Evaluator's Name: ______

3 = Excellent

2 = Average

1 = Awful

0 = Nonexistent

HP&T 856: Reactionnaire For Student Presentations - Caryn

Please use this scale to rate items 1 through 6.

Rate the clarity of information focusing on how to …

1. Name the secondary complimentary color to each primary color. 3 2 1 0

2. Use one color scheme to create a PowerPoint slide. 3 2 1 0

3. Use one color scheme with the appropriate emphasis to create a 3 2 1 0

PowerPoint slide.

Rate the comprehensiveness of information focusing on how to ...

1. Name the secondary complimentary color to each primary color. 3 2 1 0

2. Use one color scheme to create a PowerPoint slide. 3 2 1 0

3. Use one color scheme with the appropriate emphasis to create a 3 2 1 0

2 = Very Good

1 = Average

0 = Nonexistent

PowerPoint slide.

Please use this scale to rate items 7 through 20.

How would you rate the…

7. practice exercises in terms of enjoyment? 2 1 0

8. practice exercises in terms of reinforcing knowledge? 2 1 0

9. practice exercises in terms of reinforcing skills? 2 1 0

10. use of clipart, images, and/or pictures in terms of enhancing the delivery? 2 1 0

11. use of videos or Flash presentations in terms of enhancing the delivery? 2 1 0

12. projection of voice so that you could clearly understand the audios? 2 1 0

13. rate of voice so you could clearly understand what was being said on audios? 2 1 0

14. functionality of the links (i.e., did they work when you clicked)? 2 1 0

15. the design of the overall training to keep you interested in the presentation? 2 1 0

16. knowledge exam in terms of clarity? 2 1 0

17. timing, in terms of the training running on schedule (about 1.5 hours)? 2 1 0

18. student manual in terms of clarity? 2 1 0

19 student manual in terms of the information helping you to better understand

the online workshop information? 2 1 0

20. student manual in terms of being visually appealing (& are there page numbers)? 2 1 0


Please “type” in complete sentences, 5 things that were perfect about this training session AND/OR things that you think the trainer needs to enhance.

PRE TRAINING Self-Assessment of Confidence – Caryn

For each item below, please circle the response that best reflects your confidence concerning your skill level upon entering/exiting this training session.

High 5 4 3 2 1 Low

Please use the following scale:

Ability to...

1. Name 2 outside factors that can affect the quality of color in your

training presentations. 5 4 3 2 1

2. Name the secondary complimentary color to each primary color. 5 4 3 2 1

3. Use one color scheme to create a PowerPoint slide. 5 4 3 2 1

4. Use one color scheme with the appropriate emphasis to create a

PowerPoint slide. 5 4 3 2 1

POST TRAINING Self-Assessment of Confidence - Caryn

For each item below, please circle the response that best reflects your confidence concerning your skill level upon entering/exiting this training session.

High 5 4 3 2 1 Low

Please use the following scale:

Ability to...

1. Name 2 outside factors that can affect the quality of color in your

training presentations. 5 4 3 2 1

2. Name the secondary complimentary color to each primary color. 5 4 3 2 1

3. Use one color scheme to create a PowerPoint slide. 5 4 3 2 1

4. Use one color scheme with the appropriate emphasis to create a

PowerPoint slide. 5 4 3 2 1


Attention Trainees:

For the knowledge exam, please do NOT print out the knowledge exam pages that follow.

Instead, turn in THIS answer sheet only by writing your answers below.





Please add up your score and write down the total here: _____

Thank you.

Evaluator's Name: ______


Please circle the ONE BEST answer for each question.

1.  Name 2 outside factors that can affect the quality of color in your training presentations.

  1. ADA Compliance and Funding
  2. Computers and Color Blindness
  3. Funding and Computers
  4. Color Blindness and ADA Compliance

2. Name the secondary complimentary color to each primary color.

1 / 2 / 3
4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8 / 9
10 / 11 / 12

The answers show the primary color first and the secondary color followed by the


A.  7-2; 12-6; 1-4

B.  7-2; 8-3; 1-4

C.  2-7; 6-12; 4-1

D.  2-7; 6-12; 9-4

3. Use one color scheme to create a PowerPoint slide.

4. Use one color scheme with the appropriate emphasis to create a PowerPoint slide.