PO BOX 233

PUTNEY, VT 05346


Putney Board of Selectmen

April 24th ,254thh, 2007


The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Wednesday, April 254thh, 2007, at the Putney Town Hall at 6:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Scott Henry, Josh Laughlin, Bradley King

Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Keith Clark, Windham County Sheriff; Pamela Cubbage, Sid Wolf, Ian Gillespie, Phil Banister, Penelope Wurr, Chris Sproat, Steve Haisley, BACLT Advisory Committee; Connie Snow, Isaac Wagner, Dick Hemienway, BACLT; Nancy Owens, Housing VermontAnita Coomes, Treasurer

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM.


The minutes of Aprilof April 11th were accepted as submitted

Board of Water/Sewer Commissioners

Discussion of amending water and sewer connection fees, as preiuoslypreviously proposed on April 11th. After review of a study of average connection fees for Vermont water and sewer systems, provided by C. Ryan, Board voted unanimously, on a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King to amend the fee structure as follows:

·  Water OrdincaeOrdinance, Article II, Sec. 5 -“ connection fee of $6,000 per lot” amended to “ $1,000 per ERU”

·  Sewer Ordinance, Article VI –“ Connection fee of $1,500 per ERU” , to be added to Article VI and appropriately numbered.

This amendment will be legally noticed as required under Vermont law, and will take effect in sixty days unless appealed.


BALCT update

Pamela Cubbage in to update Board on her new role as Chair of Advisory Committee, and question Board on it’s view of role for Committee should project progress beyond feasibility phase. As chair of Conservation Commission, P. Cubbage also expressed interest in issues concerning adjoining wetlands parcel at Basketville site, and whether a role for Committee might include negotiating the outcomes for the preservation of that piece. C. Ryan informed those present that hearings were being scheduled for preliminary review of the project site plan, as well as a pre-application meeting for conditional use and Planned Residential Development permits: most likely first date will be May 8th. Board requested that this hearing be publicized, in order to allow for citizen input.Connie Snow, BACLT Exec. Director, gave overview of stattsus of project to date, and informed Board that final decision on feasibility of project from BACLT perspectives was likely to be decided at May meeting, as additional work was being requested of architect on various design issues. J. Laughlin expressed appreciation for work done by Committee to date – was not prepared to make any statement about any further role for Committee, and asked for BACLT view on utility of Committee going forward. C. Snow also thanked Committee, and made it clear that project budget constraints and timelines made any additional Committee participation in BACLT process unlikely. Some discussion by Committee members of a desire to continue as partners. J. Laughlin suggested that it may be more appropriate to have Committee continue in some advisory role to the Selectboard, but made it clear that this had not been discussed by the Board as a whole.

Much discussion of the various impacts of the project, and how any studies relating to the impacts would be reviewed. BACLT of the opinion that commissioning more than one study for some of the various tasks, such as traffic, tax impact, etc. would be prohibitively expensive. C. Ryan suggested that some of the capacity to review financial projections was already at town’s disposal, as he and other professional staff have experience in analyzing such studies. P. Bannister pointed out that Act 250 review panel has access to a number of professional resources for review of technical data such as traffic, drainage, etc.

Planning/ Zoning Permitting review

P. Bannister and Mary Heller Osgood, Planning and Zoning Chairs, discussed general outline of local permitting process that BACLT proposal would follow, culminating in ACT 250 review. Consensus was that there would be a number of opportunities for all parties to present concerns about the project.

P. Bannister asked for Board support of his submittal of Municipal Education Grant to Windham Regional Commission for training sessions on major development permitting. Board was in agreement with this proposal, and will lend whatever assistance might help to secure funding.Water Commissioners/ Water Connection Fee

As warned in posting for April 11th mtg. Board voted to suspend current fee for connection of $6,000 per lot, and to take under advisement C. Ryan recommendation of $1,000 per ERU. Board requested that the intent to amend the connection fees for both water and sewer connections be warned for next meeting, April 25th, at which time new fees will be voted, after any public comment are considered.

Truck Bid

C. Ryan presented Board with recommendation from D. Wilson, DPW superintendent, to accept bid for new Highway truck as submitted by McDevitt Trucks, Inc. for new Mack truck, at $78,463, with body and plow to be supplied by H. Fairfield, Inc, at $43,998. Board had no objection, as only other bidder did not meet specification for motor as requested.

2007-08 Appointments

Board confirmed following appointments:

Eric Bass – ZBA

Sandra Hartley –Animal Advisory Board

Executive Session:

On motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimously to enter executive session at 8:30 to discuss possible resolution of a legal matter. C. Ryan was invited to attend. Executive session was adjourned at 8:35, and Board authorized C. Ryan to make a proposal, as outlined by Town Counsel, to aggrieved party.At 7:30 PM, on a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimously to enter executive session to discuss possible litigation, and invited C. Ryan to join. On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn executive session at 7:45, and reconvened in open session, with no action taken. Board requested that C. Ryan discuss several options with D. Wilson, and contact R. Coutant with possible proposal to settle East Putney Brook Road drainage issues.


Board was informed by T. Clerk A. Coomes that William Rounds had resigned from the Cemetery Commission for personal reasons, and that Laura Heller had agreed to rejoin Commissioners, and the remaining Commissioners then appointed Katherine Lawrence to fill vacancy.

Warrants to Treasurer:

Payroll # 4139 - $8824.347956.81

Payroll # 4238 - $5343.414558.17

Payables #353 $162,217.17421,306.46

Payables #34 $88,806.72

Future Meetings

·  Selectboard – May 9April 25th, @ 6:00 PM

·  Planning/Zoning – May 8th @ 7:00 PM at Fire Station

Meeting adjourned @ 9:008:25 PM –Submitted – Chris Ryan