Easter Lilies and

Pastor’s Discretionary

Fund Dedications

Lovingly Given By:

Susan Batchelder in honor of Kitty and Frank Batchelder

Sheila Bradley in loving memory of Dan Bradley; and in honor of her parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owens

Diane Charles and Kevin Grim in memory of Barbara and Bill Charles

Beth and Nicole Conord in memory of Jennie H. Stevens; and in honor of Mary and Don Conord

Paul, Lindsay, Christian and Grace Contoveros in memory of Lynne Johnson; in honor of their Godchildren, Clayton and Kennedy; and in memory of their beloved family members commended to God

Margaret Cox in loving memory of Sid Cox

Lyndsey Curtis in memory of her grandparents

The Daugherty Family in memory of Lionel, Loretta and Charles Riche; Mel and Jean Daugherty

Don and Cynthia Demitros and family in thanksgiving for Margaret Cox and in memory of Sid Cox

Betty Doyle in memory of James T. Doyle

Elizabeth Edwards in memory of James F. Edwards, Sr.

Susan Fredenburg in memory of Richard and Mary Louise Clay

A Friend in honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson

Sue, Carl and Paul Gunter in memory of Bill Gunter

Mitzi Holder in memory of her grandparents, Carl and Clara Aastrom; and in honor of and thanksgiving for all the volunteers at FUMC

Carol and Andrew Hunter and family in memory of Anjuli and Drew Hunter,

Jean and Peter Hunter, and Harold Gill

The Jacobson Family in memory of A. J. Johnson; and in honor of their parents

Beverly I. Jett in memory of her parents, John and Betty Isaly

The John Johnson Family in memory of Neil, Olive, Don, Cecil and Perry Johnson

The Kehoe Family in memory of Walter and Beata Kehoe, and Frank and

Helen Sullivan

Donna MacPherson and Tim Boudreau in memory of their parents, Donald and Vivian MacPherson; Frank and Katherine Boudreau; Family and Friends;

Karen Kollsmanberger, Louis Kincannon, and Jodey Lenfesty

Barbara Morris-Lent in memory of Norm Lent, Tommy Lent, and Patricia Lent

Jane Odom in memory of Ashton and Nancy Odom

Bea Richardson in memory of her parents, Vivian and Alfred Cyrus, and her friends Carmie Wilson and Pat Pell

Marilyn and Ann Romines in memory of Ruth and Elmer Romines

The Shedlock and Chadwick foster grandchildren in honor of Jean Wilkerson

Marilyn Stephenson in memory of Stanley and Martin Stephenson

Alexa VanLandingham in memory of C.H. VanLandingham, Jr., loving husband, father and grandfather

Jerry Waddell in memory of Donna Nangle Penrod

Jim and Sandy Wheeler in memory of their father, Roger Wheeler

Christian and Kasey White, James and Kathryn Shewey in memory of their mother, Linda Cooper Shewey and their grandparents

Glen and Karen Winzenburg in memory of their mothers, Joanne Shaller and Margaret Winzenburg

Serving Today

Greeters: Christine Pollack; Pat Schwallie-Giddis

Acolytes: Ellora Larsen & Patrick Girard; Laura Glomb & Ray Clardy

Readers: Hannah Williams; John Johnson

Nursery: Yesica Cruz: Sharon Girard & Kasey White; Linda Smith & Holly Sapp

Children’s Church at 11am: Roma Sexson & Lyndsay Contoveros

Ushers: Stan Beall, Mark Johnson, Linda Hauenstein, Jeff Barnes, David Hauenstein,

Jim Knaell, Susan Batchelder; Randy Nuckolls, Laurie Willshire, Bill Durow, Wendy Billett, Oswald Welsh, Joan Bready, Renee Gannon, Roma Sexson, Dale Steudte, Ed Morawetz, Wray Sexson.


If you are interested in joining our church family, please contact Pastor Greg Adkins at or Pastoral Assistant Dave Downer at , or call the church office 703-671-8557. Our next New Member Sunday is May 19th.

ATP APRIL 1 DEADLINE - Our April Aged To Perfection (ATP) trip to the Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the State Department is Thursday, April 18. To attend this tour, give your name, birthdate, and driver’s license or passport number to Doris by Monday, April 1 to be submitted to State. We leave the church at 9:45 am. Contact Doris Brown at 703-354-8955.


Christian Formation at Fairlington: Adult Formation Groups and children and youth Sunday School classes meet each Sunday morning at 9:30am. All are invited to join any group at any time. Read more about our ministries with children, youth and adults in the "Grow" menu on our website. Contact Christian at or 703.671.8557, x. 106.


The Jeremiah Project: Our middle school youth program is looking for one male and one female adult to chaperone our annual summer mission project July 28-August 3, 2013. Please contact Christian at 703.671.8557 or with any questions.

Serving Your Community: Service Opportunities brochures for March and April, 2013 are provided on the Connect boards and under “Serve” on our website.


April 7th Volunteers needed! The Beth El Hebrew Congregation has invited FUMC to participate in the Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) project, an international mission they are supporting. Contact Arthur Gershman to volunteer or for information

Health Kits: The 6th/7th Grade Sunday School Class is assembling Health Kits to send to UMCOR. These kits will be distributed to those who have been forced to leave their homes as a result of recent disasters. Those wishing to donate please see the Connect boards for the orange flyers that list the items and place in the collection box located in the Narthex.

Easter Sunday

March 31, 2013


s you arrive we invite you to sign the Friendship Pad that is at the end of each pew and pass it to others on your row. If you have prayer requests, fill out the yellow prayer card and pass it to the inside aisle for collection during the first hymn. Gift bags for first-time worshipers will be provided by the ushers during our ritual of welcoming.

Ushers can help with providing large print hymnals and hearing devices. They can also assist children and families with the Kid’s Pack and direct families with children to the Nursery, or to our Family Room located in the balcony. Parents with children will find an additional Family Room located in the Chapel, just outside of the sanctuary. Parents can stay connected to worship through video, and children can move around in a child-friendly space.

Children’s Church is available for children ages 3-7 as noted in the Order of Worship. If this is your child’s first time in Children’s Church, please plan to walk him or her to Room 210 to sign in.

Coffee and Conversation: All are welcome to the Fellowship Hall (directly below the Sanctuary) at 10:30 am every Sunday, between services, for a time of fellowship.

If are delivering a lily to a homebound member, meet Val Berry at the front of the Sanctuary after the service you are attending to pick up a lily. Thank you!

Remember with Prayers: Each week as we begin worship you are invited to place names on the yellow prayer cards located in the pew rack. We pray for them on Sunday morning and during the week at our church staff meeting. Prayers from today’s service and will be added to the bulletin in the coming two weeks. You are also invited to contact the church office with your prayer requests. Congregants are welcomed to pick up cards from the altar after worship and pray for the individual throughout the week.

March 17: Betty Gomez; James Clark & Ann McGreedy; Tim & Betsy; Jean; Carl; Beverly; Lindi; Beth Beaudoin; Rose Keating; Debra; Sondra; Virginia; John; David; John; Lyn Shoults family; Pope Francis I; Rosie; Daisy & Emma; John; Mike; Marilyn; Pat Miller; Daniel & Winnie; Frances Saylor; Officer Peter LaBoy.

March 24: Dinah; Doris; Art Wiese; David Kranz; Midge & Bill Spratling; Daisy; Emma; Rosie; Dacey; Martha; The Theobald Family; Olly & Maya Duckett; The Lenhardt Family; Frances Saylor; Debra; Sondra; Virginia; John; David; Glenn Daugherty; Mike Corbin’s family; Allison; Pat Miller; Carrie; Annabelle; Rosie; Mark; Ron; Lexi & Chris; Orlando Rideout, Jr.; Orlando Rideout, Sr.; Jim Wiggins; Rob; Jon Creede; Jean & Kenny Klinge; Meg; Rosalie Johnson; Anne Sherriff; Carl Crowe; persecuted Christians; Kay Taylor; Jack Ruoff; The Sabio Family; William Yurasko; Charles Merritt; Frances Lewis; Sam; Lois; Chris & Willy; Charles & Kassidy; Tom; Vicki Champagne & her family; Rick Shacklette; Celeste; Eileen; Katie Solomon; Marianne Gannon; Jean; Betsy; Tim; Joe; Terri & Aiden; Carl & Beverly; Beth; Janet Brown.

Clara M. Biswas (missionary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia); prisoners, those on death row; families of crime victims; the unemployed; those suffering from natural disasters; UM Clergy Women in Mozambique.