Staffing and Compliance Meeting
Present: Brenda Cable, Toni Clayton, Lynn Hollingsworth, Joan Incaudo, Laura Luter, Sandy May, Kathy Zielinski, Michael Bailey, Connie Batts, Rachel Boehmer, Jennifer Coates, Chris Fallon, Lynn Graniero*, Shelly Hellendrung, Sandi Hoenigman Ceni Holcomb, Sue LaRoche, Donna Mastromarino, Laura Meshbesher, Michelle Mitchell, Gina Moe, Tracy Repp, Marcie Risser, Beth Robinson*, Angie Saxton, Dawn Sellitto, Jill Smith, Donna Steen, Deb Walters, Sarah Wiest, Julie Yusko
* Late arrivals due to other meetings.
General Announcements: Kathy
* Welcome to Jen Coates – covering CaES, SRES, TOES and Athenian. She comes to us from SES.
* Kathy will be presenting to the school psychologists on Friday. Topics being considered: aligning ASD eligibility requirements between departments, Jackie to present on placement options. Powerpoint to follow.
* Training memo – result of SCT requests for time to present to staff. About half of the administrators in the district have responded. Superintendent expectation that SCT present to their schools. If SCT and Specialists have gone to administration, then Kathy will get involved. Call Saybra if you need a resource.
Medicaid DON: Dave Law POSTPONED
Self-Monitoring Audit: Kathy has reviewed about half of the files. She has been in touch with SCT when errors have been found. Audit is going well. So far 100% accurate.
Pete & Penny Penguin:
Kathy is giving Penny to Deb Walters for her experience and knowledge. She works so well with her peers and other departments. RtI questioning process has blossomed at her schools and teams have worked proactively on TADs, even when brand new. She brings so much to the group and has tremendous drive. Kathy added the red file.
Jill is giving Pete to Beth for all the verbs that she does so well. Wonderful Igloo that Pete Built story!!
Employee Support: Saybra Chapman
Powerpoint of guidance provided to staff on a regular basis. How we take care of our mental health. Look to be peace-seeking. Levels of intervention/prevention – not everything remains the same as we change over time. 3 areas:
1. Relief during highly emotional times. Sharing of strategies – calming voice, exercise, venting to safe person, crying, drinking. Need to learn to listen to our emotions – knot in stomach, teary, blood pressure coming up. Explained brain and functions. Emotional reactions come before thought/biological reactions. Try to buy yourself time by asking a question (get details to better understand) or doing something before responding to crisis situation. Life is a process and no single situation stands alone; think of how important this will be in 5 years – develop your own mantra to keep the situation in perspective. If you can stay in control in stressful situations, the less you have to clean up after a not-so-positive interaction. 2. Planning ahead minimizing highly emotional situations: What is causing my stress? What can I control? How can I change the pieces I can control? Learn to delegate, use planner, prioritize, watch spending/do not overspend, simplify & unclutter, learn new communication skills. Learn to say “no”. Say only what needs to be said & use “conversation stopper/broken record” when necessary. Never fight with a pig; you will only get dirty and the pig will like it. Don't take on extra stuff & have those difficult conversations when necessary.
3. Challenging beliefs & scripts: We do not have to be perfect & may need to evaluate our need for an “image”. We are not responsible for other’s feelings. Remember, you do not have the power to make others angry – they are in charge of their emotions. Contribute only what you can. Reevaluate your priorities. Keep things in perspective. Develop a mantra for times of crisis. Connect with your spiritual self. Need to be in touch with your priorities and values – you can lose anything material. Everything doesn’t need to be done before you stop & relax.
* Remember, you always control your attitude. You always control your responses & whether or not you engage in a conversation. Beyond sustenance, you control your perceived needs. Look at changes as a period of transition. Think in terms of “yet”.
H/HB Services Page: Sandy
If H/HB is on Teleclass – Instruciton delivered via telecommunication/computer at Home. If H/HB is itinerant use Instruction in General (or modified) Curriculum (need to type in) at Home. SCT will need to communicate this to teacher as needed for T/IEP development. The frequency will differentiate type of service. “Up to __ minutes” Baseline of 4 hours for elementary/middle and 6 hours for high. Team can always adjust the amount of time, based on student need. Must email Sandy to let her know and so she can notify payroll of the change so teachers get paid. If there is a concern with amount of service student needs (e.g. intermittent becoming full time), have the school nurse communicate with the doctor and get a medical update. Request for written sample to be provided to group. We can offer compensatory time if the student has the need. For existing ESE students who are getting learning supports, add line for Home. Time frames are based on calendar days. If a teacher is not hired within a week, be sure to let Sandy know. Do not delay staffing to hire teacher.
TAD Reports: Lynn
Supervisors look at the letter of the law and make sure that the TADs include those items. Retention history= year the child was retained
Parent contacts are dates from the checklist. Academic/behavior performance is something that your classroom teachers should be able to complete, including expected level and class average.
Use quick summary of observations, not the whole observation. Areas of concern should minimally be area being progress monitored. Need medical documentation for information shared under Medical Findings; parent report of medical or other concerns can go under Other Relevant Information. Interventions need to be addressed; can adjust boxes as needed. Majority of interventions can be done concurrently. RtI data – graphs & charts. Sample TAD reviewed – can be initiated when the team obtains Consent to Evaluate.
To make formatting changes: Make sure you are on the TAD. Go to Tools at top toolbar & click to Unprotect Document. Go to the new/additional document & unprotect it also. Can copy & paste while both are unprotected. Double check to make sure you are not repeating information when combining more than 1 additional area. When done, go back and protect document the same way under Tools — make sure it is noted as Forms. NOTE: Do not mark any boxes or answer yes/no prior to unprotecting the documents. The boxes marked will disappear & you must re-do them once protected again. To delete rows in the Intervention Section, highlight the row and go to Table, Delete, Row. NOTE: If you put information in text box when it is unprotected, the text box disappears. You can simply copy & paste a replacement text box from another area.
Unique Gifted Cases: Sandy
Guidelines are being developed for screening gifted/characteristics.
Should have something in place by the end of the year.
Book Study – IEPs That Succeed, Chapter 7: Group POSTPONED
Planning for December Meeting: Group
Cross bar ranch – bring pot luck items. Chinese auction for those who want to participate. Group picture at the meeting.
Secondary Groups: Sandy
Transition Service Indicators: Matching Game for DOE/Pasco indicators; review of answers with explanations. Transition assessment given and summarized into PLS. Review of Student Rights & Responsibilities Related to Postsecondary Schools. Meant to be reviewed at every annual TIEP meeting and families provided a copy of the ADA booklet at designated years (9th & 12th). Place to indicate this summary was reviewed with family on PlanMaker; will eventually print on the TIEP. Small group file review using the DOE checklist indicators.
Elementary & Secondary Groups: Brenda