Time / 3 April / 4 April
9-10 / Registration
10-10:30 / 1 David Nathan
You say Darug, and they say Eora: a case study of successful digital repatriation of the Dawes ms on the language of Sydney / 8 Patrick Caudal & EvaSchultze-Berndt
Universite Paris 7 & University of Manchester
TAM puzzles in Jaminjung
10:30-11:00 / 2 Melanie Seiss & Rachel Nordlinger
University of Konstanz & University of Melbourne
Using Rule-based computanional linguistics for Australian Languages: Electronic resources fromMurrinh-Patha / 9Maia Ponsonnet
Australian National University
Emotions and abstract attributes of the person in Dalabon
11:00-11:30 / 3 Patricia Joy
Dept of Education and Training NT
A team approach to Indigenous languages and cultures programs in NT schools. / 10Fritz Schweiger
Remarks on ‘to cry’ and ‘to laugh’ in Australian languages
11:30-12:00 / Coffee break / Coffee break
12:00-12:30 / 4Marie-Elaine van Egmond
University of Sydney
The genetic status of Enindhilyakwa / 11 Shanti Ulfsbjorninn
School of Oriental and African Studies
Aranda Syllable Structure with Plenty of Onsets
12:30-1:00 / 5 Dorothea Hoffmann
University of Manchester
Why can't you be downstream of the house? / 12Eva Schultze-Berndt, Marie-Eve Ritz & CandideSimard
University of Manchester, University of Western Australia & School of Oriental and African Studies
And NOW, for something completely different!
13:00-14:30 / lunch / lunch
14:30-15:30 / 6 Bill McGregor
University of Arhus
Why there is an ergative but no absolutive case in Gooniyandi (and nearby languages) / 13 Joe Blythe
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Preference Organization drivingStructuration: Evidence from Australian Aboriginal Interaction forPragmatically Motivated Grammaticalization
15:30-16:00 / 7 Louise Ashmore
School of Oriental and African Studies
(abstract?) / 14Peter Austin
School of Oriental and African Studies
Meta-documentation and the challenges of work with legacy materials: some Australian cases
16:00-17:00 / Drinks/tea / End of workshop
19:00 / Dinner