Mecklenburg Co., VA Will of Thomas Owen 1866

Submitted 12 Sep 1999 by

Patricia H. London


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I Thomas Owen, of the County of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia being of sound mind and posing memory, well knowing that it is allotted to all men to die, I hereby ;constitute and appoint this my last will and Testament and revoking all others heretofore made or since made by me. In manner and form as follows: to wit,

1: I desire and wish my wife to have the land lying North of my land, commencing at Little Buffalo and going to the cow south during her natural life and then to be returned to my estate.

2nd I desire and wish her to have the fourth part of all of my stock, of all things used and also choice, devise and made & 1 fourth part of any plantation, tools, also 1 fourth part of my household and kitchen furniture.

3rd I desire that she shall have choice Negro of all of my Negroes, this last mentioned property I give her a right to go to her or assignees forever.

4th I desire and wish for my granddaughter Julia Tilloson to have one hundred dollars and also my niece Martha Wortham to have one hundred dollars.

5Th I desire and wish the balance of my property both real and personal to be sold and divided equally between all my children: William Owen, Susan now Susan Gregory,

Nancy now Nancy Gregory, Elizabeth now Elizabeth Gold, Sarah, now Sarah Gold, Margaret, now Margaret Blunks, Thomas W. Owens, Martha now Martha Averett, Francis, now Francis P. Pool and Parham Owen, which is now deceased. I wish that his part of my estate to be equally divided between his two children Elizabeth and Francis Owen the daughters of Parham Owen. John Owen who is excused without fees, I leave him one dollar. I leave a Book for my Executor to go by, which I left as much assistance as I could so as to make all of my children equal in my Estate. I hereby constitute and \appoint my son and in law, William P. Pool my executor to this my last will and testament.

And I desire that he shall sell the property both real and personal and for compensation for his troubles have lawful personae.

My hand and seal this 11th day of February 1866.

Thomas (x his mark) Owen


William P. PoolR.H. WalkerDaniel (+ his mark) SizemoreDaniel


At Court held for Mecklenburg county at the Courthouse thereof on the 15th Day of March 1866 the foregoing last will and testament of Thomas Owen age? Was this day produced in Court and proved by the oaths of R.H.Walker, Daniel Sizemore, and Daniel Elias subscribing witnesses these and Polly Owen widow o the deceased appeared__and ordered to be reasonable and on the motion of William P. Pool the executor therein named who service with these and together with Daniel Sizemore and Daniel Elias his executors entered into law will acknowledged their bond on the penalty of $10,000.00 consideration according to law certificates as granted him for obtaining ----thereof on one form

From Tester RB Baptist