipmates! You should be there.
The Ships Store
Al Peter ……………. (904) 777-0781
Branch 126 Apparel
Ball Hat ………..… $6.00
Polo Shirt (Blue) … $27.00, size S, M, L, XL
Bowling Shirt ……. $41.00, sizes, M thru 3XL
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven (7) times.
Oh,go ahead ...Try it!
Branch President James J. Thomas presented a framed certificate of achievement, a medal and a Ribbon to Cadet Maxim Tashjian at Clay High School on 4 April 2016. This is one of 16 awards Branch and Unit 126 will present to Cadets at local area high schools.
We are in need of Shipmates and Ladies to present these awards. Contact Vice President Jack Elrod at (904) 655-2211 if you can help.
The West Jax Fleet Reserve Hall Inc President’s Corner
Al Roby ………………………264-6270
1. The Medical Equipment locker: We have many wheel chairs loaned out with a few available for check out at this time. These are high demand items so please be sure to bring them back as soon as you are done with them. We also have a good supply of canes, crutches, potty chairs & assorted equipment to loan out. Call Shipmate Johnson at 771-1736 or Al Roby at 264- 6270.
2. We will be restriping the parking lot and adding an additional 4 handy capped spots in the near future. Al Roby