Incoming Mayor’s Speech

15 December 2008

Honoured Guests; Members of state and Federal Parliaments; Hon. Christine Campbell, Hon. Carlo Carli, Kelvin Thomson M.H.R., former mayors; Joe Caputo, Robert Larocca, Mark O’Brien, Mark Higginbotham; former councillors of the City of Moreland, Milad El Halabi, Andrea Sharam, Daniel de Lorenzis; fellow Councillors, Council Officers, citizens of Moreland and friends.

I am proud and honoured to stand here as the elected Mayor of this great, vibrant and diverse city. My fellow councillors bestow a great privilege and responsibility upon me. I express my sincere appreciation to them for placing their trust in me to lead this Council through its first year. I take this responsibility and the trust they have shown in me very seriously. I commit to serving the people of Moreland to the best of my abilities with vision, enthusiasm and energy. I am determined to lead Council in achieving the aspirations of our community and our collective election promises.

I pay my respects to the local indigenous people of Moreland, acknowledging that we are on the traditional tribal lands of the Wurundjeri people. I offer my respects to their Elders and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

As a new Council we have challenging tasks ahead of us over the next 4 years; thankfully, we have energy and a shared plan to respond to those challenges and improve our Council by getting the basics right. Before I go any further, I would like to recognise the team around me, and our history.

Firstly, on behalf of the incoming Councillors, I thank all the former Councillors who served from 2004-08. Yours was a difficult role; one in which you balanced a wide range of interests and demands from various ‘competing groups’ throughout the municipality. Well done, you fulfilled your role responsibly and presided over and, handed this incoming Council a financially sound organization with a balanced budget.

To all previous Moreland Mayors who contributed their own unique achievements, I thank you for your contribution to our city. In particular, to the outgoing Mayor, Joe Caputo; I acknowledge your good work with the various communities, your drive for fairness, equity and cultural diversity and your even-handedness and inclusiveness with other councillors, irrespective of their affiliations or causes. Joe, I congratulate you for your great work and your tireless effort over many years; on behalf of all present tonight - thank you for a job well done.

Secondly, to all present, especially the former councillors and candidates and those disappointed they were unsuccessful in the recent election; I thank you for participating in our democratic process and encourage you to continue your involvement in our community.

Let me issue this challenge to you, the residents of Moreland: get involved in your local government, take part in the processes of consultation and Council meetings, have a strong voice, and be heard. Moreland is a great place to live, but together we can make it even better.

The recent Moreland elections revealed a community with a keen desire for fresh leadership, a community that supports a solid policy platform and candidates who listen and act in the interests of Moreland residents.

Council has demonstrated its capacity to renew itself through the election process and by developing strong policies to solve problems and respond to emerging issues. Council has also shown its ability to reflect, through its composition, our great multicultural and diverse community.

I am part of this fresh approach to Council. My own background also reflects the diversity of the municipality I now lead. My parents migrated to Australia from Greece, with very little money and no knowledge of the English language. They settled in Brunswick and worked hard to contribute to the new country they now call home. People, like my parents, continue to arrive in Moreland, bringing their food, their dress, their languages and their customs, and with each enhancing the richness of our lives and community.

Whilst the title of ‘Mayor’ brings with it a degree of authority and dignity, The Mayor is one of eleven Councillors, who share equally in the decision-making process. The statements and views expressed by the Mayor must always represent the views and policies of fellow Councillors.

Together we are a team; we all have unique talents and perspectives and we are all committed to serving the best interests of the Moreland community. Councillors, I pledge to you, and all present tonight, that we will work together in the best interests of our Moreland Community.

Under my leadership, Council will demonstrate that it has the capacity to harness its mission of improving our society for the benefit of residents and ratepayers. Under my leadership, and with my fellow Councillors’ assistance, we will ensure Moreland is recognised as a first class local council.

In the past, Moreland has excelled in dealing with climate change, reconciliation and multiculturalism. We need to build on that. It is time to be known for excelling in the delivery of essential services to our community.

Residents now rightly expect to be consulted and listened to, as part of the decision-making process. It is incumbent on Council to listen, act and deliver on the basic things that matter most to the local community.

·  We must deliver on the key issues of street repairs, street cleaning, rubbish collections, local amenity, planning, parks, gardens and services to the young and elderly; and

·  We must be open and accountable; our decisions must be transparent, especially around planning and finance matters.

Our roads and footpaths are in need of further repair. In my term of office, Council will develop an infrastructure program to make sure our local roads and footpaths are repaired and made safe for our entire community. We will rebuild Coburg through the ‘Coburg Initiative’ and start similar projects for Brunswick and Glenroy.

In partnership with the State Government, Council will re-develop the Brunswick Baths. Council will also renew the Oak Park Aquatics Centre and review theopening hours of all outdoor pools, to better meet residents’ needs.

Council will also focus on providing services to young people. Drugs, alcohol and unemployment are needlessly harming young lives. We have a responsibility to the youth of Moreland, to bring viable jobs into the district and ensure equality of opportunity from schooling to employment. In my term of office, Council will lobby both State and Federal government to deliver real jobs, particularly into our activity centres, so that people can live and work locally.

To our seniors and the ageing, you who worked so hard to defend this great nation in wars and conflicts, you who worked hard to educate your children and are now approaching or are in retirement, Council and the community owe you a debt of gratitude. In my term of office, Council will deliver more and better services, like Meals on Wheels and Home Help to assist you maintain your independence and sense of community.

With the current world economic uncertainty, Council must be flexible to adapt and change if and when required. The crisis is global and I accept that on its own Council can do little to influence the economy. However, Council understands the financial pressure faced by residents and in particular, pensioners. In my term of office, Council will advocate for a greater rate-rebate for pensioners and manage the budget carefully and responsibly to ensure rates are kept to the lowest level possible.

Recently, Council signed onto the Australian Made - Australian Grown campaign as a sponsor. This is not lip service to Australian farmers and manufacturers, but in my term of office Council’s commitment will be to purchase locally grown produce and where possible to preference locally manufactured goods over imported product.

Citizens of Moreland, tonight, I pledge to work for the greater good of our community. Such a pledge demands that I be fair in my dealings with businesses, residents and community interest groups. To that end, I make my commitment.

On our watch, Moreland will continue to be a leader amongst Councils. It will be responsible, accountable and deliver first-class services to the community. I have discussed some of our plans and I encourage you read the details in the written policy section.

Finally, in light of the season that is upon us; let me wish you a Happy Christmas, and a joyous, safe and prosperous New Year.

Policy Summary and Highlights 2008 – 2012

·  Implement the Coburg 2020 redevelopment strategy; the Brunswick Structure Plan and the Glenroy Structure Plan;

·  Develop an infrastructure program to repair our local roads and footpaths and to make them safe for our entire community.

·  Implement a City improvement program, to keep Moreland’s streets, clean and free of rubbish;

·  Support senior citizens by upgrading senior citizen centres and kitchens, campaigning for a better deal for pensioners on the rate rebate, and supporting essential services like Home Help and Meals on Wheels.

·  Support families by implementing a centralised pre-school and childcare enrolment system for Moreland and build new children’s centres, including a Gowanbrae Children’s Centre;

·  Ensure libraries are wonderful resources, by continuing to increase funds for new books;

·  Redevelop the Brunswick Baths, renew the Oak Park Aquatics Centre and investigate having outdoor pools open all year round.

·  Keep outdoor pools open and review morning opening hours to meet the needs of residents;

·  Promote a healthy lifestyle and increase the participation of sports activities in our community particularly amongst women and girls;

·  Continue to upgrade sports infrastructure across the municipality;

·  Seek to establish youth centres across the municipality;

·  Improve the Arts by supporting Performing Arts Moreland and investigating ways to increase public art across Moreland;

·  Enhance Moreland’s festivals, in particular those in Brunswick, Pascoe Vale, Glenroy and Fawkner and look at ways to re-establish a Coburg festival;

·  Advocate for numerous important public transport improvements in the areas of greatest need;

·  Support 40km/h zones for strip shopping centres and advocate for grade separation at Glenroy;

·  Deliver Parking Action Plans across the municipality;

·  Implement the Active Women in Moreland Strategy in 2009, ensure access and equity, and promote awareness amongst women of the opportunities available to them.

·  Upgrade cycling by completing the Upfield Bike Path and advocate for a new bike path along the Craigieburn railway line.

·  Administer a planning system to help create a liveable and sustainable city;

·  Promote housing diversity, respect neighbourhood character and sponsor better consultation on planning;

·  Oppose privatization of public open space, especially the Edgar and Merri Creek parklands in North Coburg;

·  Upgrade playgrounds and improve public open space;

·  Improve streetscapes, protect significant trees and continue revitalizing our creeks and waterways;

·  Implement the Climate Action Plan, the Moreland Solar City project and reduce our water consumption;

·  Increase funding for public toilet installations and upgrades;

·  Support the local economy by promoting Moreland business and assisting the creation of more jobs in our local community;

·  Work to clean up inappropriate graffiti in Moreland.

·  Celebrate Christmas with carols, fund decorations in the main retail centres and find ways to appropriately celebrate other religious festivals;

·  Ensure council meetings remain open to the public and accountable, and maintain the half hour question time;

·  Improve community consultation and enhance customer service;

·  Reduce red tape for all residents dealing with Council and for internal processes;

·  Develop a sound financial strategy for income growth and asset renewal;

·  Improve Council’s engagement with the community, and increase rates of active citizenship, empowerment, decision making and information exchange.

Detailed Policy and Initiatives 2008 – 2012

Council’s vision for the City will see it grow economically, have improved social conditions for its residents, the built and natural environment will be improved and we will do this with open, responsive and consultative governance.

In its continuing mission for Moreland, Council will engage in partnership with the community to lead and develop:

·  a city with sustainable growth,

·  a city that cares for and respects all citizens,

·  a city that welcomes people be they Australians or new-comers to this land,

·  a city that celebrates its social, cultural and ethnic heritage, and

·  a city that promotes wellbeing.

This policy is presented in four themes to take account of the diverse role of local government:

·  Building community and reducing social disadvantage

·  Transport, planning and the environment,

·  Local economic conditions and

·  Open, responsive and consultative governance

Building Community & reducing social disadvantage

Community Health and Wellbeing

Council believes that the health, safety and well-being of the Moreland community is council’s first priority.

Local Government has a key role to play in the provision of some health services and a critical role in the identification of needs.

Council believes that the maintenance of quality, independent community health services is essential in promoting the health, safety and well-being of the Moreland community.

Council will:

·  update the municipal public heath plan in consultation with the community and implement its recommendations

·  support the development of a new major community health facility in Coburg and local outreach services

·  support efforts to increase State and Federal funds to reduce the waiting lists at the Moreland Community Health Centre for services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and dental care

·  Continue community strengthening programs in Fawkner and Glenroy

·  Investigate and support creation of “men’s sheds”

·  Negotiate our Primary Care Partnership to reflect strategies that address social inequities, family violence, climate change, food security and mobility

Supporting Senior Citizens

Council will promote healthy and active ageing so that senior Victorians continue to play a full role in the community.

Council has stood up for, and achieved, more aged care facilities in the municipality, and has campaigned for, and achieved, better home and community care services, and a reduction in waiting lists.