Activity- Paper Pet Instructions

Making a paper pet parent
Follow the directions below to create a paper pet parent with five inheritable traits.
The following traits are possible:
Paper pet inheritable traits
Color / Yellow / Purple
Shape / Square / Round
Eyes / Round / Square
Nose / Triangular / Oval
Teeth / Pointy / Square
  • colored paper, scissors, glue
Part 1: Creating the Pet
  1. Copy the following chart.
Pet's name:
Trait / Phenotype / Genotype
  1. In the first column, list the phenotype you choose for your pet (purple or yellow in color, square or round in shape, round eyes or square eyes, triangular nose or oval nose, and square teeth or pointy teeth).
  2. In the second column,choose the paper pet’s genotype. Choose from the following:
  • “YY” or “Yy” for YELLOW, “yy” for PURPLE
  • “SS” or “Ss”for SQUARE shape, “ss” for ROUND shape
  • “RR” or “Rr” for ROUND eyes, “rr” for SQUARE eyes
  • “TT” or “Tt” for a TRIANGLAR nose, “tt” for an OVAL nose
  • “PP” or “Pp” for POINTY teeth, and “pp” for SQUARE teeth.
  1. Obtain the correct color for your pet (piece of purple or yellow paper), and cut it into its correct shape (square or round).
  2. Create your pet! Using the correct colored paper, scissors, and glue, attach the following traits:
  • round OR square eyes using the BLUE paper
  • a triangular OR oval nose using the RED
  • square OR pointy teeth using the GREEN paper.
Part 2: Creating the Offspring
  1. Pair up with another student to mate pets.
  2. Decide which pet will be male andwhich will be female. On the BACK of the female write the genotype “XX”. On the back of the male put an “XY”.
  3. Complete a Punnett squarefor the cross your pet with the other pet for the following6 traits: color, shape, eyes, nose, teeth, gender.
1 / 2
3 / 4
  1. Obtain a stack of numbered cards from your teacher. For each trait, randomly pull a card from the stack. The number on the card corresponds to the genotype of the Punnett Square your offspring will inherit. Highlight the genotype for each trait that will be represented in your offspring. See below:
  1. Complete for all your offspring’s traits. Your partner should do this as well and create their own offspring. Your offspring should be different from each other, but they are siblings because they have the same parents!
  2. Copy and complete the following chart for your offspring:
Offspring's name:
Trait / Phenotype / Genotype
  1. Obtain the correct colors and create your offspring!