24 casa, 13.10.03

What Bourgas mayor

nominees possess

Ioan has Shkoda

and bank loans

The mayors who governed Bourgas for the past eight years declared to "24 hours" reporter that the only car signed over his name is Shkoda 120. He describes it as a luxury class one.

For the last time Ioan Kostadinov had been seen to drive his own car during the pre-election campaign four years ago. During his mandate he uses the services of a personal driver and enjoys the comfort of a silver colour Ford. The mayor is on a holiday at the moment and does not use it, but does not use it old Shkoda either, report our sources from Bourgas city.

He usually is a passenger in the cars of his friends and collaborators.

The mayor's family lives in a hereditary house on "Baba Ganka" Square. "This home was build from my grand father", Kostadinov likes to say. He also specifies that has a storey of a house - about 90 sq. m.

It is difficult for him to say how big the villa in Ichera village is. He is proud that this 108-years old property was transformed from his wife into a cosy place to stay. "I do not have any money in a bank deposit, you can ask my wife", Kostadinov claims. His name we can find in the managing committees of several non for profit organizations - Association of the City Mayors for European Union Incorporation, Bulgarian Tourist Union, "Music Feasts - Emil Chakarov" Association, "At the Sea-shore" Association /an organizer of a homonymous theatre festival/, "Alen Mak" Society and "The green Bourgas" Foundation.

Ivan Vitanov has a villa nearby

Sunny beach and a Trabant

Ivan Vitanov's family lives in 84 sq. m. apartment on 4 "Konstantin Velichkov" Str.

The real estates have been bought while Vitanov worked as a lawyer. The place is very next to the center of the Bourgas city.

"I possess also ? shares from a hereditary property - 105 sq. m. located on "Stefan Stambolov" Blvd.", the Bourgas independent mayor candidate supported from the ruling political formation Simeon II National Movement declares for "24 hours" daily.

As most attractive property of the jurist Vitanov we can mention the villa and its yard plot in Kosharitza village - 50 sq. m. two-storey house and a decare yard plot. His neighbor over there is Nikolai Trifonov a colleague of him - mayor of Nesebar city.

The jurist, who had his practice as a lawyer in Nesebar, has ? shares from 52 qs. m. legal office in the same town.

"My wife owns a room of a house in Kozloduitzi village, situated near Dobrich town, acquired as a heritage", Vitanov states. He claims that does not have money in a bank deposit. Two cars are signed over his name - 9 year old Opel Corsa and a Trabant. The strange and colourful vehicle from the German Democtaric Republic era can not be seen on Bourgas streets. Some relatives of Vitanov's family use it in Kozloduitzi village.

Before Viatanov to be become a mayor nominee his had occupied the post of Bourgas governor. At the moment he claims to be on holiday. First he works as a public prosecutor. His has a juridical education. His first job has been as a public prosecutor, but since 1992 he is admitted to the bar.

His name presents in several firms and non for profit associations. He has 25% from the joint stock capital of the registered in Nesebar "Bulgarian Real Estate" company, specialized in trade with real estates, the association is under process of liquidation since 2000. "Transtour" company where the Bourgas mayor nominee has 1/5 from the joint stock capital is also under process of liquidation. He had been a liquidator of an ex privatization fund "Native Land Holding".

According to the "Apis" system the man of law participates also in the board of managers of municipal soccer club "Nesebar".

Stoiko Tankov an inheritor in Asenograd

town and an owner of 14-years old "Golf"

The Bulgarian Socialist Party Bourgas mayor nominee possesses his own home - 97, 46 sq. m. big, near by the center of the city. Hi also have 19/90 ideal parts from a house and a yard plot - 420 sq. m. in "G. Voden" quarter in Asenograd town as a grant from his parents.

One more apartment - 70 sq. m. has his wife Maria. It is a grant from her parents and at the present the family lives in this apartment.

Tankov declared to "24 hours" daily reporter that he is an owner of a WV Golf 2, 14- years old automobile.

Tankov became a deputy two years ago replacing Georgi Parvanov after Paranov was elected to become the new Bulgarian president. Rumors in town say that till this very moment he was making private business. The deputy, who is also a municipal leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party in Bourgas, never had had any firms, verification in "Apis" system shows regardless the rumors. Owner of two companies is his wife Maria. The first company - "ТSТ-2" never started to work since its registration, Tankov specifies. The second company for retail - "Trade Chain Charlie" is the second company and it operates at the present.

The deputy is still in the list of Board of the directors of Professional soccer club "Chernomorets", owened by Ivailo Drajev. Nevertheless, because of his duties as a newly elected deputy, a copy of a request to be discharged of the board of the directors of the sport club was shown to "24 hours" reporter. The request has been dated December 12, 2001. Tankov still does not know for what reasons this request was not taken under consideration. Tankov showed also a copy of a notice presented to professional soccer club "Chernomorets" on August, 7 2003. In it he declares his desire to be erased as a member of the board of the directors, basing his arguments on an amendment in the Trade law - under article 233, paragraph 5.

Emilia Nasheva with real estates in

Bourgas, Zlatograd and Chernomoretz

Bourgas mayor nominee supported by the Union of Democratic Forces Emilia Nasheva owns several real estates, but have no car signed over her name.

A judge of appeal, for which this pre-election campaign is her start in the politics, possesses an apartment and a garage on around 120 sq. m. in "Lazur" Bourgas quarter. This apartment is not finished yet. She also has a right of use for another home in Bourgas - 70 sq. m. on "Aboba'' Str. in the same quarter.

"I am owner of a two real estates in my native town Zlatograd", the elegant mayor nominee has revealed for "24 hours" daily. They are a storey of a house and ? ideal parts from a yard plot on 4 "Hadji Dimitar" Str. acquired as a heritage and additional ? ideal parts from a house and a yard plot on "Belovidovo" Str. acquired as a heritage and under the restitution process.

Nasheva has taken care to invest in real estates at the sea side, as well. She has a house - 35 sq. m. in the land of Chernomoretz village situated between Bourgas and Sozopol. She is an owner also to a 500 sq. m. agricultural land.

Her carrier is solely connected with the magistracy. During his practice she has been only a judge. She participates in two non government organizations, "Apis" information system shows.

The first one is "Bulgarian Association for Stimulation of the Civil Initiative" and "Association of Sea side Law Community"

Virginia Haik has two apartments

in one and the same block

Virginia Haik, mayor nominee supported by VMRO political formation and her husband possess two apartments - the fist one 100 sq.m. and the second 80 sq.m. in block # 40 in "Bratia Miladinovi" quarter.

The first is a patrimony and the second Karadjian family has bought. Karadjian is her family name, Haik is her maiden name.

During the weekends her husband and their two children - Alexander and Ema enjoy to travel to Goliamo Bukovo village in Strandja Mountain, where they have a country house.

Haik possesses around 300 sq. m. big plot situated out of town planning in Ravadinovo village near by Sozopol.

Red-hired mayor nominee declares a bank deposit with 10 000 lv. She and her husband use two cars - Ford Mondeo and Lada.

Haik is a partner in a legal firm.

The jurist, which was deputy governor of Bourgas in the beginning of the yellow government of the country, leads an active social life. She is a co-founder of the "School Board of Trustees Association" and participates in three of these trustees: of the English language secondary school - where she has graduated with a golden medal and where her son is studying at the moment, of the "Bratia Miladinovi" primary school and of the Armenian school in Bourgas.

She is also chairwoman of "Open Society Club" in Bourgas.

Hristo Portochanov does not have

a house, but drive a Mercedes

Football boss Hristo Portochanov does not have a house signed over his name, the apartment on "Gurko" Blvd. - 148 sq. m. in the centre of Boyrgas city is signed over his wife's name - Ruska.

This fact has revealed the mayor nominee for "24 hours" daily. He attacks the local power on behalf of the Green party.

The famous citizen of Bourgas has a one year practice as a municipal councilor. He told our reporter to have two automobiles - Mercedes S 430 three-years old, signed over his name and two-year old Audi signed over the name of his wife. He also declared to have approximately 100 000 lv. in cash. "The wealth is in the joint-stock company participation", the green leader concluded having in mind Professional soccer club '"Naftex" JSCo. and Bourgas Duty Free zone.

According to the last changes occurred in the Professional soccer club '"Naftex" JSCo. on July, 29, 2003, 99,85 % of the shares are possession of "Naftex Bulgaria Holding" and the rest of the shares are in the hands of physical persons, "Apis" information system shows. Portochanov presents in the documents as an Executive director of Professional soccer club '"Naftex" JSCo. The other members of the directory board are Dianko Dimov, Svetoslav Yordanov, Mitko Sabev and Plamen Kiriakov.

The last change in the registration of the club was made on June, 4, 2002. Up to this very moment Portochanov is an owner of a 51% of the club's shares. The members of the Board of directors remain unchanged.

Portochanov's jurists do not make any comments on the data stated in the verifications. They only made one remark that the law does not oblige a joint stock participation to be listed in the actual company status report. The name of the mayor nominee can be found also as a member of "Tennis club Naftex".

"The most important thing is what is written in the shareholder book, but not what is registered in the court", Hristo Portochanov declared.