Medium Term Plan – Y2/Y3Spring YEAR B

Hamilton are providing a two year rolling programme.This means that the Y2/3 teachers will not be in any danger of using the same plans from for two years running. This means that the Y2/3teacher can use the Set Aplans one year and the Set B plans the next year so that no child in Y2/3should ever repeat a plan!

Term / Fiction / Non-fiction / Poetry
Spring / Plan 1B: Stories about getting angry
Required texts:
The Day No one was Angry by T Tellegen and M Boutavant
Read and enjoy animal stories from the book The Day No one was Angry which explores issues around anger in a humorous way. Learn about verbs and the different ways they are used. Write a story with a message about anger and how we can deal with it.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Use the present and past tenses correctly, including the progressive form
Year 3
  1. Learn the grammar for y3 in Eng Appendix 2
  2. Use the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense
/ Plan 1B: Newspaper reports
Recommended texts:
Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks by N Loewen
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by J Scieszka
Trust Me: Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks by E Braun
News Story… Police Error Hamilton Group Readers
Learn how to be journalists and write a report for The Traditional Tale Times newspaper. Using Goldilocks Rocks, The True Story of The Three Little Pigs and Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks, explore familiar stories with new twists. Write a report for a class newspaper. Become confident writing in the past and present tense and use speech punctuation accurately. Know the difference between direct and indirect speech.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Use the present and past tenses correctly
  2. Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2
  3. Write statements
  4. Use familiar punctuation correctly
Year 3
  1. Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions
  2. Use and punctuate direct speech
  3. Use present perfect form rather than simple past
/ Plan 1B: Poems on a theme: fur and feathers
Required texts:
Required poems with plan
In this Fur and Feather poetry unit, children will have the opportunity to explore many poems all about pets and birds and even dragons! With the emphasis on direct speech and powerful imagery, they will collaborate to learn, perform and write their own versions of the poems they have enjoyed.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Use sentences with different forms
  2. Learn to use new punctuation correctly
Year 3
  1. Explore a range of sentences
  2. Use and punctuate direct speech
  3. Use commas…

Plan 2B: Fantasy fiction
Required texts:
The WonderbyF Hanson
The Flower by J Light
Imagine that! Hamilton Group Readers
It’s time to let loose wild and whacky imaginations as children read The Wonder, The Flower and Imagine that! They work on clauses, conjunctions and phrases as they unleash their creative powers in new versions of the stories they have read in class.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Learn how to use the present and past tense of verbs correctly
  2. Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2
  3. Learn how to use subordination and coordination
Year 3
  1. Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2
  2. Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions
  3. Use conjunctions to express time and cause
/ Plan 2B: Recounts
Required texts:
Just a Dream byC Van Allsburg
Quest (Journey Trilogy 2) by A Becker
Dream On Hamilton Group Readers
Recounts retell something that has already happened! In this unit children will useJust a Dreamby Chris Van Allsburg andQuestby Aaron Becker to learn the features of a recount. Children practise sequencing events from familiar stories and use time adverbials to indicate the sequence to readers. They will understand how to add detail and description to their writing using prepositions and prepositional phrases. They learn how to extend sentences using conjunctions and also know how to ensure their writing makes sense by consistently using the same verb tense. Finally children write their own recount of a dream and learn how to edit and improve their writing before publishing it.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Use adverbs when writing statements
  2. Write sentences correctly, including full stops and capital letters
  3. Use some features of written standard English
Year 3
  1. Use prepositions to express time and cause
  2. Express time using adverbs
  3. Use subordination and coordination
/ Plan 2B: Poetry about space
Required texts:
Space Poems byG Morgan
Read some awesome poems about our solar system inSpace Poemschosen by Gaby Morgan. Find out about the planets and compose riddle poems. Write a celebratory list poem about the earth using noun phrases. Make a shape poem about the sun.
Grammar focus:
Year 2
  1. Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
  2. Learn the grammar from Appendix 2
Year 3
  1. Choose nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition
  2. Learn the grammar from Appendix 2

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.