In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process that is often used to help infertile couples who cannot naturally have children. During IVF, eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries and are fertilized (combined) with sperm. The fertilized egg is called an embryo. The embryo is then placed into a uterus, where it can grow and become a baby. Some women with infertility do not have viable eggs, and can instead use eggs from another woman (called an egg donor). This process is called egg donation. Most egg donors are anonymous, which means that the person receiving the eggs does not know the donor. In some cases, the person who is donating her eggs can be related to the person who receives the eggs (i.e. sister, sister-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, female cousin or daughter). One specific type of egg donation, “inter-generational egg donation,” is when a person donates eggs to her mother to use with a stepfather, or to an aunt to use with a non-blood related uncle. If a daughter donates eggs to her mother to use with her stepfather, a baby born would be the daughter’s sister, but the daughter would also be the baby’s biological mother. If a niece donates eggs to her aunt to use with her uncle, a baby born would be the niece’s cousin, but the niece would also be the baby’s biological mother. Inter-generational egg donation can help a person’s infertile mother or aunt have a child who is genetically related to them.

This survey asks about your opinions on inter-generational egg donation.

In the following questions, please indicate the answer that best reflects your own personal beliefs. There is no right or wrong answer.

Part I:

  1. Doctors should be allowed to perform in-vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is a process that helps infertile couples become pregnant. It involves collecting some of a woman’s eggs from her ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm, and then placing a fertilized egg (called an embryo) into a woman’s uterus.
  2. Strongly agree
  3. Agree
  4. Neither agree nor disagree
  5. Disagree
  6. Strongly disagree
  1. If you intend to have children, now or later, is it important that they are biologically related to you?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. I don’t intend to have children
  1. Some infertile women can’t get pregnant using their own eggs and must use eggs from another woman (an egg donor) and in vitro fertilization to get pregnant. Infertility doctors should be allowed to help couples get pregnant using eggs from a donor.
  2. Strongly agree
  3. Agree
  4. Neither agree nor disagree
  5. Disagree
  6. Strongly disagree
  1. Doctors should be able to help couples have a baby using eggs donated from a family member.
  2. Strongly agree
  3. Agree
  4. Neither agree nor disagree
  5. Disagree
  6. Strongly disagree
  1. You chose 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' on the previous question:Doctors should be able to help couples have a baby using eggs donated from a family member.

Which of the following statements best describes your reasons? You may choose more than one answer.

  1. It is unethical
  2. It goes against my religion
  3. It is not “natural”
  4. The children can be negatively affected
  5. The egg donor may feel pressured, or coerced
  6. It would complicate family relationships too much
  1. A woman should be able to donate her eggs to a family member.
  2. Strongly agree
  3. Agree
  4. Neither agree nor disagree
  5. Disagree
  6. Strongly disagree
  1. You chose 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' on the previous question:A woman should be able to donate her eggs to a family member.

Which of the following statements best describes your reasons? You may choose more than one answer.

  1. It is unethical
  2. It goes against my religion
  3. It is not “natural”
  4. The children can be negatively affected
  5. The egg donor may feel pressured, or coerced
  6. It would complicate family relationships too much
  1. If a woman donates eggs to her sister to use with her partner, the baby born would be the woman’s biological child and nephew/niece.

A woman should be able to donate her eggs to her sister.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
  1. You chose 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' on the previous question:A woman should be able to donate her eggs to her sister

Which of the following statements best describes your reasons? You may choose more than one answer.

  1. It is unethical
  2. It goes against my religion
  3. It is not “natural”
  4. The children can be negatively affected
  5. The egg donor may feel pressured, or coerced
  6. It would complicate family relationships too much
  1. If a woman donates eggs to her aunt to use with her non blood-related uncle, the baby would be the woman’s biological child and first cousin.

A woman should be able to donate her eggs to her aunt to use with her non blood-related uncle.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
  1. You chose 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' on the previous question:A woman should be able to donate her eggs to her aunt to use with her non blood-related uncle.

Which of the following statements best describes your reasons? You may choose more than one answer.

  1. It is unethical
  2. It goes against my religion
  3. It is not “natural”
  4. The children can be negatively affected
  5. The egg donor may feel pressured, or coerced
  6. It would complicate family relationships too much
  1. If a woman donates eggs to her mother to use with her stepfather, the baby born would be the daughter’s biological child and step-sister.

A daughter should be able to donate her eggs to her mother to use with her non-blood related stepfather.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
  1. You chose 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' on the previous question:A woman should be able to donate her eggs to her mother to use with her non blood-related stepfather.

Which of the following statements best describes your reasons? You may choose more than one answer.

  1. It is unethical
  2. It goes against my religion
  3. It is not “natural”
  4. The children can be negatively affected
  5. The egg donor may feel pressured, or coerced
  6. It would complicate family relationships too much
  1. Parents who have a child using a family member’s egg should tell the child who their biological mother (egg donor) is.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
  1. Why do you think that women donate their eggs to family members? (Choose the most likely reason)
  1. Other
  2. They feel that they have to
  3. They want to help their family member
  4. They feel guilty about being able to have a child while their family member cannot
  5. They want to have more blood relatives within their family
  6. They want to save their family member cost of buying egg from a donor
  1. What concerns do you have regarding inter-generational egg donation? (select all that apply)
  1. It may not be safe for the child
  2. It does not feel right or ethical to you
  3. A family member may feel forced
  4. It may complicate family relationships
  5. It might be uncomfortable telling other people about the egg donation
  6. No concerns
  1. Did you know about egg donation before you started taking this survey?
  2. Yes
  3. No

Part II:

This section asks you for some basic background information. This information is for research reasons only. It will not be used to identify you in any way.

  1. What religion are you?
  2. Other
  3. Atheist/Agnostic
  4. Buddhism
  5. Christian-Catholic
  6. Christian-Protestant
  7. Hindu
  8. Jewish
  9. Muslim
  1. What is your race/ethnicity? (Choose one that applies the most)
  1. Other
  2. American Indian or Alaska Native (including all original peoples of the Americas)
  3. Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines)
  4. Black or African American
  5. Middle Eastern
  6. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  7. White or Caucasian
  8. Hispanic or Latino
  9. I would prefer not to answer this question
  1. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
  1. Grade school
  2. High school
  3. Some college
  4. Technical or associates degree
  5. Bachelor’s degree (College degree)
  6. Graduate or professional degree (MD, PhD, JD)
  1. Do you think of yourself as:
  1. Other
  2. Straight (not gay or lesbian)
  3. Gay
  4. Lesbian
  5. Bisexual
  6. I don’t know
  1. What is your marital status?
  1. Never married
  2. Married/Civil Union
  3. In long-term relationship
  4. Separated
  5. Divorced
  6. Widowed
  1. What is your political party affiliation?
  1. Other
  2. Republican
  3. Democrat
  4. Libertarian
  5. Independent
  6. None
  1. Do you have any biological children?
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. Yes, 1 child
  4. Yes, 2 children
  5. Yes, 3 or more children
  1. Do you have adopted children or stepchildren?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Do you personally know anyone who has used in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
  1. Yes
  2. No

Thank you for participating in our survey.

The following variables are provided by

  1. What is your age?
  1. <18
  2. 18-29
  3. 30-44
  4. 45-59
  5. >60
  1. What is your gender?
  1. Female
  2. Male
  1. What is your yearly household income?
  2. $0-9,999
  3. $10,000-24,999
  4. $25,000-49,999
  5. $50,000-74,999
  6. $75,000-99,999
  7. $100,000-124,999
  8. $125,000-149,999
  9. $150,000-174,999
  10. $175,000-199,999
  11. $200,000 & up
  12. prefer not to say
  1. What state do you live in?
  2. New England
  3. Middle atlantic
  4. East north central
  5. West north central
  6. South atlantic
  7. East south central
  8. West south central
  9. Mountain
  10. Pacific