March, 20066 IEEE P802.15-06-0197-00-004a
IEEE P802.15
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)Title / Proposed Text for d4P802-15-4a_Draft_Standard: Channel numbering and Channel pages
Date Submitted / 27 March, 2006
Source / Colin Lanzl
Twisted Pair Technologies
83 Nottingham Drive, Nashua, NH, 03062 / Voice: +1-603-566-4172
Fax: +1-603-889-0526
Re: / Revision to d3P802-15-4a_Draft_Standard to support decisions made by TG4a concerning channel numbering and channel pages.
Abstract / This document provides text for d4P802-15-4a_Draft_Standard concerning channel numbering and channel pages for CSS and UWB PHYs.
Purpose / This text is provided in support of the editing team for d4P802-15-4a_Draft_Standard.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Editor’s instructions: replace sections 6.1.2, and of d3P802-15-4a with the following text:
6.1.2 Channel Assignments
The introduction of the "868/915 MHz band (optional) PSS PHY specifications", the "868/915 MHz band (optional) O-QPSK PHY specifications", the "2450 CSS (optional) PHY specifications", the "sub-GHz (optional) PHY specifications" and the "UWB PHY specifications" result in a large number of channel assignments. To support this large number of channels, channel assignments will be defined using a combination of channel pages and channel numbers.
The upper 5 MSBs of the 32 bit channel map shall be used as an integer value to specify 32 possible channel pages. The lower 27 bits of the channel bit map will be used as a bit mask to specify channel numbers within a channel page. Channel numbering
A total of 27 channels are available per channel page.
For channel page 0, 27 channels numbered 0 to 26 are available across three frequency bands. Sixteen channels are available in the 2450 MHz band, ten in the 915 MHz band and one in the 868 MHz band. The center fequencies of the channels in this channel page are defined as follows:
Fc = 868.3 MHz, for k=0;
Fc = 906 + 2*(k-1) MHz, for k=1,2,...,10;
Fc = 2405 + 5*(k-11) MHz, for k=11,12,...,26 and direct sequence spread spectrum signaling,
where k is the channel number.
For channel pages 1 and 2, eleven channels numbered 0 to 10 are available across two frequency bands to support the 868/915 MHz PSSS and O-QPSK PHYs respectively. Ten channels are available in the 915 MHz band and one channel is available in the 868 MHz band. The center frequencies of the channels in these channel pages are defined as follows:
Fc = 868.3 MHz, for k=0;
Fc = 906 + 2*(k-1) MHz, for k=1,2,...,10;
where k is the channel number. All unused channels in the channel page shall be reserved.
For channel page 3, fourteen channels numbered 0 to 13 are available across one frequency band to support the 2450 MHz CSS PHY. The center frequencies of the channels in this channel page are defined as follows:
Fc = 2412 + 5*(k) MHz, for k=0,1,...,13 and chirp spread spectrum signaling,
where k is the channel number. All unused channels in the channel page shall be reserved.
For channel page 4, twelve channels numbered 0 to 11 are available across three frequency bands to support the UWB PHYs. The center frequencies of the channels in this channel page are defined as follows:
Fc = 399.36 MHz for k=0;
Fc = 3494.40 + 499.20*(k) MHz, for k=1,2,3;
Fc = 3494.40 + 499.20*(k+2) MHz, for k=4,5,...,11,
where k is the channel number. All unused channels in the channel page shall be reserved.
For channel pages 0 through 3, for each PHY supported, a compliant device shall support all channels allowed by regulations for the region in which the device operates.
For channel page 4, if the device supports operation in the 3-4 GHz band, the use of channel 3 shall be mandatory and if the device supports operation in the 6-10 GHz band, the use of channel 7 shall be mandatory, with all other channels optional. Additionally, a compliant device shall only operate as allowed by regulations for the region in which the device operates. Channel pages
A total of 32 channel pages are available with channel pages 5 to 31 being reserved for future use. The phyPagesSupported PHY PIB attribute indicates which channel pages are supported by the current PHY while the phyCurrentPage PHY PIB attribute identifies the channel page that is currently used. The PHY PIB attributes are described in 6.4.2.
The channel pages and associated channel numbers are shown in Table 2.
{CL note: I couldn't make Word extend the channel page table properly, but this should be straightforward for an experienced editor given the text above. Also, the example bitmap for channel 4 of channel page 2 is still valid and should be kept.}
Submission Page XXX Colin Lanzl, Twisted Pair Technologies