Most night flights into Heathrow arrive from 04.30 in the morning and for many these operate as an unwanted alarm clock. The current regulations governing the number of flights are due to expire in October 2014. The Department of Transport has commenced consultations for renewing the regulations. Based on the outcome of the first stage of consultations (published in January 2013)the Department proposes to continue the same regulations for a period of three years (to October 2017) with only one change, as summarised below.
The present regulations restrict the number of flights to 16 between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00, and prohibit the nosiest types of aircraft between the hours of 23.30 and 07.00. The Department proposes to continue this regulation but extend the restriction for noisy aircraft to the entire period that the airport is supposedly closed, that is, 23.00 to 07.00 hours.
However, the Department has carefully stated that this recommendation should not compromise the Airport Commission which is due to submit its interim report this month. The Commission is charged with the task of solving London’s insufficient airport capacity and will present its recommendations in a report due in the summer of 2015. However the interim report will suggest ways in which the existing runways can be used more effectively in the meantime and it is feared that this may result in an increase in the number of permitted night flights, especially those that arrive in the early morning.
The second stage of the Department’s consultations regarding night flights is now open; the deadline for which is the 31st of January 2014. It’s an opportunity to voice concerns about sleep deprivation and the nonsense that although Heathrow is closed at night people are woken by flights arriving from 4.30 in the morning for the benefit of passengers on night flights from the Far East. Whilst the Department’s suggestion to reduce noisy aircraft is welcome it will not affect the disturbance of early morning flights.
All Society members who are concerned about this issue should respond by :-
- e-mail to , or
- taking part in the consultations by going to clinking on “respond on-line”.
If you choose the consultation you will find a questionnaire of18 questions, some of which are difficult to answer unless you have read the relevant reports. The questions are summarised below with suggested responses. Please use you own words rather than repeat those suggested.
Q1: Do you agree with our preliminary view as to the new studieson health effects?
Answer - strongly disagree. Comment - the studies clearly suggest that night time aircraft noise severely disturbs sleep and causes related health issues.
Q2: Do you have any further views on the costs and benefits, including health impacts, which we should take into account in our decision?
Answer - Health aspects are undervalued. Areas outside the 55 dB, Lnight contour, which includes Putney, are not given adequate attention. The night time ban should be extended to all aircraft irrespective of their noise.
Q3: Do you agree with the proposed environmental objectives?
Answer – Strongly disagree. Comment - better to ban all planes during the night.
Q4: Do you agree that the next regime should last until October2017?
Answer – neither agree or disagree. Comment – leave blank.
Q5: Do you have any views on the revised dispensations guidance?
These would allow additional flights due to :-
- exceptional circumstances caused by bad weather, disasters etc.,
- trials of proposals submitted to the Airports Commission, for example, an increased number ofarrivals in the 05:00 – 06:00 period in order to reduce the use ofboth runways for arrivals in the early morning period to mitigatecommunity disturbance.
Answer – There should be no additional night flights. Better to have none..
Q6: Do you agree that we should maintain the existing movementand noise quota limits until October 2017? If not, please set outyour preferred options and reasons – this could include the noiseand economic impact of any alternatives.
Answer- Strongly disagree, Comment - Existing movements and noise limits disturb residents and should be revised accordingly.
Q7 and Q8
Answer – no, or leave blank
Q9: Do you agree with extending the operational ban of QC/8 andQC/16 aircraft (noisiest aircraft) to the entire night period (23:00 – 07:00)?
Answer- Strongly agree, Comment – No flights should be permitted irrespective of their noise.
Q10: Do you agree with our assessment of the costs and benefitsin the draft IA?
Answer- Strongly disagree, Comment - Existing movements and noise limits disturb residents and should be revised accordingly.
Q11: Are there any other changes to the regime which we shouldconsider?
Answer – yes, there should be no night flights
Q12 to Q18 inclusive
Answer – neither agree or disagree or leave blank