Recycle Runway Testimonials ©2008Recycle Runway Testimonials ©2013 1


Quotes about Recycle Runway

ReDress: Upcycled Style EXHIBITION

“Everyone in Highland is talking about your exhibition – lots oF good buzz about the Bascom.”

Jane Jerry, Executive Director

Bascom Visual Arts Center

“We are absolutely thrilled to have this show and the response from visitors is nothing shy of amazing. “

Ian Michael WardPs, Preperator

Bascom Visual Arts Center

“The ReDress exhibit has been a gem to have within our walls and has sparked conversation and imagination among visitors, volunteers, staff and the campus. Your message is delivered in such a positive way that it motivates and excites individuals to want to become more aware of the impact their daily life has on the planet.”

Kristen Klein

Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts


“Being a part of Recycle Runway is a great way to recognize the efforts of our associates who have worked hard to get us to a 90% recycling rate. Sponsoring

a garment allows us to support the arts and environmental education. The sponsorship also allows us to demonstrate that our environmental efforts extend

beyond our vehicles, and touch all aspects of our business.”

Ryan McMullan,

Environmental Coordination Office,

Toyota Motor Sales

“Nancy contacted the local Target store to make the Target recycling dress, and the store team really got into it by coming up with lots of materials we were recycling and even some that we weren’t. That made the team think more about what they were throwing away. It was a great project and the impact of the dress is excellent.”

Jim Bosch, Target

Public Art Exhibition through New Mexico Arts

It’s fun to see such innovation - in artistic expression and message - amidst the trappings of State bureaucracy. Everyone who sees it is intrigued. The Jellyfish Dress also honors women in interesting ways, which pop out in a public art piece. I like the subversive ways it turns people on to creativity. Bravo!

Carol Cooper, Project Manager, New Mexico Fiber Arts Trails, New Mexico Arts


“The exhibition, Recycle Runway, was imaginative and fun! Beautifully designed and executed, Nancy Judd’s artwork delightfully engaged Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport‘s traveling public and employees. Her innovative exhibition creatively used the art of fashion to cleverly convey messages to promote sustainability and recycling. Highly popular, the exhibition generated wide media interest, both local and national, and will be remembered for years to come. "Art works" to make a difference, and Nancy's certainly does!”

Lennée Eller, Program Manager

“Your work on this exhibit was impeccable, we are proud to have sponsored such an innovative and well executed educational exhibit. We would like to consider sponsoring future displays.”

Regina Wheeler, Environmental

Manager, Los Alamos County

“This exhibit is delightful. More than that, it is hopeful.”, Albuquerque, NM

“I thought the Sunport Exhibit was sexy. Sexy and green go together!”

Greg Stark, Santa Fe, NM


“It’s a really popular exhibit! Whenever I walk by there is always a crowd of people standing around the case.”

Samantha Stedford Pittsburgh International Airport

Communications Staff

Pittsburgh International Airport

Communications Staff

“I love it! Its very eye catching and interesting, I like the concept–- it’s very cute. It’s also really thought provoking; - it makes you think about all the things you can do with trash besides throw it away.”

Velma Babyak

Traveler at PIT

“The colors caught my eye so I walked over to look at the exhibit. I, it made me think about all the junk mail I get in the mail and where it ends up. It also gave me information on how to get less.”


Traveler at PIT

“I came over to look at the exhibit because my wife likes shoes. At a distance I just thought it was about shoes, but then when I got closer I could see that it was about recycling, creativity and what can be made with trash. It makes you think twice about all the stuff you have and what you can do with it besides throw themit away. I remembered the name Recycle Runway because it was cute!”

Bill and Gayle

Traveler at PIT

“I came over and looked at the exhibit because I saw “Recycle Runway” and I really like Project Runway so I was curious. This is great, really creative and I like that it is about the environment.”


Traveler at PIT

“It was the design, art, color shapes that attracted me at first and then I realized that it was about recycling and the environment.”

Barb Kuzman from Teacher, Nebraska

Traveler at PIT


“Your work on this exhibit was impeccable, we are proud to have sponsored such an innovative and well executed educational exhibit. We would like to consider sponsoring future displays.”

Regina Wheeler, Environmental

Manager, Los Alamos County

“This exhibit is delightful. More than that, it is hopeful.”, Albuquerque, NM

“I thought the Sunport Exhibit was sexy. Sexy and green go together!”

Greg Stark, Santa Fe, NM


“I watched people a they exited the lecture hall after your “Upcycled Style” talk. I saw refreshed and happy faces. The first words that came out of peoples months were: “incredible”, “amazing”, “awesome”! I truly feel that you connected with your audience and provided us with an experience, not just a lecture.”

Kristen Klein

Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts

“Wow!! Love the (TEDxABQ) talk! Very polished, interesting, thought provoking!”

Cathy Tyson-Foster

“Nancy presented SUCH a GREAT talk at TEDxABQ…she is an inspiration to us all to think more about what we throw away and how we can ALL do better by re-using and re-cycling our resources…”

Bill Garvey

“Nancy Judd of Recycle Runway is a great presenter. She is articulate, direct and clear in her communication style. Her program is a compelling one for youth, who are so environmentally aware and her presentation draws in adults who might have been skeptical about their interest in her work. I wholeheartedly recommend Nancy Judd and Recycle Runway.”

Aurelia Gomez, Director of Education

Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico


“ I was sitting in the back of the room watching the children and I have never seen them give so much attention to someone! Everyone had questions and comments!”

Christina Tafoya

Tutor at EJ Martinez Elementary, Santa Fe

“That was really cool, I just wanted to tell you, ”

I really, really like your presentation!”

Kids at EJ Martinez Elementary, Santa Fe

"She was fantastic, the kids couldn't believe it. They were interested in how she did it and what made her decide to do it. She kept their interest by involving them. It was unbelievable to see what she could do with things we just normally throw away."

Pat Bluett

Executive Director of the Duquesne-West Mifflin Boys & Girls Club

“I can’t believe it, I am just stupefied! It’s nice that the kids can participate in making the (Enviro-youth) dress because maybe one day it will be in a museum and they can look at it and say “I helped make that dress!” Whenever I think of recycling I will always think of you and your amazing dresses!”

Theresa Thomas

Parent of a child at the Duquesne, PA Boys and Girls Club

“I have no words for this- ; I’ve never seen anything like it! I went outside and just kept thinking about all those dresses made from Trash, I could not stop thinking about them!”


Parent of a child at the Duquesne, PA Boys and Girls Club

“You did GRRREAT, when are you coming back?”


Age 9 Shadyside Boys and Girls Club

“Some people would just think: “a dress like this is just junk, who cares?” but these dresses are just amazing! Keep on R, R and R’n!”

Vinny Manno, age 8

Shadyside Boys and Girls Club

Youth Questions and Comments from the presentations:

“What will happen to the animals when we cut down all the forests to make paper for junk mail?”

“Where does the coal come from to make the electricity?”

“How does the coal create pollution?”

“Is pollution worse for animals or people?”

“WOW, it takes a lot just to make a piece of paper!”

“I know that if we pollute the air it creates global warming and the oceans rise and the poplar bears and penguins die.”

Recycle Runway workshop at the University Mall in Chapel Hill, NC

“I was so positively impressed by your ability to relate so well to a wide variety of participants. You seemed calm and non-pressured and accepting of who showed up and how we accomplished what you needed. You gave so many options to stop and reroute if we needed to. I was amazed by your people skills! I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the workshop.”

Jody Cassell

“I’m delighted to have had the chance to take Nancy’s workshop. It gave me an opportunity to see how her concepts develop and how she creates a sense of community with workshop participants. I plan to follow her work online.”

Jane Bergman


Thank you again for your awesome presence at our teacher in-service. The teachers loved you! They found you inspiring and appreciate your wonderful sense of humor and magnificent artistry. I love working with you!

Aurelia Gomez, Director of Education

Museum of International Folk Art

Nancy Judd Recycle Runway 505-577-9712