Table 1. Stratified Multivariable Models Comparing Outcomes of Hospitalizations due to Diabetes

With and Without Comorbid Heat-Related Illness Diagnoses, United States 2001-2010(Summer)

Stratified Variable* / Length of Stay
(days) / Number of
Procedures / Total Charges† / Death† / Non-Routine
Male / -1.69 (-2.96, -0.42) / -0.82 (-1.22, -0.42) / -$9,862 (-$17,996, -$1,730 ) / - / 0.67 (0.64, 0.71)
Female / -1.62 (-3.46, 0.22) / -0.41 (-0.95, 0.14) / -$11,034 (-$22,055, -$13) / - / 0.62 (0.57, 0.68)
Age Categories
0-17 / 1.02 (-5.91, 7.94) / 2.78 (1.70, 3.86) / - / - / -
18-39 / -1.48 (-3.93, -0.98) / -0.21 (-0.86, 0.43) / -$7,261 (-$22,278, -$7,755) / - / 1.04 (0.89, 1.21)
40-64 / -1.76 (-3.47, -0.05) / -0.78 (-1.29, -0.26) / -$10,660 (-$21,153, -$167) / - / 0.58 (0.51, 0.66)
65-74 / -1.27 (-4.07, 1.52) / -0.67 (-1.65, 0.31) / -$12,575 (-$31,196, -$6,045) / - / 0.98 (0.97, 0.99)
75+ / -2.01 (-3.83, -0.18) / -1.08 (-1.65, -0.52) / -$13,087 (-$23,584, -$2,590) / - / 0.57 (0.53, 0.52)
Black / -2.16 (-5.02, 0.71) / -0.34 (-1.09, 0.41) / -$12,635 (-$29,371, $4,100) / - / 0.53 (0.46, 0.62)
White / -1.61 (-2.85, -0.37) / -0.90 (-1.31, -0.49) / -$9,107 (-$16,737, -$1,478) / - / 0.66 (0.62, 0.69)
Hispanic / -1.74 (-4.12, 0.64) / -0.23 (-0.96, 0.51) / -$8,930 (-$24,872, $7,011) / - / 0.58 (0.51, 0.66)
Other / -0.69 (-7.17, 5.79) / -1.45 (-3.40, 0.51) / - / - / 1.72 (1.68, 1.76)
Zip-Code Income Quartile
0-25th percentile / -1.65 (-3.51, 0.21) / -0.40 (-0.91, 0.10) / -$6,385 (-$16,606, $3,837) / - / 0.75 (0.70, 0.81)
26th to 50th percentile / -1.50 (-3.44, 0.45) / -0.63 (-1.25, -0.01) / -$12,560 (-$24,509, -$611) / - / 0.91 (0.89, 0.92)
51st to 75th percentile / -2.24 (-4.39, -0.08) / -0.94 (-1.65, -0.24) / -$11,652 (-$26,017, $2,014) / - / 0.54 (0.49, 0.61)
76th to 100th percentile / -1.37 (-3.80, 1.06) / -1.25 (-2.09, -0.42) / -$13,798 (-$30,345, $2,750) / - / 0.48 (0.73, 0.55)
Insurance Status
Insured / -1.72 (-2.85, -0.60) / -0.70 (-1.05, -0.35) / -$10,789 (-$17,764, -$3,814) / - / 0.67 (0.65, 0.70)
Uninsured / -1.68 (-4.15, 0.80) / -0.78 (-1.50, -0.05) / -$8,519 (-$22,089, $5,050) / - / 0.43 (0.33, 0.55)
Hospital Location
Rural / -1.32 (-5.36, 2.75) / -0.24 (-1.21, 0.74) / -$2,347 (-$20,592, $15,898) / - / 0.95 (0.77, 1.17)
Small Urban Cluster / -1.57 (-3.80, 0.65) / -0.55 (-1.12, 0.03) / -$6,565 (-$14,104, $974) / - / 0.29 (0.25, 0.36)
Urban Area / -1.76 (-2.95, -0.56) / -0.79 (-1.16, -0.41) / -$11,851 (-$19,454, -$4,249) / - / 0.71 (0.68, 0.74)
Hospital Region
Northeast / -1.62 (-4.33, 1.08) / -0.50 (-1.24, 0.24) / -$7,125 (-$22,248, $7,999) / - / 0.76 (0.70, 0.83)
Mid-West / -1.38 (-3.85, 1.09) / -0.79 (-1.73, 0.16) / -$3,849 (-$17,251, $9,553) / - / 0.56 (0.48, 0.65)
South / -1.68 (-3.07, -0.28) / -0.69 (-1.16, -0.23) / -$10,141 (-$18,379, -$1,903) / - / 0.71 (0.67, 0.77)
West / -1.84 (-3.94, 0.26) / -0.89 (-1.53, -0.24) / -$16,455 (-$32,251, -$659) / - / 0.50 (0.46, 0.55)

* Reference group for all stratified variables are those hospitalized for diabetes without a heat-related illness

† Risk Ratios