1. LAW OF REFLECTION : i = r (i = angle of incidence, r = angle of reflection)


incident ray reflected ray

i r

2. Specular reflection : where reflecting surface is perfectly smooth.

Regular surfaces give rise to ______reflections.

3. Draw diagram 21.4 (a.) and (b.)


4. A plane mirror is a ______mirror.

5. The image of an object is the same ______behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror. The image seen in a plane mirror is always a ______or ______image.

6. Do questions 1 to 7.

7. Copy diagram 21.6

PA is called the ______of the mirror.

Copy diagram 21.7 (a.) Concave, and (b.) Convex.

8. The point to which the light from a distant object is reflected by a concave mirror is called the ______or ______.

9. Copy figure 21.8.

A ray parallel to a principal axis is reflected through the ______point.

10. The distance FB is called the ______length. f = ______, where R is the ______of curvature.

11. (a.) A ray ______to the mirror axis is reflected through the focus.

(b.) A ray ______the focus is reflected parallel to the mirror axis.

(c.) A ray through the centre of curvature is ______.


12. Copy figure 21.10

When an object is placed outside the focal point F of a concave mirror a ______image is formed.

Copy figure 21.11

When an object is placed inside the focal point a ______image is formed.


13. Used to find the location of an image.

do is the ______distance.

di is the ______distance.

O is the ______height.

I is the ______height.

14. O = do

I di

15. MIRROR EQUATION is : 1 + 1 = 1

do di f

f is the ______length of the mirror.

16. M is the magnification = I = di

O do

17. Do questions 8 to 11.


Copy figure 21.13.

(a.) Incident rays parallel to the mirror axis are reflected as though they came from the ______point.

(b.) An incident ray heading towards the focal point is reflected parallel to the ______.

(c.) A ray heading towards the centre of curvature is reflected back on itself.

19. Copy figure 21.14 and 21.15 and the 3 points outlined on p497.

20. Do questions 16 to 22.


21. Copy figure 21.16.

n is called the index of refraction.

n = c = speed of light in a vacuum

v speed of light in a material

22. SNELL’S LAW : n1sin1 = n2sin2

n1 is the refractive index of incident material, n2 is the refractive index of the refracting medium, 1 is the angle of incidence, 2 is the angle of refraction.

23. Copy figure 21.18 (a.) and (b.).

24. Do questions 23 to 31.


Copy figure 21.21

c is called the ______angle.

When i (incident angle) is greater than c total internal reflection occurs

1 = c : n1sinc = n2sin900

sin c = n2


Typical critical angles are ____ for water, _____ for glass and ___ for diamond.

26. Do questions 34 to 37.


27. Copy figures 21.23 (a.), (b.) without the wavefronts.

28. The distance from the centre of a lens to the focal point is called the ______length (f).

29. Copy, along with descriptions in red, figures 21.25, 21.27 and 21.28. (read fig.21.26)

30 For lenses :

1 + 1 = 1

do di f

31. * Points 1,2,3 on p511, copy these and read carefully.

32. Questions 38 to 50.

33. Do not do section 21.12.