BOOKS:: Requested By IM’1 Library : Please put your Name & Year graduationnext to the book(s) that You are donating & are taking with you to Class Reunion.

Please send this information to your Class-Reunion Organizers Thank You.

Friends, feel free to donate any books listed or unlisted, even if it the donor is already listed there. We need more books to reach more needy students there.

No / Author / Title / Publisher / Donor
1. / Michael Gelder, Denis Gath, Richard Mayou PhiliPh / Oxford text book of Psychiatry
2. / Ulett, GA / Synopsis of Contenporary
3. / The Psychological Consequences of Cerebral Disorder William Alwyn Lishman / Organic Psychiatry
4. / Modern approaches Michael Rutter,Eric Taylor, Lionel Hersov / Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
5. / Philip Barker / Basic Child Psychiatry
Kaplan and Saddock / The Synopsis of Psychiatry / 10th Edition May 2007 / Zaw Myint
Class of 1977 IM1
The Journal of AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / 2006 / Zaw Myint
Class of 1977 IM1
Frederick K. Goodwin & Kay Redfield Jamison / Manic-Depressive Illness, Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent
Depression / Oxford University Press, volume 1
Second Edition, published
2007, / Zaw Myint
Class of 1977 IM1
Jeffrey A. Lieberman and Allan
Tasman / Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs / John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
published 2006 / Zaw Myint
Class of 1977 IM1
USMLE I Preparation Books / 2006 / Maung Than Hlaing
(Zaw Myint’s son)
6. / Goodman and Gilman / Pharmacological Therapeutics
7. / Jack J Kanski / Clinical Ophthalmology A Sytemic Approach / Butterworth Heinemann
8. / Frank W Newell / Ophthalmology Principles & Concepts / Mosby St Lousis
9. / S. Terry Canale / Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics / Mosby
10. / Anne M. R. Agur / Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy / Wiluam & Wilkir
11. / C.A. Rockwood, and D.P. Green / Fractures in Adults / JB Lippincott
12. / D. Guthrie / Advanced Trauma Life Support Course
13. / Wallter F Lever Gendula Schaumburg Lever / Histopathology appearances of Tumours / J.B Lippcicott Co. hiladelphia
14. / Fronz M Enzinger Sharor W Weiss / Soft tissue tumours / The C.V Mosby Co.St. Louis
15. / Ramzi S Catron Venay Kumar Tucker Collins / Robbins Pathologic basis of disease / W.B Saunders Company Philadelphia
16. / Dr. C.K Parikh / Parikh’s text book of Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicoloty. / Messrs CBS Publishers and Distributors
17. / L. Stryer / Biochemistry / New Yourk
18. / B.Albert, D. Bray et al., / Molecular biology ISBN-0-8153-1619-4 / Garland Publishing Inc.
19. / T.M. Devlin et al., / Text book of Biochemistry ISBN 0-471-51348-2 / New Yourk
20. / Basmajian, J. V. and Slonecker, C.E. / Grant’s Method of Anatomy / Williams and Wilkins Scientific book angency
21. / Junqueira, I.C; / A Basic Histology / London Prentice Hall International Ltd.
22. / Field, E.J. and Harrison,R.J. / Anatomical Terms their origin and derivation / Cambridge; Heffer and Sons Ltd.
23. / Moore,K.L. and Persaud, T.U.N / The developing Human Clinically Oriented Embryology / Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Co. / Nyi Nyi Han, 77 IM(1)
24. / No. Back, C.R. and R.J. Demarest. / The nervous System / Mc. Graw Bill Book Co.
25. / Gerald L. Mandell John E. Bennett Raphael Dolin / Mandell, Douglas and Bannett,s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases / Churichil Livingstone / Hla Hla Thein, IM(1)
26. / Topley and Wilson,s Microbiology and Microbial Infections / Edward Arnold
27. / J.R. Levick / An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology / Butterworth Heinemann
28. / V.B Mountcastile / Medical Physiology / The C.V. Mosby Company
29. / Donald Emslie-Smith Colin.R / Textbook of Physiology / ELBS, Churchill Livingstone
30. / Robert M Beme Matthew N.Levy(Eds) / Principles of Physiology / The C.V Mosby Company
31. / Lilleyman, Blanchette / Pediatric Hematology / The RoyalCollege of Paediatric & Child Health Book Club(RCPCH Direct Books)
32. / Bellingham / Diagnostic picture text in haematology ISBN 0815152248
33. / Berrette,Avner,Harmanwe / Paediatric Nephrology / RCPCH Direct Books
34. / Swaiman, Ashwals / Paediatric neurology:Principles and Practice ISBN 081513097X / Mosby
35. / Klukylo, Kay & Rube / Clinical child psychiatry 0-7216-3840-6 / W.B. Saunders
36. / Blickman / Paediatric radiology ISBN 0815109938 / Mosby
37. / Parveen Kumar & Michael Clarke / Clinical Medicine / W.B.Saunders
38. / Wealtherall Ledinghan and Warrel / Oxford Textbook of Medicine Vol-3 / OxfordUniversity Press
39. / LEO Schamroth / An introduction to Electrocardiography / Bkackwell Scienticfic Publication
Dale Dubin / Rapid Interpretation of EKG's: An Interactive Course / Cover Publishing Company / Kyaw Thett Naing
Khin May Oo
Class of 1977 IM1
40. / I M S Wilkinson / Blackwell Scienticfic Publication
41. / A. Cuschieri G.R Giles A. R. Moossa / Essential Surgical Practice / John Wright
42. / D.C. Carter D.B. Macleod / Principle of Surgery / Lawrance Hunter
43. / Alfred Cuschieri / Clinical Surgery / Black Well Science Ltd
44. / Eric Furguharson / Farquharsons Textbook of Operative Surgery / Churchill Livingstone
45. / Dudley Dc. Carter Russell / Atlas of General Surgery / Butter Worth & Co
46. / Roy A. J Spence Patrick C.Ht, Watt Janes.M. / Pathology for Surgery / Butter Worth Heinemann Ltd.
Teichman / Common problems on Urology / McGrawHill / Khin Zaw Thein
Khin Than Swe
Class of 1977 IM1
47. / Cousins; Michael J; Sins / Neural Blockade in Clinical Anaesthesia and Management of Pain / Lippin Cota Williams and Wilkins
48. / David Sutton / A Textbook of Radiology and Imaging / Churchill Living Stone
49. / T.E Keats / Atlas of Normal Anatomical Variants that may Simulate Disease
50. / Grainger & Alison / Diagnostic Radiology / Churchill Living Stone
51. / Edelman Hasselink Zlatkin / Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Saunders
52. / Saadoon Kadir, M.D. / Current Practice of International Radiology / B.C. Decker Inc.
53. / C.E.Silver and A. Ferlito / Surgery for Cancer pf the Larynx and Related Structures / W.B. Saunders Philadelphia
54. / Berish Stranch Luis O. Vasconez Elizabeth J. Hall Findlay / Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps Volume 1: Head and Neck / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
55. / Janusz Bardach / Salyer and Bardach’s Atlas of Craniofacial and Cleft Surgery Vol-1&2
56. / Charls W. Cummings David E Schuller et. Al. / Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery / Mosby Inc., St. Louis


Hardman JG, Limberd LE, Goodman and Gilman's: The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Laurence DR, Bennet PN, Brown MJ, Clinical Pharmacology, Latest Edition, Churchill Livingstone.

Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK, Pharmacology, Latest Edition, Churchill Livingstone.

Katzung BG, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall International.

Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, Latest Edition, The Bath Press, Bath, Avon.

S.D. Seth, Text book of Pharmacology, latest Edition, BI. Churchill Livingstone, Pvt Ltd. New Dehli.

Lippincott's illustrated reviews, Pharmacology, Latest Edition, Editors, Richard AH & Pamela CC.

USMLE series book.

British National Formulary. British Medical Association. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, latest Edition, Churchill Livingstone.

Lacy CF, Armstrong LL, Goldman MP, Lance LL. Drug Information Handbook, Latest Edition with international index, Lexi-comp.