Email ID: Phone No.040-33621222, 27156282, 27152352 ------
Ref. No: DPS /NAC/17-18/Cir-99 Date: 31/01/2018
Dear Parents,
(Classes I to VIII, XI, IGCSE)
Greetings from DPS Nacharam/ Mahendra Hills
We would like to inform that the ‘Lunch Facility’ by Sodexo Food Services Ltd., for the third term (February 2018) would be functional from 1st February 2018.
The III term Mess fee is as per classes is as follows:
IGCSE : Rs. 1152/- (16 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
I & II : Rs. 1008/- (14 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
III TO V : Rs. 1152/- (16 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
VI TO VIII :Rs. 1224/- (17 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
CUREENT CLASS XIPROMOTED TO CLASS XII: Rs. 3672/- (51 days@ Rs.72/- per day)(FEB-8 days, March-23 days, April-20 days) Till 24-April 2018
For all the classes as they will be in the examination mode mess facility is not available, However, Grab & Go counter will be available.
Interested parents may give their consent in the enclosed form. The fee is payable by Chequeinfavour of ‘Balajee Arun Educational Society’ before 03-02-2018. Parents can also register and make online payment through the option available in Parent Login from 02-02-2018.
Late registrations and day based requisitions will not be entertained as this facility is out sourced.
Mrs.Sunitha Rao
I ------Father/Mother of ------studying in class/sec------would like to avail the mess facility. I agree to pay the mentioned amount as per my ward’s class towards the III term Mess Fee.
Signature of the parentCell No. ------
Email ID: Phone No.040-33621222, 27156282, 27152352 ------
Ref. No: DPS /NAC/17-18/Cir-99 Date: 31/01/2018
Dear Parents,
(Classes I to VIII, XI, IGCSE)
Greetings from DPS Nacharam/ Mahendra Hills
We would like to inform that the ‘Lunch Facility’ by Sodexo Food Services Ltd., for the third term (February 2018) would be functional from 1st February 2018.
The III term Mess fee is as per classes is as follows:
IGCSE : Rs. 1152/- (16 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
I & II : Rs. 1008/- (14 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
III TO V : Rs. 1152/- (16 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
VI TO VIII : Rs. 1224/- (17 days @ Rs. 72/- per day) (Till 21-Feb-2018)
CUREENT CLASS XI PROMOTED TO CLASS XII: Rs. 3672/- (51 days@ Rs.72/- per day) (FEB-8 days, March-23 days, April-20 days) Till 24-April 2018
For all the classes as they will be in the examination mode mess facility is not available, However, Grab & Go counter will be available.
Interested parents may give their consent in the enclosed form. The fee is payable by Cheque infavour of ‘Balajee Arun Educational Society’ before 03-02-2018. Parents can also register and make online payment through the option available in Parent Login from 02-02-2018.
Late registrations and day based requisitions will not be entertained as this facility is out sourced.
Mrs.Sunitha Rao
I ------Father/Mother of ------studying in class/sec------would like to avail the mess facility. I agree to pay the mentioned amount as per my ward’s class towards the III term Mess Fee.
Signature of the parentCell No. ------