The Newsletter of the

North LondonCentre Caravan Club




Page No.

Chairman’s Chat 3

Editor’s Link 4

Minutes – May 2015 5

Minutes – July 2015 8

Minutes – August 2015 10

Rally Fixtures 2015 12

Members News 13

News from the Rally Field 15

Jokers Corner 17

New Year Rally Details 18

AGM Details 19

Chairman’s Chat

This being the end of my third year as Chairman, this will most likely be my last edition of Chairmans Chat. Firstly let me say, it is with deep regret that we have lost another long standing member of the Centre, Daphne McLeod, our thoughts are with John and all the family.

It has been an honour and privilege to be the Centre Chairman for the past 3 years, how the time has flown. Prior to that I was the Centre Treasurer for 22 consecutive years and one year on committee before that, during that time I have been joined on the Centre Committee with some fantastic hardworking people who have all worked together for the good of the Centre and its members. I am sure whoever takes on the job as Chairman and with the assistance of the Committee the Centre will be in good hands.

Chairman’s rally at Moreton-in-the-Marsh was well attended, great venue and lovely weather, what more could you ask.

On 6th June Phil and Helen got married, we had a Rally at Alameda School, Ampthill for the weekend. Phil and his Best Man joined us on the rally Friday Night and the newly married couple Mr & Mrs Crouch joined us on the rally for their Wedding Night. To their surprise, they were provided with a Wedding Breakfast on Sunday Morning, Fantastic. The picture of the happy couple was in the Caravan Club magazine.

North London had a good turnout at the HCIR, well done to the Inter Centre Challenge team. It was great to see North London lifting the trophy.

The Junior Rally at Swiss Farm, Henley was a great success. It was a pity that we were not permitted to use the swimming pool and facilities, the weather was fantastic and fun was had by all over the whole weekend. I don’t think the juniors even missed the pool.

The New Year Rally has been moved back to Alameda School, Ampthill where we also Rally for the AGM and Turkey and Tinsel. Do not leave it too late, as all these rallies are filling up with visitors, to avoid disappointment please get your booking form and deposit in as soon as possible.

Mandy and I look forward to seeing you on the rally field.

Pete Smith

Editor’s Link

Hello Everyone!

A little late with the issue this time – apologies for that!

It’s been a bit of a challenge with the weather over the summer – some fairweather rallies and some more of the ‘damp’ variety!

Terry and I have attended a number of rallies – Terry and one of our grandsons, Joel, enjoyed the juniors rally - I was on a weekend jolly in London with my daughters, sister and a couple of friends - Mandy Smith to name but one! We ate in Chinatown, shopped in Harrods and sampled a glass or two of champagne in Harrods Champagne bar, went to the theatre and finished up on Sunday wandering round Covent Garden – it was an excellent weekend and made a great start to my birthday celebrations!

The nominations rally is taking place at Offley Social Club from 18th to 20th September and it would be lovely to have some new blood on the committee – always great to have some new ideas – if you think you would like to become more involved please get in touch or book onto the rally. Nomination slips are in the rally book.

The AGM is taking place over the weekend of 2nd to 4th October. The venue is now Alameda School and the format has changed this year with the AGM taking place on Saturday afternoon and a dinner dance in the evening. I hope that this will be a great success and look forward to plenty of people attending.

Just a little reminder, your centre membership is not automatically renewed when you renew your Caravan Club membership. I do try to keep an eye on any expired North London Centre memberships, but if you can be aware that you do need to renew each year. It’s especially important for the AGM so that you are eligible to take part and vote etc.

Don’t forget to let me have your news, birthdays etc – and any contributions for our ‘I Learned About Caravanning From That’ section would be gratefully received.

Looking forward to meeting up with you on the rally field!




Minutes of the Meeting held on Sunday 24th May

at Moreton on the Marsh


Chairman: Peter Smith

Hon Treasurer: Debbie ToddHon. Secretary: Erika Williams

Committee: Mandy Smith, Terry Williams, Alan Frazer,

Anthony Frazer, Dawn Kiefer

  1. Apologies: Wayne Pearce, John Beale, Sue Beale
  1. Minutes of Meeting held on Sunday 5th April

Proposed: Anthony Frazer

Seconded: Alan Frazer

  1. Matters Arising: None
  1. Chairman’s Report:

Mandy and I attended the invitation rally at Aston – a great venue. The entertainment was excellent both nights and we have received an invite for next year already. The fees were very reasonable. They plan to change it slight for next year to be even more of a ‘Cabaret’. Congratulations to Vinnie for taking part in the entertainment.

Future rallies – Moreton this weekend, the club house was not ideal so we put awnings together. The groundsman has been very helpful and will certainly come back again.

Pig and Punch next weekend and Alameda School for Phil and Helen’s wedding weekend.

Proposed: Dawn Kiefer

Seconded: Terry Williams

  1. Secretary’s Report:

Membership Figures

157 - Lead Members (incl. Life, Honorary and Overseas)

118 - Joint Members

07 - Family Members

282 - Total Members


Email from Caravan Club with a revised letterhead which I will send out to the Officers.

I have produced the Spring edition of Turnagain – still very little input from members which makes it quite hard work to find items to include.

Proposed:Anthony Frazer

Seconded:Debbie Todd

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer reported that the online banking was now in place.

Secretary to draft a letter to all members giving details of the bank account so they can pay online for rallies – but to ensure that they add a reference e.g. T & T for Turkey and Tinsel etc and let the Rally Officer know that they had made payment electronically.

The Treasurer also asked that all Rally Officers get their paperwork and money in promptly.

We need to remove the previous Secretary as a signatory from the bank account and add the current Secretary to the mandate.

The rally held at Broom was successful – Phil and Helen worked as a good team as assistant rally officers. 13 caravans – lovely quirky pub. Phil Crouch won the Boules competition with Mary Kettle and John McLeod won the doubles.

Good venue which is booked again for next April – possibly move it till later in the year and possibly use Towcester Racecourse for April instead.

Proposed:Mandy Smith

Seconded:Dawn Kiefer

  1. Rally Secretary’s Report:

We have received an invitation from Tracey Jones to the Bucks Centre Valentines (venue to be confirmed) It was agreed that as the Beds Valentines had been disappointing this year that the invitation should be accepted.

The Rally Secretary had attended the Events Meeting.

We need Rally Officers for Stoke Bruerne.

The Rally at Abingdon is to be cancelled due to lack of bookings,

  1. Social Secretary’s Report:

AGM – The Chairman’s Reception for Rally Officers, Committee Members and partners will be held at 12.00 which the AGM starting at 2.00pm.

The evening is to start at 6.30 for 7.00 – Menu to be confirmed (possibly Hunters Chicken, Lemon Meringue, Gateau or Ice Cream.

Entertainment needs to attract attention – possibly Lazy Days

The cost to be £8.00 per adult - £4.00 for 6-16 years

We will also hold a raffle

(NB At the meeting held at Hillson Yard it was agreed to charge £40.00 per caravan with a reduction for single occupancy)

Regional AGM 2016 which we are hosting – possibly a 60’s theme with a group called ‘Carnaby Street’ as entertainment and Linslade as the venue.

  1. H.C.I.R. Report:

The Chairman attended a meeting last week and the numbers booked in is very disappointing. Because of the various contracts in place which would incur cancellation fees it was decided to go ahead. So far around 50 caravans have been booked in but really need at least 80 to break even.

Beds have not advertised the HCIR on the website and are running a holiday rally in opposition.

  1. Regional Report:

The Chairman attended the last regional meeting. There was no speaker. Nothing to report

  1. Website:

Dawn thanked Debbie for her rally report.

She has been spending a bit of time on the website and it is up and running well.

It was explained that Rally Officers need to activate their email addresses for bookings to be taken online.

  1. Any Other Business:


  1. Date of Next Meeting:

Sunday 12th July at 10.00 at Runnymede Paddock

Meeting closed at 12.30pm



Minutes of the Meeting held on Sunday 12th July, 2015

At Runneymede Paddock


Chairman: Peter Smith Vice Chairman:Wayne Pearce

Hon. Secretary: Erika Williams

Committee: Mandy Smith, Terry Williams, Alan Frazer,

Anthony Frazer, Dawn Kiefer

  1. Apologies: Debbie Todd, John Beale, Sue Beale
  1. Minutes of Meeting held on Sunday 24th May, 2015

Proposed: Wayne Pearce

Seconded: Anthony Frazer

  1. Matters Arising: None
  1. Chairman’s Report:

Pig and Punch at Hillsons Yard a great success – especially the football!

Unfortunately we had to cancel Abingdon due to lack of bookings.

HCIR – we had one of the biggest attendance from North London – Good entertainment all weekend.

Home Farm, Cardington – thank you to first time Rally Officers Nicola and Ben for an excellent rally, Diane Slender provided Paella and everyone enjoyed an American BBQ.

We also attend the Norfolk invite rally at Upwell. Nice venue with good company which included a trip to Wisbech carnival.

Runnymede has been a good get together – lot of fun for all.

Future rallies include Woodside Farm, Stoke Bruerne and Swiss Farm.

Proposed: Wayne Pearce

Seconded: Alan Frazer

  1. Secretary’s Report:

Membership Figures

140 - Lead Members (incl. Life, Honorary and Overseas)

107 - Joint Members

05 - Family Members

252 - Total Members

Proposed:Mandy Smith

Seconded:Terry Williams

  1. Treasurer’s Report: (Received after the meeting)

I am waiting for a few rally monies and paperwork to be submitted to me and I would say that the Stoke Bruerne rally only has 3 booked on and that I am considering cancelling it.

  1. Rally Secretary’s Report:

Some of the rallies will have to be moved. The date of Bedford River Festival is now the 15th – 17th July and Henlow Bridge Fishing Rally will now be 9th September.

There have been problems with Linslade School so we may need to go back to Alameda – Peter Smith to deal with the negotiations.

The invite from Bucks re Valentines has still not been received by the Secretary.

  1. Social Secretary’s Report:

The entertainment for the AGM has been booked.

The bands at HCIR have been approached for possible future bookings.

  1. H.C.I.R. Report:

Went well in spite of lack of numbers. The AGM is to be held in November

  1. Regional Report:

Meeting to be held next week

  1. Website:

Nothing to report..

  1. Any Other Business:

We have received a message from a member regarding rally officers for various future rallies. It was noted that all rallies are available for anyone to offer to run

  1. Date of Next Meeting:

Sunday 2nd August at 9.30 at Swiss Farm, Henley

Meeting closed at 10.30am



Minutes of the meeting held on Sunday 2nd August 2015 at Swiss Farm, Henley at 10:05 am


Chairman P SmithVice-Chairman W Pearce

Rally Secretary Alan Frazer Social Secretary Ant Frazer

Committee: D Kiefer & T Williams

1)Apologies: E. Williams, D. Todd, M. Smith, S. Beale & J, Beale

2) Minutes for July 2015

Proposed: Dawn Kiefer

Seconded: Terry Williams

3) Matters arising: None

4) Chairman’s Report.

We attended the Curry rally at Sandy, this was enjoyed by all 10 vans attending - especially the Floater Coffees.

Unfortunately the rally at Stoke Bruerne has had to be cancelled due to lack of numbers.

This weekend's rally has gone really well with the Juniors enjoying themselves - there has been an issue with the use of the showers & swimming pool - it was agreed that in future (2016 onwards) a copy of the contract(s) should be included in the rally packs.

Future rallies: Moggerhamger - Wayne Pearce attending as chairman in my absence.

Ratley (August bank Holiday) - Alan Frazer attending.

Proposed: Alan Frazer

Seconded: Wayne Pearce

5) Secretary’s Report.

Membership Figures:

140 - Lead Members (incl. Life, Honorary and Overseas)

107 - Joint Members

5 - Family Members

252 - Total Members

Proposed: Wayne Pearce

Seconded: Dawn Kiefer

5)Treasurers Report

Cheque for £50.00 to Air Ambulance on behalf of Daphne McLeod.

6) Rally Secretary’s Report.

E-Mail from S. Essex centre for their Chairman's Charity rally in 2016 received - we have our own rally at Banham Zoo, so a reply to be sent thanking them for, but declining, their invite.

Valentines rally at Princes Risboro' School - 12-14/2/2016 agreed, with Herts centre also invited to attend, this will be a rolling invite rally in future.

Change of Date for Hillson's Yard as Beds centre booked there over the same weekend, we are now going the week before, 10-12 June. Abingdon moved to weekend of 17-19 June, a suggestion was made to cancel this and a rally held at Wyboston - Pete to provide details.

Linslade School cancelled for New Year and all booked informed - rally now at Alameda School, Ampthill. Possibility that Linslade School may still be viable for the Region AGM in 2016.

7) Social Secretary’s Report.

Good entertainment this weekend.

We have received 5 bookings with deposits for the AGM rally.

8) H.C.I.R. Report.

Nothing to report.

9)Regional Report.

There is currently no venue for this year's rally, but a possible venue is being sort, the AGM is now at 10am on Sunday morning at the Holiday Inn, Flamstead.

10)Web Site.

Loads of new photos added. A note has been placed on the site informing ralliers that they should inform their car insurance that they tow a trailer/caravan.

An advert for Safefill gas bottle suppliers has been placed on the home page - this was accepted by all.

11)Any Other Business.

An event shelter has been purchased for the holiday rally at a cost of £189.00 + sides. this will be then passed on for future rallies. A second shelter with sides to be purchased at a later date.

A minutes silence was held on Friday evening in respect to Daphne McLeod.

2 complaints have been made about the change to the rally book - full sheet copies have been offered in future to those concerned - this will also be on the website. Book to be ready for the AGM.

12)Next meeting.

Offley Social Club at 10am on Saturday 20th September

Meeting Closed at 11:00 am



18 – 20 SeptOffley Social CentreNominations

25 – 27 SeptPrestwood Showground Autumn Fayre

2 – 4 OctAlameda SchoolAGM

23 – 25 OctHome Farm, CardingtonOctober Fun

22 NovHoliday Inn, FlamsteadRegional AGM


27 – 29 NovAlameda Middle SchoolTurkey & Tinsel

30 – 2 Dec/JanAlameda Middle SchoolNew Year




Starting on a sad note, we lost one of our long time members, Daphne McLeod. Our thoughts and prayers are with John and the family. A donation from the Centre has been made to the Air Ambulance in her memory

Congratulations to members Lisa & Rob Walsh on the birth of their baby girl Tilly Isabelle born 1st September weighing 7lbs 15oz

Happy 60th Birthday to Alan Todd – celebrated on 26th August

I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone for my cards, presents and good wishes for my 60th Birthday – also celebrated on 26th August

Thank you from Helen Crouch

Dear All,

Phil and I would like to thank our ‘caravanning family’ for helping us celebrate our wedding and making it such a fantastic time.

Special thanks must go to Pete Smith for getting in contact with Alameda School and arranging for the members to be able to pitch up on their grounds and for bringing the vans in.

We also wish to thank Tom and Diane Slender who certainly went the extra mile (or in this case lots of miles) to obtain the wine for the wedding which I think went down well.

Of course we must not forget Anthony for giving his time freely and being our DJ.

Our thanks also go to Phil Canty and Dave Hammond for helping set up the tables for the buffet and for helping with the clearance of the hall at the end of the evening.

We would also like to thank those who decorated our caravan and for the flowers in the caravan, including the roses and rose petals found in our bed.