For Immediate Release

February 23, 2007


PC plan focuses on eliminating wait list, respecting parents and supporting children

(Ottawa, ON) – Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory today announced a plan to help children with autism and their parents get the services they need.

“Autism is not just a challenge for individual kids, but for entire families,” said Tory. “Right now the parents of more than 1,200 children under the age of six with autism are feeling like they’ve been abandoned on an island. Their kids languish on a growing waiting list for vital treatments that have been proven to work.”

Tory released the PC Party Autism Policy at Children at Risk, Ottawa, an organization which provides training and support to families with children who are diagnosed within the Autism Spectrum Disorders. The plan, which would cost an additional $75 million annually and be implemented after the October election,has several elements:

  • Clearing the wait list for treatment for children with autism who are under the age of six;
  • Partnering with educators, child support workers and school boards to ensure that upon reaching school age, children with autism have the supports they need;
  • Providing flexibility and choice for parents by giving them the option of whether to use regional service providers for autism therapy or take direct funding for accredited outside providers instead;
  • Streamlining support for children with autism by increasing direct funding options and improving the assessment and regulatory environment;
  • Expanding respite programs so parents and children with autism can have the opportunity to engage the broader community and develop other experiences.

“We’re going to do things differently,” said Tory. “We’re going to do what we say we will do. Clear the waiting lists, respect parents, and give vulnerable children the support they need – these steps will be job number one. On this issue, politicians should not be wearing team sweaters. We should all be on one team working for these kids and their families.”

Tory added: “People will be able to rely on my word. We must never put ourselves in a position where we look back and regret not doing more for these children. We must give them the supports and programs they need today.”


For more information:

Brendan Howe

(416) 325-0412